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Everything posted by Will

  1. +Support From what I saw from the video, that is RDM. Just because someone is holding a gun at you does not mean you can gun them down; not to mention that there was a good 15-30 seconds of you two looking at each other with guns in each other's hands. And last I checked Sourg, the Murder class is unfortunately not a government official, so it would not carry over. Even if it was government, you should not resort to gunning everyone down as an initial response to a gun. Always act as if it is real life; for example, don't just whip out a negev and start spraying because an officer wanted to see your hands.
  2. The SteamID you posted does not have any bans on record. Please post the actual SteamID that is banned. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199127088273
  3. This denial will also be accompanied by a demotion to Master Sergeant as a result of violating the rules established by high command. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Will


    The old warning removal process has been deprecated and is no longer used as it was being heavily abused by players, soooo best advice I can give is..... Don't break the rules!
  5. +Support Video and the comment Zigmund made suggest a clear violation of the staff handbook. Physgun guidelines for PoliceRP staff are gone over with new team members during their training as trial moderators, as well as being required to comment "Read and Understood" on the post below. @Zigmund I did not see you're name in the comments of that post. Please read and respond with something saying that you both read and understand the physgun guidelines.
  6. -Support This is a warn appeal more than it is a staff report. Staff reports are only if a staff member has abused their administrative powers or have violated one of the points listed in the Gaminglight Staff Handbook (linked below).
  7. -Support While I think it's great that you have come to realize the immaturity of your actions, those same actions do come with their consequences, which this ban is exactly that. You were also blacklisted before from the community (which I'm guessing you got appealed at some point) which if that did not teach you a lesson about your actions, then hopefully this ban will. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198342204195
  8. Moved to correct section.
  9. Will

    Banned for Racism

    -Support No format followed. SteamID and ban panel below. STEAM_0:1:455006673 https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198870279075
  10. WOOOOOOOOO FACTIONS!!!!!!! PD Training room is also looking pretty sick, you should go check it out
  11. Even if you were not the person doing that, you are still responsible for anything that happens with your account and while you're connected to the server. -Support
  12. +Support Clear evidence of Copbait and RDM. I'd expect this type of behavior to come from a minge, not staff member.
  13. +Support Scoob is active and from interactions I've had, seems to be a good guy. I think he should be allowed a chance at the rank of Trial Moderator.
  14. +Support Physgun guidelines are very clearly defined and gone over during staff training, in which all staff are required to post "read and understood". From what I saw in the video is a violation of these guidelines and should result in a punishment. https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/49144-when-can-policerp-staff-use-phys-gun-power-off-duty-only-for-t-mod-through-admin/
  15. -Support Staff member does not seem to have broken any of the points laid out in the staff handbook, and there is no real evidence other than the screenshots Sourg posted.
  16. @[GL] Protec What's your in-game name? I don't think I've seen you on once...
  17. -Support Not needed when you can do the same thing on the Citizen job and by purchasing one of the cars already in the car dealer.
  18. -Support I feel this will be counter productive; sits have always been first come, first serve and I do not feel it will be a benefit to the staff team or the player base by doing this..
  19. Greetings, Recently, a conflict had arised between four criminal organizations (Umbrella Corporation and Purgatory Outlaws, versus the Brotherhood of Steel and Bappo), leading to the escalation to war between them. Over the last few days, members from these families have engaged in a number of violent crimes and actions against each other with the intent of blowing huge hits to each other's reputation and operations. Due to the excessive amount of crime and destruction to property caused, all sides have sustained significant losses to land, money, resources, and manpower, leaving countless people dead wherever combat ensued. High ranking command and management members from all families met tonight and discussed the current state of the conflict, and have determined that the ongoing war has been brought to a stalemate. For the betterment of the families involved, and for the city of Great Lakeside as a whole, the ongoing war between these families is being brought to an end effective immediately. The terms agreed upon by these command and management members are as follows: All parties involved are to set each other's relationship to neutral or to an equivalent status. Hostile actions between these families can still continue, however not to the same level or extent they were being done during the war. No one is to be boasting or making claims that one or more parties/ families won or were victorious from the conflict. Any member from any of these families (at any rank) break the terms listed above will be fully removed from their organization without appeal. All current members from these families and organizations MUST reply with "Read and understood" on this post. ~ Will, Umbrella Corporation Owner (Posting on behalf of UMC Management, POL Command, BOS Command, and Bappo Management)
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