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Everything posted by PryingTree

  1. Damn a month already? I plan on doing a lot more on the server and you should be expecting me on a lot. My goal is to get CMD in Nu7 and admin in staff and maybe higher. I shall stay for at least a year if not more.
  2. are you done playing your switch or are ya still on it to this day
  3. Name: PryingTree Ranks: CI Military RCT, Medical SFM, Maintenance MJ, Nu7 PFC. Branches: CI Military, Medical, Maintenance, Nu7. Length: 7/2/2021, 7/9/2021 Reason: Stuff I have to attend Note: Sometimes I will go on discord if you need me.
  4. "Why are you so sussy?" "sussy backa" "wat da dog doing" "GENSEC Sucks" "RDMRDMRDMRDMRDM" "SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH" "nerd" "your getting a blacklist from security" "your dad" "fix your aim!" "bro you need training for your aim" "crossfire" " someone goomba stomped me" "lemur" "crossfire" "UwU CI Raid" "Bannedbannedbanned, see you on the forums kid" *Any question during the beginning of quota week* "Make a sit." "What code is it?" "Butta dog, dog wit da butta." "Anybody else lagging?" "BRO HE LITERALLY HAS ZJ AIM!" "OMG THEY'RE METAGAMING!" "WHY DID THEY CALL THERMALS!?!?!?!?" "WAIT YOUR NLR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "FEARRP FEARRP FEARRP!!!!" "WHY DID YOU NOT STRIP HIM!" "HOW DID PROTEGE GET CAPTURED AGAIN!" "LOKI SIMPS FOR PEGGU LOL!" "ZJ Moment" "Can I kill the d-class that are being rude?" "bro yall need some trigger discipline"
  5. Ew no thats why I joined Nu7 you have more freedom and can do more things like being able to go in the whole site unlike wardens where you can only be in LCZ unless you have perms to go elsewhere not only that but Nu7 has amazing sub branches like FE and TRT and for TRT you go zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom and for FE it is basically just stealing maintenances job, you also have people with Gatling guns.
  6. thank you nova, have fun on security
  7. yes yes ik immature stfu
  8. I am sorry, it was a nice run. Name: SEC FTO SM PryingTree Rank: FTO SM SteamID(If Resigning): STEAM_0:0:114592179 What needs to be updated?: Remove me from roster What is the new entry needed?: Resignation Whitelists needed taken away: LCPL CPL Junior NCO Senior NCO K9 FTO Sniper Riot Control Reason for resigning: I am not leaving because I didn't get command. But there is a few things. Number one, All you do all day is stand at a barricade and watch orange suits break the rules and fight CI sometimes. Number two, I have hit the limit of getting promoted and after a while it is gonna get boring because I can't strive for a goal except CMD, and I don't wanna be CMD, I rather be CMD in my new goal for Nu7. Number three, there is to many cons than there are pros, these include having to yell crossfire every minute, people not doing there jobs and literally let D-class go through and no one even shot a bullet not even a CMD member, EXT. idk tbh overall I am just getting bored of gensec and disliking it. It was a fun ride while it lasted for a month but I don't wanna be in gensec anymore. Sorry NOTES: I will stay OFC but I want to be on a perma DNP but that doesn't mean I am gonna be active for it. Also if I get 15 yes's then I will come back.
  9. well I am a +/- support this is the reason for my -support this is my +support
  10. +/- support As much as I LOVE the kriss vector, it is only accessible to CC's. And it doesn't need a BIG damage upgrade because the fire rate is FAST AS F*CK and the stability is AMAZING. (I don't own a CC but rang has gave me a kriss vector as a box)
  11. PryingTree


    I downvoted because rektify ew
  12. MASSIVE +SUPPORT It is always annoying to scroll down just to find it everytime you are trying to do your crewmate tasks. Also new people that just joined the server don't know what to do when they call a sit for something that isnt a player report. For example you need XP but don't know what to do when you are forced to choose a player and don't know the "other" even exists. It Is just a large inconvenience to maintenance, D-class, and Researchers when they have to scroll all the way down, mostly with 100+ players on and it can be easily fixed.
  13. 1. What is your in-game name?: PryingTree 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:114592179 3. Current Rank in Security: FTO SM 4. Time on the server: 2 weeks and some days 5. Current level: lvl 55 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 8/10 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: 0 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: SEC SFTO 1LT Assassin and SEC SFTO 2LT AsheFox 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes 10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): Mostly because I have seen A LOT of riots and a lot of things that could have either been prevented by someone with a better loud out and more HP/Armor and I think that if someone could have that privilege it would be me, mostly because of my activity and I am on at night, and when it is night all hell breaks loose and there is mostly only 3 enlisted and me. We need support but everyone is AFK or not online, but with me having a juggernaut could better our chances in retaking D-block or recontain SCPs. Oh wait... I forgot to mention the SCP part, when there are CI raids or it is self breach our all the SCPs are loose and no one can help stop them, mostly when it comes to 939 and 682, since it is only enlisted and maybe NCOs there is no one that can tranq that isn't MTF that is AFK at night. Not only that but with a machine gun that can mow down god himself I can tranq 682 or 939. What I am saying in short is that the reason why I want juggernaut is to better control LCZ. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: The CZ 75 because it is the most accurate in the load out.
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