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Max Holland

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. Myan I’m gonna for real the staff team isn’t  gonna be the same without you. You’ve been an amazing smt member and I’m gonna miss your zombie events. 

  2. well guys it’s been a fun ride. However, with my recent Assistant Chief promotion I’ve decided to leave state and doc. I’ll still be around and talk with you guys. 


    Cammy - first actual friend i had in the server. we've had so many good times and will have so many more, but you need to understand that your country isn't real. 
    crease - your doing a good job with state keep it up. And I swear I didn’t get you that driving ban xd

    Andrew - I’m not in cert anymore you don’t scare me. I’ll miss you bro

    Echo - Ima miss you on the sever. Cya around on TTT minge. 

    Masterson - next time im on, ill buy you a furry suit.

    Lnivebait - Five m boy 

    North - look at this dude 

    Sabchez - WILLIAM 

    Balloon - whispers 20/7 

    Soulness - INaCtiVe 

    beans - no more discord calls please 

    Killer- ima miss your checkpoints. I’ll still see ya on pd I hope...

    behappy - are you using a VPN jk lol. 

    stingray - what a minge 

    to the rest of state command. I didn’t really talk to you guys but keep up the good work

    to the rest of the troopers. Make sure you don’t sit in your position for around 7.5 years like I did xd. 

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