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SnarledBison last won the day on October 12 2021

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  1. +Support It was 1 racist meme months ago I see no reason not to unban him.
  2. How? CCs can have guns in the armory does that mean they wasted their money just because you can buy it from the armory? +Support Its just better for everyone overall who escapes to surface and just wants to mine.
  3. +Support I dont get why people keep saying it absurd to balance time. If the player wants to try to balance it let them, they know their own limits and if they ever go inactive on one just remove them. The life limit so far just keeps people from experiencing branches that they may want to join but it take a life immediately such as CI and Nu7.
  4. He also moves considerably more slowly. As well 106 is already easily contained with a femur, all you gotta do is attempt to get a class d and if that fails just throw one of the many Nu7 in. Not only that but 682s breach time is 20 minutes and he is one of the most dangerous SCPs on site.
  5. It already takes 20 minutes to breach with 4 warnings. You want it to take 30 minutes with 6 warnings?
  6. Gotta love some Green Day.
  7. If you look in the original post I did mention that it would only be required if its code blue and yellow.
  8. So you're saying forcing RP on people who are in SCP roleplay server is too far? This server has too many just shoot them things. People will never start to RP if we just keep them like this and never enforce anything. The problem is its always easier to just shoot so if we just encourage it people will always look for a way around to just shoot them all.
  9. If its encouraged the problem will always be "why take them back, when it would be faster to shoot them". People would never attempt to do anything because it'd be slower.
  10. +Support Would require a map update though but it isnt that bad.
  11. What are you suggesting? - If a Class-D is unarmed and not running require security to cuff them and bring them back to D-Block if it code Blue or Yellow. They can even have them brought to medical to be amnestied if they seen some SCPs they were supposed to yet. How would this change better the server? - It would provide more RP instead of security just gunning down an obvious class-d standing still and harming no one. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Some class-d may use this to their advantage and try to shoot security who arrest and it will also make bringing class-d back into d-block harder. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Class-D
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