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[GL] Locus

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Posts posted by [GL] Locus

  1. -Support 
    With the breaching charges being removed this is legit are only breaching tool outside of battering rams. 
    This also hasn't been a problem that required anything such as a removal of a weapon from many units and it isn't game breaking now either. 
    Us having shields actually is making it even as well due to the fact that you guys can have bases that lead to odd things such as us all having to run threw a 2 mile run that had 2-3 stories. 

  2. Yo pick your favorite departments
    Normal Gov departments: 
    Sub-departments (Non-Asst Tactic ones):
    Assisstant Tactical Department: 
    Tactical Departments 

    Mine be

  3. +Support 
    As no videos have been posted proven otherwise I believe it would of been better to bring this to the forums. How ever I am going to take this at face value if he was afk like he is saying he was this warn seems pretty false. 

  4. +Support 

    The reporter appears to of just wanted him talked to and not warn. 
    Seems like the staff who was taken the sit seems to of purposely not told pittman that the reported player wanted another staff member to take over the sit. 

  5. -Support 

    The reason I am -supporting this is due to the fact that this system can be easily abused and glitched to make infinite money. 
    This isn't the wild wild west ethier so I believe the current warrant system is great so far. 

    The only way I could see this getting added is if we had another unit that wasn't exactly gov and wasn't criminal to handle it as if anyone can put a bounty on another person and have gov chase them that will cause problems.  

  6. -Support I believe that the negatives highly out weight the positives. 
    + IT would be more easier to know what is going on. 
    + I've used it before and liked it 
    - This has been suggested time and time again and has been denied time and time again. 
    - Dispatch as a department was removed so unless that was added back I would have to give this a hard no,
    - The amount of retraining that could be needed also can become a problem. 

  7. 1 hour ago, King said:

    @[GL] LocusOne thing about this map is that its huge i mean HUGE its almost as big as truenorth so i dont know if this is an option due to lag and FPS issue

    @King I was on this map on another community and it didn't lag with a helicopter chase and 30 different cars driving right on top of each other basiclly


    What you want to see? - I wish to see a new map.

    Why should we add it? -  The reason I think we should add this map is because it has alot of places to base and live at from a hill area to a city skyscraper pent house to an apartment to the ghetto you can base anywhere. The pursuits will go on for longer and be more fun for everyone as it will be easier to escape if the officers aren't using the radio correctly but can also be a challenge for the suspect if they don't think quicker than the radio. Robberys can end up being more realistic and more deadly as any wrong move from ethier party can lead them into being pinned down.  image.thumb.png.9020b1eee45c077fd4704af042df5bb7.pngThe map shows that there is a bunch to do here as well from a fire station at Knights St - Parkin Dr to a police station at Von Ave - Hyrule ST To a trailer park on Chillis Dr. To a nice pent house on Von Ave to a construction area by Knights St and Stubbs St. To a harbor area at Parkin Dive and Lacosa St. 
    The Map will allow for more RP scenes to happen as well and more interesting shoot outs and experiences.  

    What are the advantages of having this? - New action, More fun, More player engagement. 

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content -

  9. In-Game Name: Locus

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90992581

    Rank: Mod

    Reason for leaving: Not interested in being staff at this time and I currently am busy with other IRL things. 

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes

    Do you agree to contact your Head Admin+ once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  10. What do you want to see?: I want to see the rank board within the new player spawn updated to how it currently is such as Crewman equaling private and other ranks that have been added and removed. 

    Why should we add it?: Because it will help the new players know the correct ranks instead of just seeing out dated info.

    What are the advantages of having this?: It will help people who need to see the rank structure quickly or new players who just joined and wish to know it.

    Who is it mainly for?: Everyone.

    Links to any content: N/A

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