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Kieran ♡

Senior Moderator
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Posts posted by Kieran ♡

  1. 3 hours ago, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:

    This can definitely be annoying though, I would prefer to see the emergency lights kick on, after every system has been shut off, Havoc sometimes turn off the power for RP, So having lights go on and off every time that happens is annoying, Personally I think they should kick on after every system has been shut off, Including Shields, & Engines. 

    This would be sick, I feel this is the best process as yes, We do turn some off *sometimes*, As well as the casual minge gets in there, A cooldown to turn it off wouldn't be a good idea though.

  2. On 4/27/2021 at 4:58 PM, Donald Duck said:


    - Well Known in the Server.

    - Trusted as a MAJ in IF

    - Very Good Event Ideas and Knows how to use ULX and is Familiar with it.

    - Knows Lore and is Dedicated to the Server.


    I like this guy.

  3. What do you want to see?:
    On each map rota we implement a new selection of models & remove the previous implementation'(s).

    Why should we add it?:
    I believe this implementation would stop the repetition of Events & Give Gamemasters like myself more Items to work with, As well as not bore out the Community with the same type.

    What are the advantages of having this?:
    Possibility to stop the complaints of boredom or repetition, 
    Improve the Creativity of Gamemasters, 
    Little to no change in space taken up,
    Keeps the Storage taken down!,

    Who is it mainly for?:
    Gamemasters & The Community.

    Links to any content:


  4. 1 hour ago, River said:

     - Support 

     Doxxing on a server is never allowed on any server also it's something that has to be reported to people IRL. So overall the ban should stay and not be lifted 


  5. In-game name:
    Havoc Commander Kieran 4132


    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP:
    Havoc Commander | [ Army Command ] 

    Have you donated to the server?:

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?:

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?:

    2 Warnings ;

    1 for Exploiting on Imperial-RP,
    1 for NLR on Jedi vs Sith,


    How much time do you have on the server?:
    7 Weeks.

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain:
    I know the Star-Wars RP Lore practically in & out, Watched all movies & read most scriptures / books [ 🤓 ],
    As well as different time-lines.

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?:
    Practically to sort out the current issue of little to no Gamemasters during the times of which I play, Being British n all,
    As-well as the most recent issue which I have personally experienced first hand of Gamemasters not doing what you ask, 
    Assist Emily & Milford as well as the Senior-GM's in holding big events & off-maps. 

    For Ex. - I want a TL-50 for all Players & 500 HP 0 Armour, *Gives* ; TL-50 750 HP 120 Armour.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?:

    I should be trusted with this rank for the following reasons ; 

    I am a Ex-Senior Moderator within the Imperial-RP Side, 
    I am a Ex-Moderator from SCP-RP,
    Former Senior-Chat Moderator from Rust, 
    I have held & maintained 3 different stages of Command, That being Vice-Sovereign, 31st Command & Havoc Command.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?:
    I very well am.

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?:

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: 
    On-ship :
    A on-ship event usually consists of a group of rebels and/or hostage entering the ship, a small bit of roleplay carries out then a group of rebels / Enemies will invade the ship in a small / large scale takeover, 

    Off Ship : 
    Usually consists of either collection of data, or attack on a rebel / opposing enemy base, These tend to be larger scale to which vehicles or any other experimental can be utilised for better combat / fun. 

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example):
    Yes ;

    Myself - !give ^ rw_sw_dc15a_purge 
    Another player [Directly] - !give @ rw_sw_dc15a_purge 
    Another player [By Name] - !give "Havoc Commander Kieran 4132" rw_sw_dc15a_purge


    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example):
    !model ^ models/gaminglight_admin.mdl
    !model @ models/gaminglight_admin.mdl
    !model "name" models/gaminglight_admin.mdl

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?:

  6. 5 hours ago, jensonbarnes said:

    This Report Is 100% True as i got sent evidence that u did this, and you threatened to remove his shock whitelist? and said u cant give it back in pms 
    And Then after this report was made you said you did it by mistake? regardless if it was a mistake or not u could've just given it back but no, you proceeded to pm him


    With the image he sent which is this ^^^^ So None the less action's should be taken.

    Clear Evidence provided against the point he made saying it was a mistake,
    You fucked up bro. Just admit it.

  7. 16 hours ago, milford said:


    We have GMs for that, if you're bored make a sit and try to get a GM to assist you. If there are none on then you just gotta wait.

    Plus Rebel ships spawning constantly doesn't make sense for RP. We usually only have conflict when Rebel forces are actually in our airspace, it's not just a constant thing.

    Just ask a GM to do it, Cause they can.

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