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Kieran ♡

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Posts posted by Kieran ♡

  1. 7 hours ago, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:

    Since these are 31st models, there's no point in having them considering we now have 'Havoc', I don't see a reason why the Stormtrooper Jet Trooper job needs 3, former 31st models. The model we have is just fine in my opinion, and I would rather have these models removed, Also pretty sure a Custom Job owns them now. (Jello) is the owner of it. 


    I would rather sacrifice the models for a optimized server, instead of keeping them, and making them your Jump Trooper models. especially since you don't need a 30MB Pack, for one Job. 

    Facts, And if it ends up for whatever reason we change back to 31st, Well. ( It's not happening ) but in this scenario, If we did, You would be forced to change models also.
    Which will take SMT even longer. 

  2. 6 hours ago, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:

    If you're using force abilities to run away from shock & be a minge with it, I consider the warn valid. +, You're leaving out that factor in your warn appeal, You obviously weren't just "jumping around" if you were reported by Shock Security. 

    As said above, Not taking report seriously which just proves TAlila's response.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Nimo said:


    Has been in Naval for a very long time now.

    Has a lot of experience as Naval and as High Command.

    Leads Naval very well (Broke the record of 25 Naval on at once)

    Great Leader and Competence

    Amazing Effort, really shows what he has accomplished as his time as Grand Moff Tarkin and Naval High/Senior Command in general.

    Same as RJ's, Excellent Candidate. 

    I don't know who the FUCK is going to get it because you are both such good options lmao.

  4. +Support

    - RJ has done a lot for not only Havoc, But Gaminglight as a whole, He has worked his way up to Command in most servers and has worked amazingly in all,
    - He is Active & Dedicated for the Server'(s),
    - Been here longer than most,
    - Does the best he can to improve Activity in any battalion necessary,

    - Excellent Candidate

    = Good luck RJ ! | Keep the Work up! =

  5. On 3/14/2021 at 5:20 PM, [GL] Bacon/Buck said:


    i personally have not seen you on.

    (not on Havoc roster despite having Havoc in your name? + not in any training logs)

    MRDM answer is not handled correctly  which leads me to believe that you did not read the handbook.

    Edited application 

    low forrums activity ( last forrums post was June 22 2020 for an MO app).

    Lied on a previous staff application

    Edit: what happened to the staffing experience that you said you had on a previous app? 


    - Repping everyone is going to get you no where, Just shows us more that you don't deserve it as it's classed as Immature. 


  6. On 3/13/2021 at 12:59 AM, Nimo said:


    What I've seen from JL8 is that her and DT Command really has put the effort to make DT where it is right now.

    I have seen JL8 on everyday from what I have seen.

    She is very competent and I believe she should be the next Vice Commander of DT


    Good luck!


  7. 7 minutes ago, Blizzard said:

    - Support

    - Arguing within own application

    - Clearly bad reputation within the community

    - Previous staff experience ended badly

    I have no reason to see you fit for becoming staff on Imperial RP

    f a c t s 

  8. On 3/9/2021 at 5:34 PM, M A N D O said:


    Another person above said that Shock needs a Commander, and that because Marv is theclosest thing they have to a Commander, he should get this.

    I disagree with that thinking for multiple reasons:

    • Just because Marv is the VCMDR of Shock doesn't make him CMDR material. 
      • It seems like anyone can be Shock these days. New Shock Trainees and Privates are often very mingey, and are sometimes even going around and mass-arresting others on the ISD. This is a sign of poor leadership, or at minimum poor communication of what is expected of new Shock recruits.
      • For being the ship's police force, Shock is often disorganized and ineffective.
      • BCP is often entirely unguarded even when Shcok is online, leaving other units to pick up the slack.
      • Activity within the unit is poor.
    • Marv's tendency to arrest anyone on a whim (for dancing, even) seems unbecoming of a CMDR.
      • I often do not feel that I can trust Marv to be impartial, since he arrests people for literally ANYTHING.
    • Marv's activity in comparison with other VCMDRs on the ISD is very low.

    I would say that, if Marv wants this job, he needs to up his own activity and fix Shock in a big meaningful way, and quickly. 

    f a x 

  9. The Following changes have been approved by Acting Army High Command : 

    Havoc Commander
    Additions :

    Removals : 

    Havoc Vice-Commander
    Additions :

    Removals : 

     Havoc Officer
    Additions :

    Removals : 

    Havoc EOD Specialist
    Additions :

    Removals : 

    Havoc Gunner
    Additions :

    Removals : 

    Havoc Trooper
    Additions :

    Removals : 

    Havoc Trainee
    Additions :

    Removals : 

    I believe that all these changes are necessary on the improvement of activity for Havoc. Each gun me & Odin trialled to make sure we weren't giving too much of a good gun, As we are a Support / Mid-line Battalion, Not a offensive one, If you have any issues with these changes, Please message me. Thank you.



  10. What do you want to see? - I would like to see the Vent Shafts Entrance have a Decal just like the ones shown below.

    Why should we add it? - Stops people from loopholing the sign saying "it has no sign", People not knowing it's a CL4+ Area.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Mentioned above ^

    Who is it mainly for? - All Troopers that are below CL4

    Links to any content - N/A

    Places a Sign needs to be added

    image.png.5bfae3a670ce8edd206279fea26194da.png : Entrance to Vents by the side of Brigimage.png.e12deb13bf98f89041185033d51addd4.png: Other Side of 501st Bunks.

    Places that a Decal Edit needs to be done : *Need Changing from 31st to Havoc*

    image.png.c875fb14bec34309023131dbf0ade191.png : Upper Engine-Core Entrance.

    image.png.0c5397e7d5d04695de2600c892ea2301.png : Lower Engine-Room Entrance.

    ~ Kieran

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