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SCP-RP Event Team
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Everything posted by Perkele5000

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YQe6VdQMOFtr_5tihsKMQd4VJ9b9IgRuHXzIVB3nT6Y/edit?usp=sharing
  2. I know the image of delta command eyes only was the only one i found sorry. I will change it if i find another one thought
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YQe6VdQMOFtr_5tihsKMQd4VJ9b9IgRuHXzIVB3nT6Y/edit?usp=drivesdk new link
  4. Will the ci or d class be able to steal it?
  5. +support but how will we mod the swep that is already a mod?
  6. +support if make so that the non command can also acces it too
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UbWcOBlA2v-2hKohhlLu2mbV6m_mkvvwsFcjrgGFO-8/edit?usp=sharing
  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YvCMD139F-duoxHRJTrXV5-H-9MdvnRxZgJFqc2PGqM/edit?usp=sharing
  9. +support i realy like the idea of a research espionage, sounds like a reverse dr maynard
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tXBlfUeAx7gDfjfbHz0pOZx920pAAdsXCWFUqlMdu1k/edit?usp=sharing
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EQMiCRYB10NRN1F25MkGxCn-BDWs5ArWk9zwCbs6Zco/edit?usp=sharing
  12. What you want to see? - SCP-920 aka Mr.Lost Why should we add it? - we do not have that many scp's so adding him would be good for some new variety of testing What are the advantages of having this? - more tests conducted in more scp's by Jr and up researchers Who is it mainly for? - jr researchers and people who like to play as SCP's Links to any content - none
  13. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gnIgr-bWZW4EOvVdx8U-qqjSiZ1iOVNnFwR1lf_MPM0/edit?usp=sharing
  14. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16xGjzUV-eDGna2YLVz1NP7slWqnchcldwdDAQjMW88U/edit?usp=sharing
  15. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UAZ5r9uHZBiYSLeR-tVRmu01Cd6tfn9lgzACl1lUkWY/edit?usp=sharing this is not canon to lore but it was a rp test done by AR Vlad Romanov and me
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18-9DFkApamiFVqnP5wHH0TBR_IPIYiHm7pdIfsTB1bQ/edit?usp=sharing this document is realy short because there are not too many experiments that you are able to do on SCP-294
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b73SYw4OCtQflMHfFOnLNRyVwH1qEFRUYnOMKKAbZx0/edit?usp=sharing
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16xF9j4FYMBwalPrET0NSj-i9oDkvxgRlYVfjko4_Q0g/edit?usp=sharing
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18h7POmHxaR_JJrNege65NvmBN4e2HCWEWvkHnD0Jd5E/edit?usp=sharing
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