1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Ganta
2. What Regiment are you applying for? : Medical
3. Why do you want to be a vice commander of this branch? : Simply put, I love Medical and I want it to grow. Medical is the first Battalion I’ve joined for my transfer over to Imperial and I’ve loved every second of it the people, the stuff you can come up with during check ups just everything I want to be able to help out more and try to get Medical to the best it can be.
4. How much game time do you have on the server? : 474 hours
5. What is the Main Purpose of a vice commander for a branch? : The main purpose of a vice commander of medical is to ensure everything is running smoothly, oversee sub-battalions and that Command Officers are doing their jobs correctly. That is the technical thing that I would normally say in reality I believe that yes a Medical Vice Commander does that but it’s more important to make sure people are having fun and enjoying the battalion and its sub-battalions. Really just make sure people want to be in Medical and stay in Medical. That is what I see the true main purpose of a Medical Vice Commander is to help people have fun with check ups, surgeries and experiments and just being in Medical as a whole.
6. Why should we trust you to be a vice commander? : I believe I should be trusted as a Vice Commander because I have been JMT and Event Team Leader on PoliceRP. That stuff doesn’t really mean that much to me about why I should be trusted though. I worked my way up through the ranks over at PoliceRP and made my way to Chief of Police which is a Grand Admiral Thrawn rank equivalent. I believe that I have been doing a good job as Colonel which I’ve had a lot of fun in and I want to help others to have as much fun as I had because at the end of the day this is a game and if you aren’t having fun there's not a point to playing it. Now of course not everythings gonna be fun but most of being in a battalion should be fun and people should enjoy it. I would bring up all the ranks I held in the past on PoliceRP but that would make this way too long. I do understand that I haven't been here very long but I wish to help out and let people have fun in Medical.
7. How often can you be Online? : Most days the time vary depending on anything I’m doing on whichever day
8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have 11 Total. 1 on Imperial. 10 on PoliceRP
PRP warns: 4x for FailRP, 2x for Stealing Gov Cars, 1x for Copbait, 1x for respawning with EMS, 1x for Staff Diss | RDM | LTAP
ImperialRP warn is 1 for FailRP
Only warn within 2 years is a PoliceRP warn for RDM which was on 11/16/2022.
All other warns are over 2 years ago.