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~ vσxιs ~

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Posts posted by ~ vσxιs ~

  1. Basically to clear the confusion. He DOES have 2 accounts, just the main one was the one that was banned. He claims he purchased gold on the account banned. 

    His other account basically doesn't/didn't have the game. I think that's right. 


    Video cannot be produced proving that the actions the warning staff member is stating, and nobody can remember their name. This is why I try to at least attempt to backlog videos incase the person being warned decides to post up a warn appeal. 

    Regardless, civs can commit crime as LONG as they follow the specific guidelines that everyone else has to, otherwise myself and other staff members would have been warned for FailRP as a citizen a couple of years ago when we were running around as sovereign citizens. While punishments are staff discretion, a simple verbal would have sufficed in this instance and since we dont have any proof of whether or not the player adverted carjack, it's a he/she said situation and that's just not good enough. IF a video does show up, I will change my support based on what is in the video, but in the meantime I stand at where i'm at. 


    As stated above, being in a bad mood does not excuse anything from happening. I've seen and heard the "bad mood" excuse a lot as well, now im not calling you a liar but I am saying that it's an easy way to say that you done something.

    Now, aside from that, doing what you done is an extreme that people do, while I do agree that you should be given a second chance, I don't agree with the fact that you said what you said. Literally 0 reason behind why you would say anything like that in the first place. The racism part shouldn't have even been a thing, and as Blitz mentioned before, Snar is the former Manager of PoliceRP, so he did what he thought was right and has every right to do so. If this doesn't get accepted, maybe next time try to calm yourself down before you go onto a server in a bad mood. 

  4. 13 hours ago, LuckyGoose said:

    + Major Support

    This man has proven time after time on how much he has matured over the last couple months and would make a great staff member.


    • Active
    • Knows the rules
    • Respected
    • knows how to be a leader
    • Great app


    • Has 15 warns but that just shows how much he matured
    • Hes a good friend

    Honestly good luck my dude you ❤️


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Will (WTLM2013) said:

    Major +Support

    This has been an ongoing issue with staff which I have also noticed. There could be 2+ reports open with at least 10+ minutes of waiting time; I myself have had to take a lot of those sits off duty. If anything, I think that the ratio would help us (as much as I hate saying it) and I think a reminder to younger staff that Senior Admin+ are the only ones with ratio bypass so unless if the person is AFK, they should not have an excuse to not get on duty.


  6. 1 hour ago, The Light said:

    When I go AFK it's not because I don't wanna do my job thats just me being stupid forgetting to get off the job because I needed to go eat dinner and/or clean the dishes, but I do see where you come from since I used to know lot of people go AFK just not to staff.

    It's one of the most infuriating things that any super active staff members have to deal with. Believe me. 


    Im not staff on SCP-RP anymore, however, from what I do know you do the typical "Yeah imma AFK on a job so I don't have to do my staffing duties." which is the biggest slap in the face. 

    If family issues was an issue one time, sure. By all means. But what about the other 2 times that were mentioned by Gunther? The biggest flaw I see staff doing is when they dont want to do their jobs, they will go AFK on purpose until someone fills the shoes and then they go on about their day. Im not saying that this is true, but im also saying this isn't true. You signed up for staff to help the community and if that is too much of an issue for you, don't put the burden on other staff who need you when the time comes. 

    Either way, it's 3 months and I HIGHLY doubt Rang would remove you + staff restrict you for a 1 time thing. If he feels that punishment is needed, then I believe in his judgement. 

  8. In-Game Name: SWAT MSGT Voxis XL8

    Rank: MSGT

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): between 3 to 5 days

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): TMI but I don't care, had to pick up a friend because of a domestic violence issue caused by one of their friends, they will be with me until I can get them sorted out. I can speak further in detail with Freeze or Ronin. 

    (This is a copy+paste LOA for staff, just edited a little bit to fit for SWAT.)


    You guys are looking at it from a smaller perspective instead of a bigger one. Yes, Zeeptin banned him over a year ago on the Discord and im sure he had very good reason to do so. But, in turn, Keuka is staff now and I am almost 100% positive that he probably wouldn't be staff at the moment if the issue with Discord was still an active one. Basically, im saying lets look at a bigger picture here and let him have the access he needs to be a good staff member. 

  10. +SUPPORT

    T-Mods have no right to warn anyone off duty (I found out later that you were off duty when this person was warned from sources other than this post). 

    It seems pretty clear to me that not only did you take your own sit, but you WARNED someone OFF DUTY as a T-MOD. 

    Personally, I say remove the warn and have Rico dealt with. 

  11. Telling me that I wasn't there isn't relative. What is relative is that the rule IS in the MOTD, just worded ever so slightly different. 

    Also, the + or - support to a post is purely opinion, which again, is not relative. My opinion will stand and no amount of anything will change it. This will also be my last comment on your post. 

  12. On 4/26/2020 at 12:06 AM, Kade said:

    Already a rule, 15 minutes per base.

    But then again, it doesnt specify it can't be a group...just after completion 15 minutes for the next "wave"

    In the end, +Support to make the rule adjusted to this

    • Money Silo - 15 minutes after completion/failure (Per base)

    change to

    • Money Silo - 1 Silo Per Base, Cooldown of 15 minutes after completion/failure

    (or something along those lines)


  13. -SUPPORT 

    I mean, I would have warned you for NCWS myself really. I wont lie to you either, because the problem is, Will told you SPECIFICALLY 1 per base until he found out and he said he allowed more than 1 for the time being. Now, over the last couple of years I personally have never seen multiple money silos per base (unless I wasn't on of course) and im almost positive that the reason why noone said anything to you in the first place is because everyone is so argumentive with staff. Either way, he told you to take other ones out, you didn't listen to him, so therefore you were warned. It's 100% valid. 

    Oh and another thing to. Just because it's not in the MOTD doesn't mean its okay to do it. Just saying.

    • Like 1
  14. -SUPPORT 

    I mean, I would have warned you for NCWS myself really. I wont lie to you either, because the problem is, Will told you SPECIFICALLY 1 per base until he found out and he said he allowed more than 1 for the time being. Now, over the last couple of years I personally have never seen multiple money silos per base (unless I wasn't on of course) and im almost positive that the reason why noone said anything to you in the first place is because everyone is so argumentive with staff. Either way, he told you to take other ones out, you didn't listen to him, so therefore you were warned. It's 100% valid. 

    Oh and another thing to. Just because it's not in the MOTD doesn't mean its okay to do it. Just saying. 

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Jayden said:


    - Active

    - Splendid application

    - Friendly

    - Knowledgeable on the MOTD

    - Former staffing experience


    The reasons above are why I believe you should be accepted into our staff team.

    Alex is a friendly guy who I believe has changed his ways. There are many players that start out bad on the server, but end up building a love for it later on and I think Alex is one of these players.

    Yes his warns may be worrisome, but I believe that Alex has changed and will prevent himself from getting into any further trouble.

    I hope to see you as a Trial Moderator soon.

    Good luck Alex Raddish!


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