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[GL] Locus

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Posts posted by [GL] Locus

  1. What is your ingame name?:  Midshipmen Luke


    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:521876500


     What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipmen 


     What specialty are you applying for?: Gunnery Officer


     What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Grand Admiral Thrawn (Classy)


     What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I can make havoc more active along with helping them out where needed. I also would be able to help recruit them when I get the tryout certification. I can also improve team building exercises. I also can help them with planning sims and trainings. I also can help them improve on what is needed within their SOP’s and exercises. I also would be able to improve the branch to help grow. I also wish to help make havoc and have a voice that can give experiences of what didn’t work at all if they go down the way of the old naval engineering and early 31st. I also believe I can improve the branch by being able to be active in the early hours of the day as well as the later hours of the day. I also believe I can bring a new view of how things could work. I also believe I can improve the branch by showing them that the naval is there for them when they need it. 


     Why should you be trusted with this position?: The reason I think I should be trusted is due to me holding officers ranks in Naval engineers and 31st along with me holding officer ranks in IQ at one time. I also have become a staff member when I worked with Police RP I was a Senior Moderator my transfer to imperial RP dropped me down a rank. I also hold a support position which is a trusted position within the community as it holds a lot of power within TS and Discord. I also have gotten to NCO in a few other battalions and units where I was an asset in most of the battalions and units I have worked in within my time in all the community servers. I also believe I should be trusted as I also have been trying to help out with maintenance patrols and such along with I have taught some havoc how to use there fortification table due to them not known


    Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank to help improve havoc along with improving battalions that work with havoc. The reason I also want this rank is to help make havoc more fun and I also wish to get this rank so I can help the other gunnery officers do what is needed. The reason I want this rank also is to help out other people while also giving myself something to do. I also want this rank to help players both in the navy and in havoc better. I also want this rank so I can help make gunnery officers better than ever with the rest of it staff along with I want this rank to help be a greater asset and use to the ship. 


     Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes, Sir.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: My purpose within this assigned branch is to help the branch as a whole grow and help them recruit people. I also believe my purpose is to help other gunnery officers help the branch and to help Havoc get a new view on everything and experiences. I also believe my purpose also is to make sure that battalion relations  between Naval and havoc to be at an all time high. I would also say my purpose is to help maintain the ship and keep the ship safe from bombs and keeping the armament supply and working.

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  2. -/+ Support

    + Keeps good relations between battalions and people .

    - I'm sorry man being staff and all is good but having it be this much of a point of interest isn't the best you should go off of what you did not what your staff rank is. 

    - I haven't seen you really lead when I've been at events. 

  3. In-Game Name: Junior Agent Locus Skagg IF50

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581

    Rank: Moderator

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 3/13/2021 to 3/21/2021

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine):  Work 

  4. I want to start a new chapter in my time within in GL I have transfered to imperialRP and plan to exist there. 


    Mikey: Your a mikey. 
    Travis: Your fun some times. 

    Kevin: Rainbow 6 siege right? 
    Seb: You were a nice training. 
    Masterson: You were active and nice to hang out with. 
    Pikus: You helped me with some questions. 

    Duncan: You vibe some what. 

  5. I took the sit he lied to me saying that he wasn't shooting at him at all I looked at logs which show he didn't hit anyone else in the time period this happened https://gyazo.com/56e14653130a7fb99e18d9545c2178f1 This screen shot shows the logs which shows he didn't shoot anyone else and only ragle. He said in the sit that he didn't shoot the victim I asked him if he would like to rephrase his answer there he preceded to lie to me again. I than asked him one more time before ending the sit if he would like to tell me the truth he said the same thing. He than pmed me in a game a few times after the warn. https://gyazo.com/b4c43d1303a4831ea2d335cec6211270 this also shows the only other combat in that time frame https://gyazo.com/9f59482635ca0b9f3c4387483fb84781

  6. -Game Name: Locus/SRT SSGT Locus 1R86

    Steam Name: [GL] Luke

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581

    Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Yes.

    How often are you on TeamSpeak? Anytime that I'm on in game pretty much. 

    Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? I want to be support so I can help out other members of the community. I wish to become a support member because it sounds like an interesting thing to do and I'm interested in helping others out when and where I can. I believe that helping out in the support team will help me become a better person overall and well help me to help others and leave a good first impression on them for what they can become within the community. I also wish to become support so I may help out the other support team members some of which I have talked to and asked about how support is and if they think I should apply. The reason I also want to join the support team is to get to know more people within the community than only the people within the server I am currently in. I also wish to become a support to help the people who get on late at night and need a TS support member to help them due to me playing at almost all time zones at night during the weekend and I play fairly late on the weekdays. 

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I think I could give them someone who can be on at almost all times due to me having access to my laptop almost all the time. 

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would ask them what their problem is and once I get there problem I'll tell them the steps to fix it and see what they have already tried. I would try to see if the steps I give them fix it if that doesn't work I would ask another support member if he has any idea of what else he could try. 

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes.

  7. I was shown clips by the guy making the report against you of you flying past and crashing into cars and buildings in 3-4 clips. You also were arguing with me the whole time during the sit. In the clips I saw 2 marked vehicles when you crashed into a buildings and stuff by the hospital heading towards tac which was SCO19 along with a PD vehicle. I gave you ample time to defend your self considering that another admin also needed you for there sit I was trying to make it so they didn't spend more than 30 minutes which we spent around roughly 20 minutes or so of us talking about it.  I believe that it was validated as I have had sits by some others over the same thing that I haven't felt like needed you to get warned. I asked mike if he wanted to let you see the video he said he didn't I respected his right at that time. I warned you for cop-bait when a bunch of cars were doing a traffic stop by tac base and you went flying threw 2 red lights. The cop-bait also was for crashing into the building and other cars when there was 2 marked vehicles around there that I could clearly see. You have 9 weeks or more and I believe that you should understand the rules. I know that you might feel like I didn't let you defend your selfs but I drew it out also as much as I could and gave you locations of it and details of what was happening. 

  8. I mean I've brought someone to a sit and they always mange to jump off the roof of tac or spawn and steal the unmarked cars its going to happen any ways a forums post wont make them stop thats just a fact. 

  9. 29 minutes ago, Lime King said:

    +Support they broke the rules
    -see below screencaps of in game console showing prada never adverted assist and kept abusing the advert system to meta game 
    -Per SMT this is not allowed
    (Should still add it to the MOTD for future reference) 
    (I will not be replying to this just to keep it professional) 



    They also have been causing problems all of the time since they got added during bank robberys

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