Name on roster:
Rank on roster:
How active are you:
I joined yesterday and have been on for a total of 6 hours.
Who should be the next Major?
I don't know anyone yet, so I have no idea!
What can Security improve on?
I'd like to see some more RP, and more direction from NCO staff for newer officers. Like sending people on patrols, giving them guard assignments, stopping abuse of power and such. There have been more than a few times where everyone is just hanging out despite there being D class, SCPs and Research personnel on.
Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words)
I hope you will consider keeping me in Security because I've had a lot of fun in the little bit of time I've been playing on the server. I hope to continue to climb the ranks and prove myself as a competent security officer, as well as seeking other opportunities to take on additional responsibilities. I also hope to have a voice to provide ideas on how to improve the Security department as I gain more experience here.