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About Freedom

  • Birthday 05/19/2003

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  1. I have no clue how to start these things but the time has come to leave, I had so much fun while in purge and IQ but lately, it seemed more like a job than a game to get on the server and do Sims/Training. I want to thank everyone that allowed me to be in the position I was placed in and for all the memories I made within Purge. I also have some special mentions so ! Vertigo: does so much for the regiment but is still cringe Kashak: Hopefully you have fun building sofas n get senior cmdr! Ghost: Very chill dude get commander soon Azreal: Amazing person Biggus: I've known you since I started in purge, best of wishes Name: I never talked to you but you're probably pretty chill Dragon: Deserved on getting second sister congrats Kev: ty for making me purge vcmdr ! Sorry if your name isnt here!
  2. If you spent more effort into this application it would easily be a +support
  3. The ban was deserved, just learn from it if you want to take the server seriously. I understand fun but having fun at others expenses and violating the servers rules are not taken lightly and are/should not be broken by anyone.
  4. good luck honestly would make a great GM!
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