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Everything posted by Bulborb

  1. 610 is one of the hardest SCP's to contain after being breached
  2. +Support Bro needs to be promoted to head of security, he stopped all d-class from escaping
  3. +Support Banning someone permanently just for using a voice changer is ridiculous.
  4. +/- Support -Very active -Was a good CMD In RnD. -Only has been in medical for 2 weeks which is not that long
  5. Also a 8286 main making him an impostor not a spy
  6. In Game Name: Bulborb Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:539418347 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Engineer Current RP Ranks Held: Maintenance: Maintenance Manager How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 2 Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I’ve been on the server for a pretty long time and I would like to see the RP RRH provides and how it feels to be a redacted personnel. I’ve been in almost every branch excluding Delta 5 and RRH before. And I’ve enjoyed every branches unique RP situations and got a feel for each branch, and I find it interesting how some branches could take a little bit of another branches RP and put it into there's. I would also like to find out how I would be able to help the site in any way possible. could I set up a trap for a massive group of CI, or set up some defenses to hold them back? Or could I be helping the site with a highly dangerous unknown anomaly? I would like to see what I could do on RRH. Why should we accept you: I think you should accept me since I can be very active on the server during weekends and breaks, I get on nearly everyday so I would be able to get of RRH whenever told too, I am a command in maintenance, and the head of HLPR Bot. Though I seem very mingy, I can be serious at times and actually RP pretty well. I spent the first few months on the server playing on research and RnD. I would say I’m decent in combat however I mostly like long range weapons. In combat I can act fairly smart, knowing when the time is right to strike at some GOI’s, or what to do in many situations. Thank you for your time - Bulborb.
  7. I knew CyClone was a menace as soon as I heard his god damn name
  8. Bro at the start someone says "63 players" and you both roll a 63 wow
  9. Bulborb


    nah you imagining shit
  10. I never really interacted with you but I still remember you
  11. Bulborb


    Ayo ERP? Could be added to the sex update
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