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Kieran ♡

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Posts posted by Kieran ♡

  1. 1 hour ago, Ghoul said:

    -Has taken many LOA's
    -Was recently striked for speaking in bunks when was warned two times to stop
    -Not fit for a command position


    11 minutes ago, Kev said:

    Don't take this personally but you have tried to transfer out to multiple battalions why that necessarily isn't a bad thing but you have gone on LOA instantly after your transfer has been denied showing if you dont get your way you go on LOA and in my opinion that isnt a good quality for a command member to have....


  2. 6 hours ago, Sia lodato il SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE said:

    i actually didnt even meant black "race" i meant he was like a shadow so he was like an scp, i didnt know it could be racist and offend someone


    i actually didnt even meant black "race" i meant he was like a shadow so he was like an scp, i didnt know it could be racist and offend someone


    Don't respond to people arguing and down-voting, also don't talk about it publicly in discords

    - Support

  3. 2 minutes ago, Gamersquadman said:


    This hurts alpha unit and SCP's a lot

    SCP's get RC'D way faster with this

    Which means less code reds

    Which means less alpha units

    When alpha unit was first made people wanted it to be rare to see because of the micro but now it does not matter

    SCP becomes unplayable when the amount of ethereal increases

    If it did not matter that People could get a ethereal on orange then why cant alpha unit go on site on orange

    In the end QM having the ethereal hurts SCP's because they get RC'D so fast why play on them and E11 as a whole as E11 can not enter as often.

    SCP's literally can't breach longer than 3 minutes which is annoying. QM's also give all jobs that aren't classed as 'in a branch' I.E the 100+ lvl jobs, Ethereals and apparently thats allowed, No.

  4. Good evening guys! I'll just keep this short, Sorry if you aren't on it I've had to restrict it to a small amount due to their being so many of you!

    Due to unforeseen circumstances I will be resigning from my position of High Command. I will not go into further context but this is the best solution for not only my own mental health, But also the server, On-top of that I got college next week so like... yuh.

    SMT - Thank you for everything, Literally, You guys are the reason the server exists to which I will always be grateful about.

    SHC - Thank you WiN for dealing with me for the past few months & even allowing me in the position of High Command, It's been rough but it has been a pleasure to work with you.

    TAlila - I can't be more sad to leave you man, You've been there since the start and have assisted me in so many ways, Good luck & hope you get that Grand General Spot! p.s sorry if the text is 'too big'

    Ducks - You've been there for me for so long, I've been fighting my depression for so long and you don't know how much you did it for me man, I can't wish for a better friend. 

    Kev - England am I right???

    Dimitri - Congrats on Overseer!

    Emoo: 🇨🇳

    Lucifer - Your too edgy ong

    Chico - Congrats Head Gamemaster!!!

    Spice - Might wanna spend money elsewhere and not roblox...

    Odin - Who are you again?...

    Hobbs - Romania...yea.

    Current & Future High Command : Good luck you guys and hope you go far! 

    ~ Thats all I can be bothered to put, If you weren't on there, Again I'm sorry!!!!


    • Sad 2
    • Gaminglight Love 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Mr PøøL said:

    Your name:  my nickname is bear my ingame name is usually sneaky Steve or borris for guards  

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): ! ThegamingBear_28 // Thanos#1285

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136):  340944940710363146

    Which discord server were you banned on? i think all

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? idk i was in a support call with  Chico and he said it was a blacklist  he said it was about 8-9 months  ago 

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?  i know for sure i wasn't racist or anything  i would like a second chance to play on the sever as i have matured a lot more now    and i apologise if i said anything at the time of me getting banned  so if you could grant me a second chance  i would very much appreciated  thank you for taking the time to read this 

    Blacklists are unappealable.

  6. 1. Your In-game: General Kieran


    2. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:156724399


    3. The player's name in-game: 'ST JTC PVT Kirby'


    4. The player's steam name (If you know it):STEAM_0:1:91895374


    5. What did the player do: Has zero intentions to roleplay, Has been warned/banned so many times for RDM across two servers.


    6. Evidence (REQUIRED):


    7. What do you believe should happen to the player:

    Has zero intention, I feel this should be extended to Month/Permanent. 


    8. Any extra information:

    Huge mine, Simple as that.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Kev said:

    - Not many jobs are T4 which means having this adds more reasons to buy darth
    - Cool job to have
    - Not many slots meaning its harder to abuse
    - Doesn't break lore

    Side note:
    While this could be abused I believe purge command can easily 
     handle it and any issues from it that may arise, and if it is maintained well this could be a amazing job / donation job to have on the server



    ~ Lore friendly & could prosper Purge into a new Era. 

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