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Max Holland

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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. -support 

    Savage, I don’t think you are ready to become a staff member. There are quite a few reason I think this. To start off you are not mature, being mature is a key aspect of being apart of the staff team. another reason I think you shouldn’t be staff is because of your actions in game. The Times I see you one you are quite mingy. Being staff means you were held to a higher standard than others, you actions in game prove to me that you are not ready to help out just yet. You also have a poor attitude towards other member in gaminglight, I have seen you a number of times be rude and disrespectful.

    in conclusion I believe you are not ready for this position. There are many things you need to work on. These things are, your attitude towards other players and staff, your Maturity levels, And how are you act while in game. Once i see improvements on those reasons I would happily + support your application. I do wish you the best of luck in your application. 

  2. -support 

    springs, I think you would make a alright captain. However, your not active enough and you don’t show the leadership skills needed for the position. 

    Springs, I do understand you frustration and desire to achieve this position, but I do not feel right giving you a plus support, when I don’t see any improvement from last time you applied. since you last application you grew mostly inactive. You have given the police department enough time and enthusiasm as it needs.

    You cannot gain maturity by doing applications. The times when I’ve seen you in game, you have acted immature and irresponsible. You actually haven’t changed from what I’ve seen. Your a nice person and you have good intentions, but how Can I + support something that I don’t believe in?

    Springs as a command member you need to be able to lead people, you are unable to do that, instead you enjoy having a “laugh” and “taking the piss” rather than, helping people or helping the situation. It’s ok to joke around some times but you do it to much. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Timmycas2 said:

    He never went on duty he did it off duty

    Alright, that’s extremely against the staff handbook. Only admins+ are allowed to warn off duty. Since there is no real evidence of the warn off duty (unless you or someone else has a screen shot ect ect.) there’s really nothing I can say in terms of -/+ support. However , smt can check the logs and see if this is true. you also have the choice to turn this into a staff report, doing this would get Rico delth with on a staff side and also get your warn looked at. 
    if these allegations you are saying are true this situation, has turned into a staff member abusing his powers. 

    now I’m not going off any words here I’m simply just saying, if Timmy says these things are true I feel the warn should be looked at more thoroughly. 
    as for @RicoTheGoat could you please shed some light, on what happened were you off duty ect.  

    if you want to get the post moved to a staff report you could, post this in the correct section. Or you could ask a forum diplomat to move it. 

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