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Posts posted by Blitzton

  1. On 11/26/2018 at 11:30 AM, VelvetyBinkie33 said:

    major + support

    I would love to see these in SRT It would give the departments vehicles a hole new look!

    ? please accept this! SRT command!?



    Trust me if SMT approves of these they will be added

  2. So as most of you, not all, have heard as of last night I was granted the rank of CoCommander. I’m NOT making this post as a publicity stunt as to say “oh celebrate me I’m so awesome,” BUT, as an assurance to all of you that I will do my damn near best to improve this department and all of its members. Now I have to admit, a high command position is brand new to me and it’ll take some adjustments in order for me to learn where I stand and how far I can go before I cross a line. If any of you at any point feel I have crossed said line please tell me and I will try my best to correct my wrong. Thank you all for reading. 

    - SRT CoCMDR Blitzton 1K67

    • Laughing 2
  3. Noted and marked. It was one hell of a ride with you as well Phil, I hope that even though you’re leaving the department you’re not leaving it’s people. We’re all here to cheer you on in your future endeavors and we’d like if you kept in touch with us as well. Good luck Phil!


    - Special Response Team CoCommander Blitzton 1K67

    • Thanks 1
  4. Congratulations to all new SRT memebers! Please contact an FTO to receive your training.

    4 hours ago, Nimo said:

    You forgot Nimo...

    If you do not see see your name within the accepted list then you either didn't apply, or were denied. Please try again in one week. 


    But in all seriousness Vizz is was one hell of a Ride with you, please keep in contact with us like you said. And I promise I'll play a hellovalotta Crim' with you one I get into Jeff's CC ? 

  6. Army, there are so many ways to describe you. Driven, determined, in most cases friendly (except when you played For Honor with me ;)} Gasoholic, and most importantly hard working. Even whilst being SMT and not always SRT, you still managed to benefit the department a ton. Pushing our updates, making sure they worked, taking in feedback. All of these things have made you pretty damn special in a lot of peoples eyes, so, thank you.. Thank you for being there for us and supporting us in our endeavours. Now even though youre leaving the department, Im praying that it doesnt mean goodbye. Stop by and say hi everyone once in a while for us, ok?

    - Special Response Team Lieutenant Blitzton 1E67



    7 hours ago, Hooplaa said:


    • Mature
    • Knows the Rules
    • Trains cadets
    • Helps Officers
    • Attends Command Meetings
    • Super Active
    • Approachable
    • Overall Just a Swell Guy


    Nuff’ said.

    • Like 1
  8. On 10/29/2018 at 9:07 PM, HelloItsBilly said:




    -Really cool guy

    -Great at Staffing

    -Overall Deserves the rank

    Good Luck!!!

    100% agreed.

    • Like 1

    • Active Almost Every Day
    • Very Mature/Well Spoken 
    • Has been Major for quite sometime now
    • Made a beautifully crafted application that sets the bar high for all CL. Apps
    • Would make an amazing Colonel due to his knowledge of the rules/how to handle situations
    • Nice Guy!
    • Very Engaged with other departments/the community
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