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  1. I can't really explain how ecstatic I was to be a part of command in this server, and to be friends with all of you who play therein. I've met some pretty neat people and been genuinely frightened by others, but I'd say it's been a pretty well rounded experience. As much as I wish to continue said experience, I've had some issues and time restraints from not only a new employment change, but schooling and leaving for the AFA soon. I'll miss some of you, thanks for a great 5 months :p. Here is a quick list of some of the notable goobers who've made an impact as I've been here. Loaf: I've honestly not really talked to you outside of meetings and whatnot, but you seem pretty cool and obviously you are to be able to lead the best branch in the server. Definitely professional and I honestly could see you as JMT soon. also HOMIE rank pog SpinSpin: Weird name, good leader. I wish you the best in O5 council when they finally have the balls to put you there B). Super active and thanks for the fun roblox game nights lmao. A real HOMIE (i used to be genuinely scared of you lmfao) Jack: A real one, thanks for the DMs, also O5 council material (if you were ever active bozo) jk jk FISHY; you smell like a fish, but you are somehow a maintenance manager?!?!!111 I thought you were still OS! (jk, you've somehow withheld a burnout longer than johnny sins so congrats on that, I can't understand how you are so active and megachad at same time.) Bulborb: Weird dude who always complained on teamspeak and has no mic, also hacks on roblox. Biggie: Literally a rat lover, and reincarnated memories that I had of back at the barnyard. Great leader traits. Don't give me the TOTW money, it's yours. The long lost AMM Aussie: WEIRD guy. Called me his kitten and has like a southern british accent. He claims he is "australian" but i've never seen them so they literally don't exist. I'm not your kitten, but you've got some nice discord memes. not a spy: I don't really know you all that well but you seem like a nice dude, I appreciated your words of encouragement! bae to: literally an scp, somehow they haven't caught you yet, so keep under the radar. Can i get some armor? Beared, Wagner, Will: You three are all in the same boat with me, just keep swimming. I remember being the same rank as Wagner for so long and we've shared that same rank since the start it seems like. Beared and Will, you two seem like very promising LC members, and I wouldn't be surprised seeing either of you as HOMIE someday. probably missed like 20 of you but I'm currently burnt out after 3 hours of safety testing feel free to add yourself to the comments lmao. i'll see y'all in the next one -1SS also to the first 2 people to make me laugh in comments, you get 1 million dollars ingame each.
  2. well said. also +support in general muy active extensive motd/sop knowledge obvious dedication to server Only downside would be me worrying about you being extremely active staff, maint command, and whatever else you do, on top of real life. But if you can manage that and not burnout then it's a massive +support for activity in command when we need it.
  3. SS1

    Trash Bug Report

    FOUND ISSUE Someone in Maint. Ops. TS said this, and I've had zero issues with the machine since. The compactors and money kiosk things are duped/stacked inside of each other, so each time you use it, it goes to one of the two. This can be fixed by using remover tool on one. Some sewers also seem to be duplicated in hopes of multiplying their capacity, but the second sewer never opens anyways. All it needs is duplicates to be removed.
  4. SS1


    all australians are the same
  5. + Support +Great person ingame, has RP ranks to show it, (activity over long period of time) +Prior staff knowledge, + on GL. +Well written application, I like the layout/neatness, similar is rarely seen. -I have concerns about time/dedication similar to what shinspin said (see shinspin's comment for more) -Heavy violation of GL motd, but it is possible for one to truly have changed as a person in this timespan. Also MassRDM does not need a clip, as long as it has relevant evidence in !blogs. Best of luck!
  6. +SUPPORT -Experience as staff/et/rp -Well written app good luck!!
  7. literally an orange why wouldn't you like him +support
  8. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? SS1 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:1:124446284 3. What is your Rank? Maintenance Professional 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? Zero 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? Zero 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 7 (On as much as I can be, in between being staff and having school/work) 7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words)? Words can't really explain how much I enjoy being in Maintenance. The constant freedom, the lack of restrictions for roleplay, and the interaction with the community is really found no-where else. I can be giving armor to GENSEC and 3 minutes later be on the surface being questioned by CI ( why they always gotta choose the janitor ). I've also become pretty good friends with a lot of the active utility members, and have spent many nights sucking trash for money while joking around in TS with them. I could go on and on, but really, it all comes down to people who are in charge of this branch that make me enjoy it, like Aussie and ShinSpin. People who I can genuinely talk to and joke around with, and although we aren't always the most active group in the server, we always have some chill people in the Maintenance Ops TS channel to joke around with. Simply put, I wish to further my time in Maintenance, and be a more structural part of it by assisting those who've made it what it is for me, and I wish to have others view it similarly. also we got the best memes on discord by far [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this? I would start by asking them to follow me back to the bunks, and probably train them myself if I wasn't restrained on time or doing something else. If they obviously refused/ignored, I would restrain them and return them to bunks, and attempt to train them if they weren't a total minge, and put their name on the DNT list for 1 week if applicable. If they absolutely refused and juked my every attempt, I would call staff, if none others were online, the trainee would be killed to respawn in bunks. Those actions would land them on the DNT list. 8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation? Politely ask them to stop, and if they continued in obvious disregard, they would be warned another time, and if they never once stopped to listen, staff would be called to deal with the RDM part, and video evidence would be also collected to discuss with a higher LC/SC member about with strikes/demotions. 8-3. A Junior Maintenance is breaking multiple SOP rules such as improperly using tools and disregarding DEFCON rules, what are your next steps? They would be asked nicely to stop and read the SOP fully, and if they just got trained poorly, or had forgotten the rules from a long game break, they would be given a lenient second chance, but if they were an obvious minge, the JM would be demoted from their rank, unwhitelisted, and possibly put on a DNT list depending on severity.
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18IgFSsrMdT7RSmY_0e_5F9UCOzxSVFJTsXuj1BaxKwA/edit?usp=sharing fixed link
  10. SS1

    Trash Bug Report

    Appears to be an unintended bug caused by the recent utility trash update. Further evidence below too. Garry's Mod (x64) 2022-01-16 13-31-49_Trim.mp4
  11. +support I want to see ferdinand eating at the family table.
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