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Kieran ♡

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Posts posted by Kieran ♡

  1. On 4/4/2021 at 2:55 PM, MrJaeger said:

    +/- Support
    -Dont know what time zone you are on but havoc pretty active.
    -Dont see you on much tbh
    -Serious and helpful 
    - okay application I guess 

    Didn't know my battalion was in-active cause like... We had 11 on yesterday,
    Last time I checked it's more Active than most other Army battalions at this current period.

    Right Now

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  2. If you have any specific questions, I know that our Command Team will be willing to respond to them, 
    If you have anything you'd like to ask right now, I can respond. 

    "receive 400 credits an hour and only receive 200 an hour" - This is highly dependant on the Job you play, It can increase/decrease on the Job. 

    Whilst I do agree, It should be listed within the donation store, I also feel it has a common sense aspect, For instance, How would you be able to have that weapon & gun without training ect... - You get my point, 


  3. 42 minutes ago, milford said:


    - Admitted to shooting people

    - Even if your game is laggy that doesn't excuse you from MRDM

    If what Emily said is right it looks pretty bad on you, if it was during her Event then you should know better than to be shooting troopers. IMO ban seems valid.

    For real.

  4. On 3/30/2021 at 4:16 PM, The Ky said:

    Very Nice person talk to
    -Interested in havoc often coming to EC check how everything doing and asking question
    -Would be a perfect for the position 

    Has been speaking to me about Havoc, Questions & More, 
    Very interesting guy and a excellent candidate.

  5. +Support

    - Mahoogly has been here since the first Command of Havoc [ Which was Me & Alex ], He has slowly risen the ranks & well deserves to progress further, 
    - His skills for which he has been given show formidable effort of which we want from a Command member, 
    - Has helped Havoc at it's lowest, Which I greatly appreciate, 

    - Great candidate & I look forward to working with you at a later stage,

    - Kieran

  6. On 3/21/2021 at 7:16 PM, milford said:


    - Helpful for battalions

    - Increase in communication

    - No downsides

    If this could be implemented it would be amazing for regiments to communicate quick and effectively


    I would love to be able to communicate to my battalion through group chat, Instead of /comms.
    It just clutters chat un-necessarily, very annoying :l

  7. @Bobafett3999- Please provide Evidence of LTAP & I will change it, However for now...


    - No Evidence of LTAP provided,
    - KTAP is a Warn, Not a Bannable Offense,
    - You said in the clip after one KTAP, That it's "Bannable" - That's just false information...


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