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[GL] Locus

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Posts posted by [GL] Locus

  1. +Support 
    I agree with this to a degree I don't think that it should go back to where people end up taken 400+ shots from 3 people to kill a tac member all the time but I do believe that some criminal classes do have armor that puts them on the same level as most of the government. a SM in PDs armor is laughable by what most criminals can get their hands on even with the PD buff on armor a bit back.  

  2. In-Game Name: FBI SAIC Locus/HRT SSC Locus/MAJ Locus

    Steam Name: [GL] Locus S.

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581

    What is your discord username (Ex: Jayden#9452): Rogue#5297

    What is your staff rank in Gaminglight? Senior Moderator

    How often are you on Teamspeak? Everyday

    How often do you use Discord? Everyday

    Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?   I want to become a support team member due to my experience within this role. I was support nearly a year ago and I enjoyed it I left support a few months back but got staff back and wish to try it again. I also have been on the server many times and have seen people ask if they know about any support agents/people who happen to be online at that time. I wish to become a support to help out the community which includes the new and the old members and help deal with any problems they might have within Discord or TeamSpeak. The reason I also want to join the support team is to get to know more people within the community than only the people within the server I am currently in. I also have another reason which is to help those that have different time zones and play late at night as they still happen to be a part of the community and when they need support they must wait for a while to get it. I have one final reason for wanting support which is because helping people is something that can have a ripple effect you help one guy and they might share the fact you were upbeat about helping them and help someone if they can or help them get in contact with the people who can.

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels? I would say hello, my name is Locus  to them and ask what their problem is this fine day. Once I get told the problem I'll start trouble shooting with them to see what we can do to get it to work or contact a higher up or peer to help me figure it out. I would then after it is all solved ask if they have another question/problem that they need help with if they say no I'll wish them a great day and move them out if they say yes I'll start the process back with getting told the problem and repeating the steps. 

  3. -Support while I do agree the people yesterday got screwed the printers were classed as New which normally means in development. This would also revert everyone elses eco even people who only do bitcoin the eco didn't get screwed so I see no need of an eco reset as it will mess with stuff people bought as well. 

    The RP isn't all around printers while yes FBI a department I like alot and play alot does busts for a majority I believe less people being in their bases will give PD more RP as they can have a more likely hood of traffic stops. 

  4. +Support Other GL servers do this such as DT gets to take over protection on naval assets. IF at least when I was IF could do negoations , Nova took over army assests, IC did something special that they took piriorty in and Havoc (EOD/ENG) takes over bombs and stuff.  
    This would also add reasons to join certain units other than just oh they look cool or oh they have more armor or oh this that or the other thing. 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. -Support The guy you rdmed you told him to get back with a state warning that says get back or your AOS/KOS. 
    He ran away like your advert said you chased him down the road towards DOC's bench bus waiting place. 
    He never shot y'all you did all the damage so no shots were exchanged at all.
    The sit had 3 different opinions which lead to this being one of the two options I picked the other staff I contacted are Miniepic, Seb, Abrams.  
    I never gave him the Tec9 as he gave me the Tec9 to see if it was full auto as you said it was a class-2 which it is not I gave him back his Tec9 as I don't want to steal from players. The whole time thing was no where inside the reasons you were getting warned you were getting warned for RDM thats it plain and simple the sit could of taken 10 minutes I would of still came to the same conclusion that I came to. You have prior warnings as well for RDM which is the main thing that lead to me finally deciding to warn you as the other staff said it is either I warn both or don't and with you both having priors that seemed like the best option. You according to what you responded with in the sit even admitted the KOS/AOS advert was telling him to back up which means you understand that someone who lets say doesn't have audio that works is seeing that they'll back up not drop something as you never asked that. 
    The threats which you mention never had evidence so they didn't really change anything in the admin sit. 
    As for this part "The man named "revenge RDM" Was a police LCPL earlier Monday Morning in which he was miss using radio and attempted to RDM fellow gov. He was from what I was told demoted to cadet later by Maj Sato. I was also at that situation maybe he just doesn't like me." This has nothing to do with it even if he did like you or didn't you still broke a server rule and RDMed a player he also could of been considered breaking server rules so he got warned as well. 
    The way I see it both warns are valid. 

  6. Your name: Locus

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706):  Rogue#5297

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 917552222957617202

    Which discord server were you banned on? Imperial

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? Guess my account when it was hacked did something my old one was  Locus#6648

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned? Because I don't believe the ban was justified. 

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