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Ashe Fox

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Everything posted by Ashe Fox

  1. +/- Support So i support map rotations I dont support voting for them
  2. not gonna minus or plus support, just gonna say: Double click mouse 1 to unsafety your gun without having to hit ctrl + e + r or whatever the bind is, problem solved
  3. You can literally craft a Mag-7 which is a 6 shot shotgun, i dont see how that takes away the point of mining
  4. What are you suggesting? - This suggestion is kind of 2 in 1. For one I want every single rust weapon added to the CC weapon list with restrictions being decided by SMT (Just would be nice to be able to put rust weapons on CC's) And part 2 is I want the eoka to be allowed to be put on D class CC's. How would this change better the server? - D class CC's currently have no option for shotguns, and the eoka could be a fun addition to be allowed for them, it only has 1 shot so it wouldn't be extremely OP and would follow the theme of current d class weapons that are allowed. D class already are allowed to have a single shot sniper, so a single shot shotgun wouldn't be the end of the world. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Harder for gensec to hold d block maybe? Though the new map heavily favors them, so giving d class this wouldn't be that big of a deal. Who would this change mostly benefit? - D class CC's Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  5. What are you suggesting? - Let players buy into a custom weapon skin that already exist with the owners permission similar to death cards and CC’s. I’d wanna see like 5-10 slots allowed for a skin for like 10 dollars a slot. How would this change better the server? - lets people who want a cool custom skin get one for cheaper if they can’t afford to make their own which means more donations for the server overall. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - no Who would this change mostly benefit? - everyone Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  6. In game name: Ashe SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56569170 Name of Skin: Flower Power Imgur link to the GIF/PNG of material/skin: https://imgur.com/a/3ZCEpVZ Proof of purchase:
  7. +Support He is a pillar of our community...
  8. +/- Support Personally i love 280 as a SCP and love his design and gimicks. And i do believe a swep with better hit reg is needed. But lowering level requirement is a bad idea in my opinion, is swep is VERY abusable, letting you teleport as much as you want. This would allow any minge to tp out of their CC the moment they spawn and mass kill people anywhere on the map, which is why the level requirement is so high.
  9. -support I’m kinda confused by this, you want it to be a rule that the class can’t put mines in a good spot to put mines…? So are we just supposed to ban every viable location or?
  10. Truly the update log of all time
  11. Massive +Support D class need a actual reason to play again, having one exit on a elevated platform is just not fair at all for Class-D lol...
  12. Absolutely massive -Support To say this "benefits" Security is funny AF first of all, if D class don't riot they have almost nothing to do half the time. As well as this, people take class-D for granted, I dunno if yall realize but if you just keep nerfing d class literally no one is gonna play it ever lmao. People play class D to riot, that is the bottom line tbh, and it is securities job to prevent this to allow research and MTF to do their jobs. The fact security is incapable of doing this so that they need to keep nerfing class D is pretty funny. Also security peace keeper exist, which can literally force class D to do test/be fed to SCP's by stunning them and cuffing them which would be fail RP if they leave at that point. As well as the fact fear RP'ing D class exist. Sec doesn't need more crutches.
  13. What? Im not saying remove sprinting lol... also pretty sure 90% of the SCP's on the server move at the exact same speed as humans or slower so im kinda confused by this
  14. What are you suggesting? - Add a system into the server to add stamina as a mechanic. How would this change better the server? - A mechanic that the server lacks in my opinion is a proper stamina system. Stamina would be drained by sprinting, or by jumping. This would do a variety of things such as make combat more fun by having to consider how much stamina you have left to run around and the need to conserve it. It also would be a VERY MUCH needed buff to SCP's like 106 or 049 (and every SCP in general) that wouldn't let you run away from them forever. Obviously some jobs should be excluded from having stamina such as SCP's and maybe D5 raptors and any other speed classes. Having jumping take stamina would remove the current annoying meta of spam jumping and fucking up your hit boxes, allowing for a more fun combat experience. Finally, having a stamina system could let branches experiment with letting certain jobs have more or less stamina depending on their role (Example: juggernauts having less total stamina, but letting maintenance have extra stamina) Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Would take time for SMT to code i guess, would shake up combat a lot and people wont like that obviously, but i think people can and will adapt. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  15. +Support I dont usually support "Revert back to this!" suggestions, but this map is just not what GL is, it doesn't follow the formula of literally every map before it which makes it just not work. We are a semi serious community playing on what feels like a serious SCP RP map and it just feels wrong. To add onto this, this isn't just old players being angry at change. Obviously every map change people will be angry. But I am seeing BRAND NEW players join the server and saying "what the fuck is going on" and instantly quitting, not even lasting 5 minutes in this d block. If brand new players are being drove away by it, maybe this map is just uh not good. EDIT: Best solution would just be to go back to site-13, let them develop the map, then actually release it when its better.
  16. +Support More guns = more fun Though lets be honest everyones still only gonna buy the G3SG1 and the AWP
  17. This offer is now closed, thanks for everyone who msged me
  18. Important: Post edited to respond to criticisms replied with so far, please read the edit before responding with comments.
  19. Joining event team can be a responsibility lots of players dont have the time for, or just are not interested in. It involves quotas and requirements which not every player wants to have. Or they might just not wanna host events.
  20. What are you suggesting? - Add a way to send in a application to have a toolgun on your person at all times while on the server without being staff/ET. How would this change better the server? - Before mass downvoting this hear me out. Toolguns in my opinion are a vital part of Gmod and building in this game. Currently, toolguns are restricted to those that have staff ranks, which makes sense but poses a massive issue. Members of maintenance, of command, ect. who want to do cool builds for RP reasons or for PT's are required to annoy a member of ET every single time. So this begs the question, how do we make a process that allows for non staff to use tool guns? Obviously there is a current solution, in which ET can give you a tool gun if they watch you use it the entire time, but in my opinion this defeats the purpose. So my personal requirements would be this for obtaining a tool gun: Either Junior command+ in any branch OR a member of senior enlisted within maintenance would be required to even file the application. Then obviously a written part explaining why they need the tool gun and must provide proper reasons for needing it. Obviously the reputation and warning history of the user would be taken into account as well. Finally, I would recommend restricting the tool gun on d class (kinda like the riot shield, longbow, ect.) as d class have no reason to use it, as well as maybe restricting it on any job that isn't maintenance or a command job. Obviously if someone abuses it, take it away and put them on a blacklist for applying again. (Sidenote: This could also be implemented as a new package on the store for a lot of credits, and could still be taken away with no refund. This would incentives people to not abuse it so they don't waste money. Though this idea is not the main suggestion and just a alternative) Here's a format I thought of that could give a example of what I mean - Name: SteamID: Current RP ranks (Must be JCMD+ or Senior maintenance enlisted to apply) : Playtime: Warns (Send a screenshot) Explain each warn (If you have any) Why do you need a tool gun? (150+ words): Why should you be trusted with a tool gun? (100+ words): Give some examples of what you would use a tool gun for: Do you understand this can be taken away at any time, for any reason?: Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Ill be honest, this is a very risky thing to allow, and A LOT could go wrong with it. Players could abuse it and use it to cause server crashes, which is why I stated above this should be a heavily monitored and screened application process to help minimize abuse of the tool gun. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A If anyone has any further questions just ask and I’ll answer them in the comments, or if you have any ideas you wanna add to this, thank you! Edit 1: To address the widely posted criticism of “just join event team” I have a few counter points. 1. Simple fact is, people do not join event team JUST to get a tool gun on every class, to imply that is just silly and bad faith tbh. 2. ET has ALOT of responsibility and A LOT more power then just a simple tool gun, to compare a application to have a heavily restricted tool gun, to one of the most powerful ULX ranks on the server is just silly. 3. Sure, joining ET can give you a tool gun, but does your average person who wants a tool gun for RP reason want to host events and be required to meet quotas? Probably not I’d assume (Source: I’ve talked to a lot of people in TS about this, and they don’t wanna join ET just to get a tool gun but still want one) 4. If people want a tool gun, and wanna host events, then they are free to do so still! This would be a nice alternative for those who don’t wanna commit time to being in ET!
  21. What are you suggesting? - Add a NLR timer to d class cc's that displays 1 minute. How would this change better the server? - Would just be a QOL change for anyone who plays on d class CC's. As it stands it's the only job type that for some reason doesn't have the timer, and would just make life a lot easier instead of having to guess how long 1 minute is. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Who would this change mostly benefit? - D class CC's Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
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