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Theta last won the day on June 6 2023

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About Theta

  • Birthday 03/22/2002

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  1. i've seen better plots from rose's lois griffith suprise bombing events
  2. literally did nothing wrong. lmfao. 1984.
  3. + Support Peter is a kind heart and meant no harm free him
  4. so true bestie <333 happy trails
  5. Your wisdom has always been infallible and invaluable to me. You’ve helped me to understand things in new perspectives, both in game and out. You’ll forever hold my respect. Roleplay will never be the same without you. The end is nigh. Welcome to RP Hospice, Bear is saving some prune juice and bingo cards for you
  6. + Support I was one of the removed staff and I felt a little betrayed in the situation. Bub was present during the whole issue with Pixelcat and was in TeamSpeak with myself and JackForPrez (The other removed staff), as well as protecting JackForPrez in game. Even going as far as murdering an SF Pilot when someone tried to RDM him and he survived. He claimed to me (in front of Head Admins Bon and Rux) that he didn't pay attention the whole time. Bullshit. I asked him if I should mute someone who was going off in chat during it all and he replied to me, theres no way his claim of not knowing holds up. I linked PixelCat's video. Keep in mind, when you see a Dark Trooper- its Bub (Head of Staff btw). Also would like to point out that most RDMs shown and ones that happened, occurred before I was roped into PixelCat's shenanigans. That, and I have ALWAYS been told that if you get roped into his antics, to go along with it. I don't show up until 9:35, after which : 14 RDMs occur (MYSELF BEING TWO) none of which are committed by me. I even menionted ON VIDEO (13:55) that we aren't supposed to be RDMing Pykes. 9:16 - He can be seen firing his Turbolaser Tool out of Deep Bridge 9:22- Standing in the aftermath of Pixel and Krennic's carnage 9:46- Gaurding in a new position than before 10:00- I get roped in 10:56- Bub uses his toolgun to force a Naval from Bridge and assist in the plan from Pixel and Jack 11:53- still on bridge 12:38- literally moving around on bridge. NOT AFK. 13:43- on screen, MOVING on Tatooine during 2 RDMs 14:21- Standing in a new spot next to someone who got RDM'd 15:24- Talks (If you know Bub, his voice is distinguishable.) clearly. In case you were doubting the Dark Trooper was him. He also proceeds to noclip without cloaking and phys gun a transport tank across space. 16:28- Talking again after witnessing SIX RDMs in the course of a minute, and ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO DO IT AGAIN. 16:39- I talk to IC and attempt to (through RP) put an end to things and tell them Krennic's gone mad with power. 16:54- Bub walking around with toolgun in godmode, firing massive barrages of turbolasers using the turbolaser tool. Afterwards, I was told I was removed for being there and taking part, despite me not having RDM'd anyone (something I do not believe SMT bothered to check before removing me. The most basic thing- checking logs.) and for not putting a stop to it. How am I meant to put a stop (I was Senior Admin) to 2 people with JMT powers (Jack and Pixel) whilst the HEAD OF STAFF is present throughout the whole thing and facitilitating and supporting it and he does not put a stop to it. I even tried to end it through RP, and in the end I was burned regardless, over an advert I made in RP. I don't want to be reinstated, I never have since my removal. But Bub should be held to the same standard I was, especially given his actions were far more abusive and agregious than my own. Stuff like this is why the Imperial Staff team is shrinking. I always gave my duties as Staff (and Senior Forums Diplomat) great attention and care. To be removed while AFK, without even checking logs or asking for my side of things or involvement and using an advert (adverts don't kill people) as the basis of that, cut and hurt me deeply and led to my eventual resignation from High Command (another rapidly shrinking yet essential part of the community). It reduced my motivation tenfold and hurt my drive significantly, especially when the rash decision was handed down by people I respected and thought had come to respect me (it's clear to me that respect I thought I had was absent). As long as things like this are allowed to slide, your veteran playes like myself who have played for years will be driven away, and less people will want to play the server.
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