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Everything posted by STONKSMAN

  1. damn... everyone is resigning... im losing my friends around 3 a day!!! please before you resign just flick back through your memories on the server and enjoy them, just give it a second thought before you post the resignition... think about your friends, they still want you around, they still enjoy your company, just because others resign doesnt mean you have to, dont feel forced to resign, just give it some thought please! im all cried out for the friends who have already left me, its hard when people you become to close to suddenly stop existing... it hurts when others resign, if anything just take an extended LOA, thats what loa's exist for, if your burnt out or frustrated take a long loa for a break and some time to think and relax
  2. poke.... fuck man, why do i cry so easily, i know your gonna laugh at the fact im tearing up rn but i have my reasons. since i first joined maintenance you were one of the only people who actually reasoned with me and understood me along with a few others, we were really close friends and i had some of the most fun times with you and aussie, you made utility that little extra everyday....... fuck poke, i hate that you are leaving but your mother needs you, and i respect this choice to help your mom, i would do the same. im gonna miss you poke, please come back sometime in the future, cant imagine what day to day life will be like without hearing the high pitched rule breaking voice.... "dude, you litterally just broke rule 67-a of the motd, like... seriously dude im calling an administrator" this is goodbye poke, i hope not for too long. please come back as soon as you can poke, i dont wanna start getting bored everyday, minge buddy please do come back, i beg of you. fuck i hate when friends like you are forced to leave. godspeed buddy, you will be missed greatly poke please add me on steam so we can keep in touch, and dont forget about me steam: [GL]britishmarksman1304
  3. +support my reasoning 1. a shit ton of experience 2. 0 warns 3. great guy 4. decent application HOWEVER concerns 1. the scenario questions both have very little content or explanation 2. in this case its entirely your choice, however usually when a user doesnt care they are being punished it can show that they are a troll, and simply intend to break rules the moment the sit ends, for this i would double check with them if they seriously dont care and make them aware that saying this sort of thing will lead to more punishment, if they confirm that they do not care then the best choice of action is to end the sit and return them and get someone to spectate them for 5minutes or so, because chances are they will break a lot of rules in that 5minute timeframe
  4. +support my reasoning 1. past experience 2. only 2 warns 3. ET 4. former medical command 5. knows their way around the ulx commands concerns 1. ARDM, RDM warns 2. the "why do you want to be staff" question seems slightly rushed 3. you can issue the warning yourself so that the admin+ can file the ban on your behalf, you are able to warn but not ban
  5. ok so, this may start controversy but +support my reasoning 1. lots of experience as staff 2. been in the community longer then i have 3. positive views from the community 4. yes there are 33warns! but... people can change, and i personally havent heard any bad about weeb, plus these warns are from a while back 5. decent application, edited however concerns 1. you said you usually stop at moderator, we like our staff to excel and so sticking at moderator could be an issue 2. the amount of warns worries me slightly 3. you are known to minge, and with staff powers this can be deadly for the community other then that, i believe weeb COULD fit the tmod role sufficiently and do a good job, but would need to be kept an eye on considering the amount of warns
  6. +support i have recieved multiple reports on jackcat for minging on staff, abusing staff powers and failing to take sits while being on duty, this is a +support from me as i can see very clearly abuse of powers offduty, something needs to change here
  7. anyday, anytime, anyplace... im sure my eyes would be sore after. but hey ho, its worth it for the bread
  8. Copy of Copy of Copy of RND Test Format.pdf
  9. Copy of RND Interrogation log Format.pdf
  10. +support bullborb always funny minge when i see them
  11. +support oh god this is a lot of OS applications, goodluck buddy
  12. +support mans bouta steal my spot on OS but fr, you deserve it buddy, you should have the chance after being ME for this long! goodluck soilder! god speed o7
  13. o7 bread, you will be missed dearly, you were my first warn lmao, and I still love ya for that! memories from you are far and wide... ill miss you a lot buddy... hope to see you around soon
  14. +support ok so, as stated above autism is no excuse for these actions, I myself have issues that I would rather not discuss however I am 100% open about the fact that I do have autism, maybe not as intense as others but its there, but as I said, I would never use my issues as reasons, you were banned quite some time ago and so I believe since you chose to come back you have had a very VERY fair amount of time to think about your choices, so I believe you deserve a chance to prove yourself
  15. +support as of now from my understanding of the issue the discord account was indeed hacked, and as stated by users above this person spent 2hours+ deleting all the DM's and so i believe the honesty is here, i think the next course of action would be to set up TFA (two factor authentication) on your discord account and then get unbanned and return to the server
  16. so for me here's my little story of how I got my first warn. so, I had just bought gold, my first dono rank, and I was having fun with the new shit, spawning props and whatnot, I was at the time an E11 Ranger and I was minging around with skela in hcz in site 10. skela had the proton cannon equipped and so as a joke I kept spawning like 2 toilets at a time on skelas head and chanting "poopyhead" unfortunately for me bread was actively on the prop spawning logs and so without notifying me I instantly received a warn from bread for prop spam... skela stopped and said "hang on, that guy who just got a warn, isn't he in e11 and here rn?" I stayed silent as I was pretty embarrassed lmao
  17. ok so.... you might have gotten me good here......... i will hath revenge
  18. nice name change, im liking it bubba
  19. so the HLPR Bot Alpha's model has a massive hitbox now for no reason me and thegaminggoat tested multiple weapons and found that while modeled as the HLPR bot you will recieve damage when you stand next to anyone who is shooting this is a fairly large issue that i have died to countless times now, accidental friendly fire
  20. In-Game Name: STONKSMAN Steam Name: BritishMarksman#1304 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:578204988 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Admin SCP-RP How often are you online on the forums? Daily Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? i believe i am qualified for this role as i can be very mature whenever needed to be and can make justified choices and actions. i can respond very quickly when called upon and know right from wrong. i never make a decision without a hard thought process and making sure that my judgement is correct. i am a very friendly person who is always open for conversation and i always try my best to make others days better then my own. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? i do, as an example, i had a person on the gaming light scp:rp server whom i had known for a long time, this person had described multiple learning difficulties and other notes. after a long situation with another user on the server i was under the pressure of a hard choice, i could rather let the offender of with a warning, which would place them on their 39th warn, or issue a permanent ban as the person had been in 4other sits that day. i made the choice and went for a permanent ban since i knew deep down that the offender would not change there ways and when they found that they are on their last warning i know this person would have chosen to go out with a bang, so instead of risking this person making worse choices and potentially risking the other users of the server i issued the permanent ban that day. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? i would mute the user and message them in DM's questioning why they had begun to spam, if i get no answer or the user doesnt wish to speak, or i am disrespected in DM's the user would be banned from the server or platform. if the user is willing to comply and explain the issue i would look further into it and attempt to come to a resolve, however i would still issue a warning for the spam. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? in the warning appeal if two users are arguing i would reply to both users and state that if this argument continues they will both be recieving a second warning, if its goes too far i would close the topic. however if i can get both users to calm down and explain there side to me then we can go from there with any punishment required or none at all depending on the situation
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