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~ vσxιs ~

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Posts posted by ~ vσxιs ~

  1. 18 minutes ago, Quangasaurusrex said:

    It wasn't a false hostage, other than the fact that one of us didn't put "hostage" in the advert. We (all) still adverted bank raid/assist. The kidnap was perfectly valid, although I adverted bank raid, I was not the one who started it.

    Also Calamity was perfectly fine with it, which is why he slayed Elapin after him running into the vault and shooting the hostage, then screaming down our ears about "YOU DIDNT ADVERT HOSTAGE x20". We still negotiated, and continued with the roleplay.


    Also this still doesn't negate what he did? He should have called staff if he wanted to complain.

    It's because Calamity didn't want to pick a fight during an active bank raid and cause all forms of issues. Unless it is adverted that you have a hostage in a bank raid or gen store robbery, it's classified as a false hostage. 


    Regardless of fact, im not agreeing with what he done by any means. He still broke FearRP AND had an instance of FailRP, i'll agree with that much. 


    Nobody take my head off yet, because I was there before the server restarted. I believe it's a case of confusion, as the golden rule I have always known is to make sure 1 door (but all should be) owned by the same person/family. Of course, as where everyone is after a long day of stress and being upset, sometimes staff (dont lie) do get a little irritated and do things a little extreme. I've done it, and im sure many others have done it as well. 

    I think the warn should be removed as everything got talked about last night before the server restart and Buggar here seemed to understand fully what to do the next time an instance like this arises. 

  3. Crix was a rival community that, if I remember correctly, tried to start a whole lot of trouble back in the day. I didn't know Valk personally (because I joined just as he had left) but from what I do know, he probably did it because there was more behind it. I doubt for something along those lines, it was a one time deal. He might have been crazy, but banning you because you said "Crix" one time in ooc? Doubtful. If he were still here id ask for his side but sadly, I can't. 



    ^ This is the reason for your ban. Advertisement of another server I assume (because yknow, that happens and people do it all the time) and also, being staff in a community that used to cause problems here a long time ago? Idk about it. Blacklists are un-appealable anyway. What community were you in when you got banned in the first place? 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Emoo said:


    SMT Shouldn't "Need" to do this while many try to give a reason, many have other things to do and quite frankly most suggestions that are denied are usually for a pretty obvious reason and don't need an explanation at all. 

    If the suggestion was denied it was probably because it would lag the server, causes a lot of errors, or is just plain stupid.

    Also I don't believe posting the same suggestion over and over will ever get that implemented into the server, this happens a lot and just ends up in a pile of the same suggestion denied so if I were you I would check to see if your suggestion was already denied.

    This entire thread has just turned into an argument and kinda seems like a shot at SMT 🤦‍♂️


  6. If a suggestion has been denied in the past, chances are it won't be added in the future. Countless reasons behind that as well. Conflicts, is the biggest reason aside from possible lag. 

    If you've been here long enough, then you would know that we had Proton. Proton was actually a suggestion by another player at the time. 

    What did this do? Cause HUGE amounts of problems in the long run. Like, a LOT of issues. 

  7. Yeah and I get that. But here are some factors that you may want to consider. 

    1. What if the reasoning has already been explained? Like in a lot of your suggestions in the past, things cause lag. Why iterate something that's already been told multiple times just for that person to have the same response? 

    2. What if the reasoning involves coding? Well, if you're aware, coding is pretty difficult as is in most cases. So, lets use the current EMS sound thing. Lets say its denied because of coding issues. One might say "It would be too difficult to add" and everyone flips out saying "Yeah it's easy" or "I could do it myself" ?? 

    3. As far as the LOYAL members you claim who want it to grow and prosper. Those who have been here long enough place their trust in to why SMT don't accept certain things. This place is like a home to me, and yet the reasons suggestions are denied mean so little to me, that it doesn't effect my day whatsoever. Why? Because I put my trust in the team that they are making the choices with the reasons they deem to be necessary. 

    4. Just like number 1, if someone or multiple people already said the reasoning multiple times? Again, why say something again that has already been mentioned over and over. 

    Believe me. I'm not trying to debate or argue with you, and I could go on and on about this. But, an explanation doesn't need to be given on every little thing that hits the table. 


    Since I have been back you have given every reason needed for me to say you know your stuff. You're aware of the rules from what I am reading so I think you deserve a chance, and a fair one at that. 

    Also you have a typo in your chargeback question, I would probably fix that. You say 

    35 minutes ago, EnderKnight57 said:

    I would inform them that charging back can lead to a blacklist from every Gaminglight server and it is wise to do it.

    When it should be "is not." Just a little nitpick, nothing personal. 

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 1/30/2020 at 3:35 PM, The.Batman (Faustin) said:

    Guys, Let's try and form reasonable arguments/Evidence to why you disagree with this.

    You have been given reasonable arguments from not only SMT but Ex-SMT and yet you still don't want to accept it. 

    It doesn't matter if its seconds or not. Seconds accumulate time, and that time starts adding up. 

  10. The amount of work they have to do isn't enough to anyone is it? As Snar said, they usually let suggestions pile up so when its like 20+ suggestions and every single one needs a paragraph in order to be explained as to why they are/are not being added, it consumes way too much time. Time that could be used to fix bugs, add things, remove things, tweak things, etc. 

  11. 15 hours ago, Jayden said:

    For those who are saying that “it’s just a 4 hour ban”, he’s appealing because he doesn’t want the ban on his record. Not sure if it is possible to remove bans from a players record but anyway,

    Bans can't be removed from a record. If it's a timed ban, then when it's green in the ban panel, their ban is technically considered over and it will show as green on the persons record. This also applies to bans that were permanent and were successfully appealed. 

    • Like 1
  12. -SUPPORT

    Lied to staff, attempted to MassRDM? Your ban isnt even 3 years old yet you said 4 years ago? Idk. Valk had his moments, but I doubt he would randomly throw "Threat to the community" for jokes. Also you're blacklisted. Blacklists cannot be appealed. 

  13. +SUPPORT

    Although I hate when my name gets brought up in anything (even if it is a gesture of good faith) I did provide at least SOME form of evidence proving that she is who she says she is and not bambob. Further more, as far as the screenshot goes, it was a random message as I never talk to bambob (forgot he was still on my discord friend list if im being entirely honest here) and me being me, I tried to do as I said and help. I do believe it was a ban of mis-judgment as I talked to Mikey and Calamity in TS. Hopefully this can be resolved. 

  14. Just now, SunnyBunny said:

    I was told by Calamity I could go to forum and appeal. 

    No he told you that before you admitted to being an alt. 

    Meaning if it was a wrongful ban, it would be taken care of. But you admitted it, and an appeal would be meaningless. He did however say you could try to speak to SMT. 

  15. -SUPPORT

    You do realize I was the one who told Calamity you were Snow right? Regardless that doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that instead of attempting to appeal your original blacklist (which wouldn't do any good because they're unappealable now) you instead get on an alt account? 

    You know what you were doing. Save the semantics. 

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