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Andrew / Commander Cody

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About Andrew / Commander Cody

  • Birthday November 5

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  1. I will miss you man, I tried everything I could. Its sad to see you go, I hope we can still have some contact with each other You trained me in everything I needed to know, now I am a Captain in 212th. And you taught me so well that I even pass the hardest tryouts I've been through. Now look at me I made it into ARC, I made it to 212th Officer. Nothings going to be the same without you man, good luck.
  2. -support Doesn't like fortnite jk but in reality uhm +support Active Good SM To strict lol but strict is good Most of the time he is serious
  3. uhm +support Hes weird? lol im jk but in reality nice guy active uhm forum account active.
  4. +support (I didn't mean to vote no) Active That's all lol
  5. If people get mad about us entering banks. And not letting them enter. I will start allowing to PD members no matter what rank. To enter only 2 at a time and see them trying to do our job
  6. Oh, also when you said "I feel this has gone on far too long" You are correct. It has been going on FAR FAR FAR to long that you keep entering the bank without permission ?
  7. It was very irritating that no one takes care of the OFCs/SNRs. I can't ever take care of a bank situation without forcing BSI, PD, NSA, etc. outside of the bank. I allow BSI warrant team in. Not all BSI. BSI is not a tactical unit and is not allowed to give themselves permission to move in. You get on an attack unit and try it for yourself. As far that I understand I don't think you have ever been on a tactical unit. It's really annoying and irritating, after a while yeah sure I'm going to say fuck you a lot. BSI doesn't understand the work we put just trying to force people out of the bank.
  8. When I said that. He didn't explain the story. Someone went on Radio said, "Andrew you know what Fuck you when I want to go in bank I'm going to the bank". Don't +support something when you don't understand the story. It probably wasn't on the radio. As I had several cops next to me
  9. Vote: Snookiebear Reason: Active, Mature, Follows all SOPs, Follows all rules, Takes care of troopers and other departments with equal punishments. Not bias only promotes people who deserve a promotion, The most active trooper out of all (if anyone denies then you must be high) Concerns: That he will leave before he gets COL
  10. I don't think the ban should stay. I think it should be longer
  11. Thats a lie as I heard his voice Just to let you know (not trying to start drama) but I didn't -support it because of who you are. Stop assuming, thanks :)
  12. -support Didn't advert Assist During the raid but adverted it in the middle of the raid
  13. I know I said the last comment but I don't care if your staff or not. Thanks for helping out the server but unless your SMT or SA+ I am not treating you special. But to me You're a normal player.
  14. 1. IRL we would be on the State only Frequency 2. Watch your attitude. 3. Then don't send your FBI 4. None of the rules are annoying, but if you feel they are then go onto the suggestions forums under state police section. 5. If you cant be nice, then don't comment. I am not gonna comment anymore. If you have anything to say privately message me. Dispatch has access to state patrol room as well I believe.
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