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[GL] Locus

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Posts posted by [GL] Locus

  1. 22 minutes ago, williams245678 said:

    - Court room does not belong to DOC. The Court Room is adjacent to DOC. Earlier today YOBO set up a specific KOS/AOS sign infront of the actual prison cells. This KOS/AOS targeted the judicial role class by specifying only the Jude/Prosecution/Defendant will be KOS/AOS if they crossed the line into the cells. It is behavior like this where checks and balances need to come in play. 




    Before setting up this sign an officer of the courts (Defendant) was replying to someone who was asking for a court case before being sentenced in the prison by mewy. Mewy stopped so the lawyer can talk with the person and YOBO barges in with his weapon aimed saying "get out before i shoot you". This is exactly why we need checks and balances.


    - Judge cannot be told what to do by DOC . This is easily corruption. The judge can be reported for breaking the law/being corrupt etc. and get their whitelist removed by DOC is the executive branch. The Judge/Prosecution/Defendant role is the Judicial branch. two different things neither controls the other. One enforces laws and the other interpret and creates said law and decides what punishment is acceptable. The DOC has way less power in this server than GLPD. The DOC is literally bound to the prisons, state police are supposed to only patrol the outskirts. In this server GLPD>State Police which in itself is backwards.


    Lets face the facts, people, such as YOBO, Pillow, and their subordinates minge hard while the Judge is on against said judge because there is no rules preventing them from doing it. One person gets found innocent and they start acting up. This is not just coming from me but multiple people including other low ranking PD (who some have refused to come forward because they "don't want to be demoted") have witnessed and were annoyed by it and admitted it.


    These are just some of many rules that should be instated to prevent the executive branch from minging against the judicial branch and wasting everyone's time. Even calling sits on their behavior does absolutely nothing because they're not bound by rules like contempt of court, the commissioner/other person capable of demotion isnt on, etc.

    So lets take this apart. The reason that the "executive" branch check and balances won't affect anything. The judge role while it does have some power and its power hasn't been a problem before its the way you act to the other departments/agencies. You try to say thats because your the judge this happens in game alot that you have more power than any department in the court room and the reason for the signs were  due to the fact you guys entered the jail it self which your meant to do but that dosn't change the fact the whole gated off section of land is D.O.C land.

    This post is just a repost of the post that was denied because you didn't like what happened to it. You should wait longer before you repost a suggestion.  

    Also the judge trying to take power away from DOC would mean that your saying your above the law. The Law states that D.O.C is the property owner of the prison. The Court Room is in the Prison which by default means its a D.O.C Property and which in return means its state's land.

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  2. - Support sorta 
    While I do agree that this whole situation started due to "Herman was the Highest ranking officer delivering your DNP at the time (Colonel) he informed Chad to log the event not to remove it." not having his name on the DNP log which any average member would than assume without thinking again that Chad who is the only one on this said section that has the authorizing person. That part in my own mind I believe was someone just didn't put a name down as the other command member ordering it which makes this look well fishy to an outsider looking in at the command team. 

    How ever this situation was odd to say the slightest I believe that it would of been better to chad to have handled the demotion as him being the Promoting officer or another person within LC not a staff member. Even thought you do have reserves it would still be better to have a non reserve do the demotion and talk to him due to your the prior pasts  when near each other. 

    So while I believe that yobo didn't do anything to out there in my opinion kinda hard to tell with the video not having audio for both of you to truly judge this. I believe this is more of a internal PD mess up by someone not having their name on the log of a DNP and only having Chads name. 

  3. -Support 
    "While Judge is on, Courthouse belongs to Judge and not D.O.C. " It is within a prison there for by forfeit it would fall under DOC as its apart of the prison and within the grounds of the prison which in return is officially owned by the state trooper's which would mean that the judge would be able to just claim land if you think that they should be allow to own the courthouse while its on a state building.

    "The Judge cannot order around GOV however failure to follow a Court Order will result in a summons to court." Now this one is just straight up contradictory you say the judge cannot order around gov but than say they can order or "summon" them to court which is the same as ordering it just in a reskinned way of saying it. 

    "The Judge is in charge of appointing Bailiffs and can dismiss a Bailiff for any reason. The Judge may not force anyone to be Bailiff." This would fall to DOC/Other Government agency's. 
    "The Judge may order anyone to leave the courthouse if they are disrupting said trial, or being a general nuisance." Once again the grounds are owned by state and upkept by DOC and other agencies if DOC needs assistance or if other agencies wish to help out DOC. Which means you couldn't just kick out anyone from the courthouse as this would than leave a loophole where you could attempt to kick out DOC and State Officials.   

    "GOV failure to pay fines to the court can result in a vote off the job (Judge must state reason as "FailRP" and Judge must first advertise the fine 3 times with two minutes in-between each advert)." Demotion off jobs is meant to only be done by that specific Departments command or a staff member not a random judge. This would give the judge to much power as we are a semi-serious not a serious RP as @Lime King has mentioned before. 

    "Fines can roll over and collect interest if person does not pay within 8 years (480s). Payment plans are authorized. 

    Regardless of the offense, fines to the courts cannot exceed 5MIL."  Now this one would mean that the judge has more power to fine people than the PD does which in it self would lead to many problems a few I can even think of right now such as a judge deciding to fine a person 4,999,999. This also once again is a semi-serious server. 

    "No one is above the law to include the Judge and other GOV. " Due to the way systems are set up within the server. You would need a staff member to get a corrupt a judge off the job which is already how it is. This part is just something that is already here just reworded. 

    "There is no punishment for not showing up to Jury Duty (cannot force people to RP)." As you said here you cannot force people to RP but within this suggestion you wish to force the DOC/State to hand their own facilities over to the judge which would be in its own way forcing an RP  issues that can easily lead to being a argument when you try to kick a DOC member. 

    You can  have class 1-3 Weapons for self-defense." Also why would a judge need a AR or SMG I believe the old rule where it was only a pistol makes more sense than a judge pulling an AR/shottie out.

  4. Rank You are Applying For: CPT


    In-Game Name:  LT Locus 1L35

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581

    Current Rank: LT

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 1.5 Months

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How many Warns do you have?: 7

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I believe I should be promoted as I have been a LT for 1.5 months and have gotten experiences good and bad within the PDLC team. I wish to get CPT as I believe I can be more helpful if I am a captain. I also believe that I can help out other players on the server in a more effective way by going up to this rank. I have shown I am able to get on to LT at all times of the day when needed and I have shown that I am contactable via discord nearly 24/7 for all officers. I also believe that if I get CPT I can also help the future LT's out and help get people hyped to apply for LT when they meet the requirements. I also wish to be promoted as I believe that I have proven my self to most of the community to be a serious but fair PDLC member. 

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

  5. -Support 
    You were a hostage situation and asked to leave by government. You failed to comply its fairly simple. 
    This happens many times a day and no one else makes reports on it because its not against the rules. 
    Having to give warnings out in chat applies to only one thing I can think of and that is when a wanted suspect or a suspect with a gun is evading you on foot. 
    " If someone is wanted (sign above a person’s head) you may AOS/KOS the person. In order to KOS you must warn the criminal at least 3 times to stop moving. If they comply, you must arrest them instead." ~ MOTD  Which do to you not being wanted that rule wouldn't even apply here. 

  6. I'm going to be honest DDoS threats aren't something to play around with. I've seen people say that to the wrong people and get arrested when they threaten it to big companies. I honestly believe that your only worried about it because it could affect yourself now but at the time you didn't care. 

    Major - Support. 

  7. -Support 

    Here is the reasons why. 

    1. I have seen within recent history that you can blow some things out of proportion. 

    2. I believe that you still need to prove your self to the command team that you can be trusted with LT. 

  8. Your in game name: Locus

    The player's in game name: Sagiri

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:58189148

    What did the player do: Broke priority  rules. 

    Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/60276857/d1337voCy7qw 

    What do you believe should happen to the player: He should get talked to about it along with a warn. 

    Any extra information: He also sent me this I was working on making this player report. Anyways he was getting pulled over for breaking a few traffic laws which was going to just be a cheaper ticket which he than when magic TPed back from his sit decided that he would just completely not pay the ticket for really no reason at all and just ran because magic tped back mid traffic stop. (Note: He wasn't wanted.)image.png.7ff834a2d81acd3e316d27e9a331727a.png

  9. Rank You are Applying For: LT


    In-Game Name:  SM Locus 1A35

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581

    Current Rank: SM

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 4-5 months

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How many Warns do you have?: 7

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I believe I should be promoted as I have been within PD for around 2-3 years total. I wish to get this position to help out the department in a greater way I also wish to get this position to help the new supervisors and people who need guidance. I also wish to get this position as I can be on PD almost everyday or at the very least within the server. I have been a supervisor as well for a long period of time and I wish to advance in the PD as well to see where I can go and who I can help. I am on at odd hours even thought my time zone is EST which means I can help people when most others are not online. I believe that if I get this promotion it will help the PD due to it adding another view to certain problems or errors. 

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

  10. I was trying to take a person who asked for there whitelist to be taken away and I must of removed his instead sorry.   I want to be honest I did do it all the things he stated within this report I understand if y'all hate me or think this is another lie but after talking with some people I believe this is the only way to redeem my self. @HighWorks I am sorry man hopfully we can be good sometime and hopfully you see this update idk if you will even care how ever. 

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  11. -Support 
    We have GM's for that also if there is always rebels in the air space navy wont know if we are under attack or not unless we get told there is an event starting right now than it would just cause more confusion. 

  12. WARNING THIS FILE CONTAINS IMPERIAL Data Center on coruscant  



    OPENING FILE ~ [Commodore/DT Access only]


    Name: [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Code: 005

    Sex: Male

    DOB: 20 BBY

    Height: 6’ 0”

    Eyes: Green 

    Homeworld: [REDACTED]


    Current Occupation: Gunnery Officer.

    Previous Occupations: Imperial Navy.


    Criminal Record: Was given a fine for selling illegal droid repairs.

    Medical Record:  Shot by a blaster in the shoulder. He also was knocked out by another imperial naval cadet who thought he was trying to make him fail. He broke his arm which fully healed after [REDACTED] accident with [REDACTED] ended in [REDACTED] getting shot by 005 which ended in the [REDACTED] getting executed as a [REDACTED] after he was found out to be a spy for the rebels. [The amount of times I say redacted it looks like a SCPRP document]


    Notes: Skilled with explosives and also skilled with most weapon systems.

    Background: As a kid he was born on [REDACTED] and went to the royal imperial academy and ended up getting picked to be apart of the imperial navy as a [REDACTED] gunner at [REDACTED] he by this time was dealing with learning how to deal with [REDACTED] and handle his studies he still had while being fully moved to this spot in the [REDACTED] gunner team. He was appointed the code 005 and has helped havoc out since he got appointed this callsign/code. He mainly got into the imperial naval academy due to high test scores along with having the mind set for the navy. He has remind loyal to the navy till this day. 

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