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  1. + Support. His higher ups don't know what they even did to the guy, totally innocent.
  2. Addressing the point you made regarding HP and AP, here's an answer for you. Gensec are supposed to be scaled right under Nu7 HP and AP. There's a whole caste to it that's been around for ages, and an actual sheet that compares and contrasts the branches HP and AP differentials so that we can make sure no branch is abundantly over the other. If Nu7 bumps up their HP and AP, Security does as well. Nu7 bumps based off CI and CI bumps based off E-11. These Security kids are literally supposed to only have a bit less HP than Nu7 in all equivalent or semi equivalent jobs. You said "closer" but that's where we always are, closer, never further because its Gensec's literal right to be close to Nu7 HP AP and it's been that way since ever. Secondly, pardon my French- Negev is basic shit that's been around forever. it's not phenomenal, it's quite literally the same as an Ares, which we already have on jobs. It's the same as any 1500 RPM LMG with the same stats and everything, not to mention Negev is dog anyways now since you can't BHOP spam with it so stop whining. I would take a good shotgun or an AR any day over a Negev which gives crouch speed movement. Farmers aren't "built different", it's just crouch jump spamming and hopping around. If anything, LMG users should be easier for DClass and your Farmers to kill since they can't match the movement of your crouchspam hitbox breaking pogo sticking. Why would people want a strong Gensec? perhaps because of the same reasons you argue that CI needs to be busted as hell, "We have to beat all the branches to get to DBLOCK" Except its easy and Ya'll do it almost every time because guess what, your classes are great, and your players are good. Security loses every time 9/10. Security having the works makes sense, because Surprise! There aren't 3 MTF branches housed on any site in actual SCP lore lmao. Gensec and DBLOCK are the cornerstone of the server, and as a DCLASS MAIN I can say this will make no difference to DCLASS riots because (no offense to the Gensec members) but if you give a monkey a wrench (a negev in this case) Hes still just gonna swing it like an idiot. This update is meager and not a game changer whatsoever, its standard issue. 25 more HP and AP, woah, a whole 3 more bullets needed to mow them down. Nothing will change, no power will shift, DCLASS mains will still rock the shit out of Gensec. Frankly, you obviously have very strong and heartfelt emotions about security, and I don't believe your go ahead and "opinion" would matter in a branch update as small and balancing as this one. Even if we were equal with Nu7 in an alternate universe, CI wouldn't have an issue fighting gensec because our branch is mainly comprised of lousy and weak enlisted and NCO jobs that aren't a threat. The 3 guys playing on a wardens or Jugg job shouldn't be that much of a fear factor for you. I'm just hoping your response wasn't out of a petty idea that Gensec should be weak and not able to contend with the other combat branches. I get it, you want to have fun and mow down new players with a tec-9 on farmer, but even though half of the branch has the brain capacity of a warm banana, the SEC boys still have to deal with a lot. Every breached SCP heads to DBLOCK, all CI raids lead to DBLOCK, all GOI want to make it to LCZ. DClass always riot and custom classes combined with mined guns and armor in large numbers mow through DBLOCK. If you want to kill foundation personnel, LCZ is where you go. Sec is in the thick of it and they deserve to stand as strong as they reasonably can, and this update is more than reasonable.
  3. -/+ Support Hes a lizard, source https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Krendel caught you
  4. Your signature is wrong silly goose, I don't wanna debate why you are wrong though, nor your misquoting of me and blanket statements.
  5. -/+Support I don't think any DCLASS would try their luck here. I'm confident that it would be possible to get enough D-class organized and able to hide and fight, but this kind of Cache thing won't be a real frequent occurrence. A cache raid will be once in a blue moon imo. I enjoy initiative being taken in security, but not when a sub-branch with as much capability and promise as Wardens is being actively slept on. Rather than working with and promoting struggling facets of what jobs and duties already exist, what I see here is an addition of multiple new jobs and facets. Chiefly, this will cause even more issues for the Wardens sub-branch. Now if Wardens want anything new, it will be "But security already has Juggernauts and a HULK", quite possibly crushing future Warden's potential for growth. Anyways! Good luck HCMD, hope your hard work pays off. But think amongst yourselves if you will, and perhaps ponder the idea that maybe not all of securities issues stem from a lack of content, but a mishandling of content from within. Thats my wise wizard quote for the day lmao. Much love.
  6. lmao, thanks for leavin with me bud.
  7. APE

    The End Of Ape

    @Mind Stone @Sixx We were the 3 musketeers, Ed Edd and eddy, the three stooges, the three blind mice, the power puff girls, along with robin, Batman, and Alfred combined. Before I left we were the only 3 players left in security since 2019, and now there is only two of you. Eventually it will be none and that will have marked thousands of players and dozens of command that passed through security all forgotten to the books and rules. However I hope what we made together will last, so even if those in the future don’t know of its origin, they will still look upon our work and appreciate it.
  8. APE

    The End Of Ape

    It was removed in the draft, un momento.
  9. APE

    The End Of Ape

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89k1l3-Ruxg Listen as you read for emotional affect Alright people, looks like the time is finally here. The day is upon us, and the reckoning has arrived. I'm resigning. For some of you, this sucks ass. For others? You are happy as hell, and to that I say! Only virgins hate me. So live with that. Anyways, just wanted to make it clear that I am not leaving because of trouble and I'm not leaving out of pettiness. I'm leaving because I am simply a busy young man and need to do thing I enjoy and simply put it- I don't enjoy this server, and have not for a long time. Speaking of time, let us take a little trip down memory lane, shall we? Keep in mind, I have been here 3 years so I cannot tell you all of my stories and all of my events but a brief timeline, I can provide. Here I am, November 2019. I joined the server and played as a DCLASS main for a few weeks before participating in a tryout for the most legendary DCLASS CC ever, D7025. It was a tournament bracket using lead pipes to PVP. I along with one other won it and were granted access to D7025, one of the few jobs on the server that posssessed Molotov Cocktails. I would go on to play this class as "Chris Brown" and create a group called the "Tunnel Snakes" which would have maybe 9 or 10 people change their names to match mine, and prioritize holding the armor whilst shouting "Tunnel Snakes Rule!" It was hilarious, and at the time Gensec was my public enemy number one. Eventually however I would join Security with the name "Security ofc Mike Ocksucker" and was trained by a command member named Dread. Ofcourse I later changed my name to "APE" On account of the monkey noises I made whilst in combat. Nothing really eventful happened until I reached the upper NCO ranks, when a great many things went down. In this time frame, a player whos name starts with "P" and has an association with penguins would wreak a lot of havoc and cause some of my friends to get into trouble, namely a young guy named "Vegan", she would cry at the meeting before Christmas of 2019 and it was a great start to the new year, with a new weapon. The 2019 Christmas hammer. I used this hammer and it became more or less a symbol of mine for a long long time. I remember around this time as well there was a fellow NCO of mine named "SM Sixx4Teen" who was denied Warrant Officer. What did I do in retaliation for my friend you may ask? well it's simple really. I engulfed DBLOCK in Hellfire. I threw Molotov's everywhere and got chewed out but frankly I didn't care, I felt like he deserved it. You'll notice that throughout my my story, compared to most players, rules were not quite my forte. After this time went on, nothing absurd happened. I played the game, met people, and became a senior NCO. However as a SM, I met another very important person in my journey. A JNCO named Sinnik. We were talking about custom classes within TS one day and he approached me, saying he would be down to make one with me. We talked it over and became serious when others wanted in. So it came to be, that we made the third security custom class after the Command Only ones. We called it "Invictus Sentry" or in Latin "Unconquerable/Invincible Guard" I made the name and description, and you will see this Roman theme arise again later down the line. Anyhow, moving on. Why was Sinnik so Important? Well he would end up becoming command, even though I had tried and applied 5 times before he got it. I loved em though, great guy who knew how to be serious and funny at the same time. I like people like that and stuck by him through thick and thin, if nothing else, I'm loyal to a fault. This paid me back well when all of HCMD was removed, and Sinnik made HOS. He gave me warrant officer after I had been a SM for 6 months, and after trial period, I was given a double promotion to 1st LT. This only made me more eager to follow his lead as a good fist and shield to bump around with. I would move up to Captain, and around this time (early summer of 2020) branch relations were really bad between CI and Gensec. So bad that when two stubborn players got into a quarrel, all hell broke loose. A CI HCMD named Boozle tried to frame me and get me in trouble, and it turned back on him and became such a big infight between branches that igneous had to settle it. In the end, I remained and he was blacklisted. However I was put on a Perma KOS in CI as well as Blacklist. Reason being that as a class D I probably killed more Chaos then the foundation itself. I never appealed it, though I could have. It was a pride thing for me, and so time went on. It was in this period that Wardens was founded by Sinnik, and I was appointed the DHWD. I used the white/snow camo skin as we all had to use a different one, however once Sinnik left and Sixx became the DHOS, I was Securities Second HWD and set about making the branch as interesting as I could. After Sinnik went Saiba, and Creamey as well. Sixx became the HOS and I was his COL, and at this point I was a really good command. Fast rising and never passed in a promotion. However as I spent months as COL, I grew bored and caught up in real world affairs, and grew distant to my duty. It was at this time that Jack S, whom I had mentored became DHOS, making him the first person to ever pass me. I was not disappointed though, I was proud. If not me, then someone I guided. So many things happened afterward. There was an attempted coup against me and Sixx, and these people who tried revolted labeled me a "Cog In The Machine". It was as a COL that though My impact may have seemed little, I did the most I ever had. I was the one who proposed many buffs to security and drilled in the need for HP and Armor for both my Wardens and the Non Command. I invented new prospects for my Sub Branch and voiced a training video. All the while I did it my own way, unafraid of consequence. That is what I will get into now, the way I played the game. Unlike most people, I didn't follow rules eagerly. I was a minge, I RDMED, broke NLR, cussed out people, and T-bagged the ever living shit out of everyone. I was loud, obnoxious, and uncaring to those who did not pass my vibe check. I cut trees with my chainsaw in dblock, and ran through HCZ killing HSU's as "Security LCPL Pisskink. I went to surface to hunt CI as a dog, and sold my HCMD to Dclass, I burned people with maintenance torches, and extorted money out of Kids in my branch. Micspamming, singing, and making people do the cupid shuffle in Dblock. If there is one thing that I want everyone to know, its that I did not play the way others wanted me to, I played to have fun. The amount of times I have almost been removed is innumerable, and the amount of drama I have thrusted myself into is close to infinite. However despite all this, despite all the enemies I made, why, why did I not get removed? I'll tell you, I was kind to those who showed kindness, and served my branch without fault. Despite all of the bizarre shit I have done, I made a positive impact on the branch and those who were above me knew that I was not a wreck, but a construction of unparalleled unpredictability that had always fought tooth and nail for security even if it made me look bad. My message to the SCPRP community is this. The rules are fine, follow them. Do not be unironically mean, do not be a dick. However those rules can bend, they are not stone, they are plywood. As long as you do not do anything cruel and abusive, and everything is in good intentioned light hearted fun, you will be able to stave off the inevitable boredom that will befall you the longer you stay here. Make it a goal to have fun, this is a video game, the objective is not to play a job simulator. That is what I feel has been lost since 2019, I feel like everyone has made this about as Serious RP as this server can be. If you have been around for as long as I have, you too know full well what I am talking about. It's all tight lips, by the book and law. I want everyone to listen to my words when I say to make this a game and a hobby, not a task and a chore. If you keep it a downtime rather than a duty, you will find fun in places you would not have before. Thank you Gaminglight, for the Friends and memories that I have been blessed with. I hate you and love you, but mostly hate you with love. xD -Colonel Ape, Monkey Man, 6 Month SM, Cog In The Machine, Spartacus Sinnik: Thanks for everything you did and everything you started, thank you for giving me the chance to do all I did. Sixx: You are a tough kid with a good head on your shoulders, I am glad that I met you when we were NCO's and am happy things turned out as they did. You can do anything you wished if you tried hard enough, that's the kind of person you are. Mind: Oh My SWEET SWEET MENTOR, do not weep for me. Not like you would, you are probably delighted to not have to drag me into TS for any more "You know what I'm about to say" talks. You are a nice guy, and that is your only problem. Be more vocal and assertive for the things you want, fight. Jack S: My mentee, Congratz on how fare you have reached. You are a smart kid and your knowledge of Rome is respectable. I am glad that you are the one who made it past me all that time ago. Keep living. Georgie: Bonded with you fast seeing as we were the oldest members in command. You are a good guy and I know I'll be seeing you around on steam. You are the Yin to My Yang, My fellow Colonel. Get DHOS for me. Sprink: You and me are kindered spirits, but somehow you are obnoxious 24/7, you never failed to make me laugh and I always enjoyed your company. Warmercarp: You are a whiney and subby little bitch, but I appreciate you and all the help you have provided as my secretary for the wardens branch. Ashe/Plant/Ass: You're all good Majors and can do a great job. From my example I hope you learn what you can and cannot do, but also how much you can do whilst having fun. Low Command: To the few of you that are active and eager, keep it up and don't exhaust yourself. Wardens You are my child and I have given everything I have to you, Do what is best for Wardens and do not let it die. If you see in Wardens the same possibilities I did, then you will surely understand it's vast importance. Wardens Lead the way, 2ND HWD SPARTACUS CH4D, Signing off. Goodbye Gaminglight, and Goodbye Security November 5th 2019 To October 3rd 2021.
  10. Name: Ape Rank: COL SteamID: STEAM_0:0:485925174 Current Sub-Branches your in: Wardens,FTO Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I’ve been command for well over a year and almost two now, and went through the system like everyone else to get where I am today. Despite the fact that I lead a very busy life, working while in University (and having to keep a 3.5 in order to reach my 4 year goal which is dog balls) I still make time for the server and do what I can in order to contribute. In my time if I had to name notable things that I have done, since that is a good way to detect if someone is contributing. I have done much for wardens of which I have lead for over a year I believe. I am not only a founder of wardens but the first DWHD, and the second HWD. I’ve lost Atleast 5 deputy heads since my time as HWD but I’ve still remained. Im active in deciding who gets moved up in the branch and have helped create many new experiences for security. I was responsible for the most recent HP and AP buffs for both Wardens and NCO/Enlisted, and suggested the lightweight job as well as wrote it’s description. Borderline I do all that I need to do in order to maintain my rank and sometimes a bit extra when the help is required.
  11. Dragin, Gubby, Whatever you wish to be called. He is simply commenting toward those who are -Supporting with no valid reason, and just essentially saying "get good". If it were you own post it would annoy you to see such pointless and sarcastic comments that contribute absolutely nothing. Don't get me wrong, I think this suggestion is stupid LMAO, but you calling others belligerent is the pot calling the kettle black my friend. Even saying your opinion on minds confrontations is pointless, stick to the debate, your comment was just as unneeded as his were.
  12. APE

    Apes appeal

  13. APE

    Apes appeal

    Was I warned for being aggressive? Did I not admit to my anger at the situation in my own description of the events? This is to appeal an warn for RDM. Was it RDM or was it not, that's what we are deciding. This isn't an appeal for rage. How I acted is irrelevant to the warn I received. Killing someone who is cuffing you without reason and FAILRP you is not RDM, you are allowed to kill those who try and cuff you unjustly and for no reason without the power to do so, that much is true. As I was being cuffed for no reason, with the HSU not following proper procedures, and about to FAILRP if he were to cuff me, I feel, or rather I know that I am allowed to kill him. It would seem very few staff disagree with that. But still, I appreciate your input as I do with everyone.
  14. APE

    Apes appeal

    Did I not say "Hold on" 4 maybe 5 or 6 times before informing him that if he continued to cuff me I would kill him? Do not pick and choose quotes, use the whole video and all that I said. I stood there in place for half the time telling him to wait, and after he pursued, continued dodging his cuffs after giving warnings upon warnings. If I run, I get RDMED. If I get cuffed, then I get failRPed. I have talked to many and I did what I believe anyone would do if they had the same situation. I need you to directly quote and give me specific examples of these prior "incidences", because I have never once been brought to a sit for being undercover. I have MADE sits regarding it, but this is a unique issue. You say "if" he did this, but I did not and did not need to, not everyone has something to say on the spot, hence why I asked him to wait. If you are going to both pick and choose what words fit your case best, and make blanket statements about past actions without providing any concrete evidence and or facts to support them, then I would appreciate it if you would just not try to defend your stance at all. A defense made with only null and empty points is the same as having no defense at all. We'll see what happens I suppose, No hard feelings ofcourse.
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