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Max Holland

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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. Name (which you most commonly use): Max Holland/ Jokal.

    First rank/character choice: Mace Windu

    Second rank/character choice: Qui-Gon Jinn

    Do you have any command experience? If so please explain:

    Yes, I have been high command in a military rp server around 2 years ago, I have also been a command member of a mafia rp family with over 70+ active people in it, both of these servers are not related to gaminglight. In terms of gaminglight, I have been high command of ARU ( tac dept), command in state (LT) and I am currently high command in the police department (deputy chief). 

    How active can you be?

    I can be on every day, as long as I don’t work overtime that day. 

    Are you familiar with the Star Wars universe and have played other Star wars related servers? If so please explain:

    Yes, I am awfully familiar with the Star Wars universe, I have watched all the movies and I have read a few comics.  I have experience with Star Wars rp servers, as I’ve played gaminglight imperial rp since it first launched. 

    Why do you want to become command?

    I would like to be command of the Jedi because I really enjoy playing star wars rp, I love the Jedi and have always wanted to become command of them. I think that I work hard when in these positions and I would be able to get everything set up quickly and swiftly if need be and answer any questions along the way.

     I want to be command so I can help make the Jedi grow to the best possible place it can be at. I want to make sure that everyone has a fun time playing the new server. I want to be able to fix problems if they come up, so they can continue to have an enjoyable time. I want to be able to answer any question new players might have to make sure they are all inform and are knowing what to not do and what to do.  i really care about the new server and want to make sure it has an amazing launch and that people are having an amazing time. 

    Yes i know high command is a lot to ask for. however, i really feel like i can make a positive impact on the server and the regiment. i want to make sure while being high command or command, that all the regiments are doing just fine and are set up to perfection. I want to be able to work along side amazing people and make sure again that everyone has a fun time.

    What qualities can you bring to the position?

    I can bring a good amount of qualities to the positions i have asked for. These qualities are 1. Activity, obviously the most important thing for the regiment to succeed.

    2.The second reason: the second reason is because of my leadership skills. I fell that, I am a very good leader. There are a lot of reasons for this. One being the fact that im the captain on my rugby team, showing that my couches obviously trust me enough to lead training exercises, help out around the team ect ect. The others are because I am high command of PD, showing I obviously have the skils to lead other wise I don’t think I would be high command. As well as have been high command in doc, high command in ARU and a trooper LT in state.. I have also been one of the highest ranks which was general of the army’s on a shut down mill rp server.

    3. I think I should be promoted is because of my maturity and respect towards others.  is because of my maturity. I feel/ have been told that I am mature, and I do agree with this. i know when to joke around and when to not. I am human I do have fun and joke around. however, when it comes to being in a in rp situation or in any situation Ect, I will always remain mature and respectful. Respect is something that I value a lot and where I come from/ what I’ve been told you need respect to get anywhere good in life.

    4.  dedication. even though the server hasn't come out, i will be extremely dedicated to it making sure everyone is following the sop's, guidelines and server rules. 


    Why should we pick you over your competitors? 

    I believe that I am a good fit for this position over others, because of the different types of experiences and qualities I can bring to The jedi/Jedi Consular's regiment. I will be able to maintain activity even with work and school starting up as other might not be able to.. Overall, I believe I should be given the chance at Mace Windu/Satele Shan over others because I am great at role playing, a strong leader, have great activity and because I am mature making sure that the regiment does not look like a joke.


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