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not ben

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Everything posted by not ben

  1. Bet, GL keeps me sane during school year
  2. I dont think its possible to get the bus driver job at all anymore so RIP
  3. -Support FOLLOW FORMAT Argued in OOC and called staff transphobic Valid Ban in my opinion
  4. I've been playing gaminglight for nearly a year now and its crazy to think how much things have changed. Although i"ve played on several different gaminglight servers over this year it begun and will end here, on prp. My journey in GL thus far has been filled with ups and downs, Laughing to death and crying sadly, but its always come out somewhat positive. This community has always been so nice and inviting to me. Thx to those who helped me on my way also RIP CWLRP 2020-2021 it will forever be remembered by those who loved it
  5. RIP One of the best crime familys ive ever seen. THx for all the crime you did
  6. +Support Active Good Dude Knows Da rules Good Luck King!
  7. Im looking for a gov CC that has a spot I can join. Anyone have one?
  8. Stinky poopoo Denied lolooolololololololol
  9. GYIHUOIGHNWUGU)*WGIOHRUWOE I am now broke but it is very epic
  11. Time to feed my gambling addiction from cwlrp and imperial rp.
  12. Honestly i've just lost the want to play on prp and its feeling more and more like i'm forcing myself to play the game. Due to this and some personal reasons I will be officially retiring from FBI and DEA. I've had nothing but good times in FBI and DEA, and that's thanks to all you lovely agents out there. Here's some people who deserve mention Dr Duck- Poop man. Trained me for everything in FBI and DEA. Always fun to be around. I know you'll continue to do good for DEA when i'm gone. One of the best people i knew in DEA PvpSavage- Pretty cool command although is annoying in TS. DEA Command, present and future- Keep the branch going, never give up and always, ALWAYS have fun :). FBI Command - The best command on the server? An amazing group of people who never fail to do an awesome job. And to everyone I didn't mention, good luck with all you do. I might return someday after I get my life sorted and become re interested with police rp, maybe not, but at the very least ill pop in TS every now and then to say hi. Ill see you guys at the meetings tomorrow but otherwise... This is FBI SAIC SAF1 and DEA DA 1V04 Signing off, Ill miss all of you. Its been one hell of a ride.
  13. +Support 20 Warns 20 Chances 20 Choices to break the rules
  14. + Support 20 Warns 20 chances to follow the rules 20 choices not too
  15. + Support Good job being honest
  16. + Support 10 warns 10 chances 10 choices to break the rules
  17. I have one, its kinda garbage tho only negev and glock
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