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Max Holland

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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. forum diplomat message, 

    please keep this to -/+ supports, both parties are starting an augment and if this goes on any further the post will be locked. 

  2. I didn’t advert because I did not raid. I only shot when gov and dd were shooting at my men. i had no intention of murdering you guys, untill you started shooting at my men, at that i only started shooting when gov shot at me while i was unarmed. 

  3. On 5/26/2020 at 10:04 AM, Jimmy James said:


    I was the staff that told killer not to go back to this situation causing this "NCWS"

    Killer went back to the modern house to raid them and then he was going over the ramp and not causing any issues but they were shooting at killer as he was driving by causing more issues than necessary. In my opinion this wasn't a NCWS and i dont feel like the warn was warranted 


    I agree with jimmy on this one +support 

  4. 32 minutes ago, TheJayden said:



    You were ramming a FBI’s car saying “what are you going to do about it huh?” And repeated it 3 times then when I went to pull you over you sped away...


  5. Rank You are Applying For: Major 

    In-Game Name: Captain Max Holland 1L32 

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0: 160820176

    Current Rank: Captain Max Holland 1L32

    How long have you been in your current rank?:  52 Days

    What timezone are you in? GMT 

    How many Warns do you have?:  3 

    Permission: Matthew 

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum):

    Hello readers today in this short application I will be stating the reasons on why I believe I should be given the rank of major. To start this off I want to by saying thank you to all that believe In me.

    There are many reasons why I think I deserve this rank. The first reasons: the first reason is because of my dedication and activity Every day I get on pd to help players, train, respond to calls, make sure all police are following the rules aswell as the guidelines and of course make sure that all police are having fun. I am extremely dedicated to the police department there is no doubt about that. 

    The second reason: the second reason is because of my leadership skills. I fell that, I am a very good leader. There are a lot of reasons for this. One being the fact that im the captain on my rugby team, showing that my couches obviously trust me enough to lead training exercises, help out around the team ect ect. The others are because I am high command of ARU, showing I obviously have the skils to lead other wise I don’t think I would be high command. As well as being high command in DOC and a supervisor in state. I have also been one of the highest ranks which was general of the army’s on a shut down mill rp server.

    The third reason: the third and final reason I think I should be promoted is because of my maturity and respect towards others.  is because of my maturity. I feel/ have been told that I am mature, and I do agree with this. i know when to joke around and when to not. I am human I do have fun and joke around. however, when it comes to being in a in rp situation or in any situation Ect, I will always remain mature and respectful. Respect is something that I value a lot and where I come from/ what I’ve been told you need respect to get anywhere good in life.

    In conclusion. I feel like I am ready to be promoted up to the rank of major. Everyday I strive to better pd. I am always enjoying my time on pd, to going on a foot patrol because im to laggy or driving around helping anyone in danger I will always be having fun. I will also always enforce rules and make sure people are not afraid to talk to me about anything.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes 

  6. This is extremely petty you obviously have something against him. 
    aswell he un handcuffed him, he did not release him. People get un handcuff inmates all the time. 
    aswell staff can tell you how long to put somone in for. As long as there’s a correct backstory to it. 


  7. Dp I don’t think umc are scared of your growth. Also your growth isn’t that big on a umc scale tbh.

  8. Here’s the thing. You and your friend the co commander started off by throwing a prop at two umc cars. You where jailed for that. at this time you both had the name DT commander. You both were minging together. Once you were jailed. The “co commander” changed her name to dp. A sit was called I dealt with it. She then made this advert. You then responded to this advert. 
    it was obvious that you were both friends as she said in the sit I had with her when she made the advert. So with that evidence I went up to you while still being jailed and asked you to change your name. I gave you one last warning. You kept arguing with me so I warned you. 

    you both had been harassing umc, and dp making false advert posing to be them saying they are declaring war on each other. 

  9. Alex has made mistakes in the past. However, even though I don’t have a no tolerance for people who have said racist remarks. Or who brake numerous rules. Alex is the acceptation. 
    there are many reasons why I believe Alex should be awarded the rank of trail moderator, I will keep these reasons short and simple.

    the first reason: is the fact that he has changed.yes Alex used minge. However, he has changed a lot. He “grew up” stoped acting “dumb. He has now joined departments and got himself known within the server. I have definitely seen a change in him. 

    the second reason: the second reason is because of his dedication. Alex has shown dedication and love for the server. 

    the third reason: his application. Alex has provided, a very well written application with sufficient detail and knowledge of the rules, staff handbook ect ect. 

    In conclusion, I think Alex should be given this chance to prove himself and help the server. There is no doubt he has made mistakes however, we have all. alex has changed for the better and should be awarded this rank.  

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Freeze said:

    + Support

    Remove rule from hobo aswell cause it honestly just a minge job.

    + Adds RP and something to do when there is not much happening.

    + Just something fun and people actualy can show off in instead of playing shrek ear rape music through a self made starbucks microphone.

    + Good for economy.

    I agree with freeze. The hobo job gets annoying when people spam “shitty” music. Would be a great alternative.

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