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~ vσxιs ~

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Posts posted by ~ vσxιs ~

  1. On 4/5/2020 at 12:47 PM, BRUH said:


    -no poll

    -very low forms activity

    -Replied to own staff application 

    +seems like a nice guy

    +low Warns

    +has experience with staffing.

    The only reason i minus supported you is because you have no poll and Low forms activity.

    If you fix this, i will give you a plus support.

    also you replied to your own staff app. 



    While I am sure you are a good player and a nice person (as described by Rick), some of the other responses also points out some flaws that I feel like need to be worked on first. Also, to top all of that, you are relatively new to the community as 2 weeks isn't enough time to get to know everyone fully. 

    Contrary to utetwos comment, being in the community for at least 1 to 2 months should be enough time for you to be able to know everyone (at least the casuals). So just keep playing and get to know people more and you should be just fine. 

  3. To keep the sake of arguments down to a low. 

    As he said, its basically everyone gets warned or nobody gets warned. As the warning admin watched others jump off the cliff with him and yet only gave them a verbal vs physically warning Ghosted. 


    The amount of Gov I seen go off the hill behind Ghosted was absolutely insane. I believe this should be removed because why warn 1 person for doing something that at least 4 to 5 other people done? It seems totally unfair to me. 

  5. image.png.9c78db47494774931f32dbd2d054645f.png

    SWAT Application status: Open



    In light of some new changes being made to the department as we speak, we have decided to open the doors to applicants once again! This time, we are allowing FBI to apply (SNR SA+) so if you have always wanted to join S.W.A.T, now is the time to do so! If you have any questions, please contact a member of command and we will do the best that we can to assist you! 


    ~SWAT SFC Voxis XL10~


  6. 2 hours ago, Munchies said:



    Depending how you look at this situation and people will have different opinions to this but, just like what waffle said, he shouldn't be close to the door because it seemed like he was camping/guarding it. Blueprint making those weird *Kiss* noises and doing it constantly is kinda micspamming and very annoying.

    Waffle, shouldn't of used his powers off-duty. It clearly states in the handbook and when you get trained. You're not meant to leave someone frozen in the air, where everyone can see them. If your mouse is really glitching because it's "Old" then, I would suggest trying to buy or find another mouse to use for the meantime.

    You can clearly see Waffle is admitting to his mistakes and has gave us an honest response. Mistakes happen and we all learn from it, we just have to think before we act and find a better way to fix your mistakes. Demotion is not necessary in my opinion, I believe everyone deserves a second chance depending on the situation of course, but this situation can be easily talked to and off with a verbal warning! Moderators are still learning and developing skill and knowledge with using staff equipment and etc, everyone makes mistakes but we fix them and find a better solution for it! Waffle just in the near future, try and not use powers off duty and think before you act!

    If this comment was confusing or not what you were expecting, please feel free to contact me via teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums, etc. I'm always free to anyone that needs help with anything or any answers to questions. I would be happily to help anything you need, I'm always free so pop in and have a chat! I'll leave this appeal to SMT and they will decided on what they want to do with this report. I personally believe a talking to/verbal warning, but people have different opinions and we should all respect that! Waffle, if you need any advice or need help with anything. Please let me know and I'll help you with anything you need!

    Kind Regards



    You and I both know that we have seen people be removed for WAYYYY lesss, and things they done on their own accord. 

    Also, in regard to his comment. I don't believe it. If he knew his mouse was broken, then why didnt he try to turn around and look in other direction? Also, why did he pick up this person and freeze them? That's not a "broken mouse" thats him picking up 106, freezing him, LITERALLY saying "to hell with everything" and going about his day. Im not buying a broken mouse excuse because the video shows clear as day that just isnt the case. 


    Oh and in case you also didnt see. He literally froze him and walked right by him. Having 0 care that he was frozen in the air. He froze the guy, walked underneath him, and had 0 intention of letting him go. 


    The moment OP called for another staff member, he was let go. I have seen other staff members do this off duty. I remember a Donor Mod that got in some serious trouble for doing the literal same exact thing and made the literal same exact excuses. 

    • Like 1
    • Laughing 1
  7. I mean to be fair I had a warn appeal that was accepted because I warned a guy for calling staff for RDM (even though he was and didnt explain it during his prior sit) and the amount of trouble I got in for that was literally 0. 

    Yeah accepted appeals CAN have a negative effect sure. But that only comes into play when it's in rapid succession like 3 to 4 days apart vs a few months and a couple of weeks. 5 warn appeals that were accepted from 3 months ago, 1 month ago down to a couple of hours prior to this post, is nothing compared to the possible 100 to 125 in that time frame. (That's ball parking btw) 


    My guy. Did you not read the staff handbook? This is CLEAR ABUSE. I don't believe you should be staff after this. Complete and total disregard of staff rules here, you didn't even care. (this is directed at waffle btw)

  9. 14 minutes ago, Jayden said:


    I also want to point out that every single one of the accepted warn appeals that Jimmy linked were appeals of off-duty warns issued by Will. I am not saying that Will does not pull his weight, but I wouldn't say that these appeals come to show that Will is actually "contributing to the staff team pulling weight."


    I think I've given out a fair share of warnings myself and have yet to have a false warn appeal made against me in my entire staffing career. Because of this, I am lead to believe that these accepted false warn appeals do in fact matter. Something is wrong here.

    I mean.... I only ever had 1 appeal made in my entire staffing career but that has nothing to do with anything. 

    A lot of my warnings as an Admin (the first time) were made off duty. Does that mean im pulling my weight? I mean, it depends on your outlook. Hindsite is 20/20.

    But either way. The time period between these warnings (as th3 mentioned) plays a huge role. They aren't like 30 warn appeals in 3 days. THAT would be something wrong. Every admin+ makes off-duty sits and you can't sit there and tell me that everyone doesn't take a sit related to themselves every so often. Regardless, im getting off track. The time frame in between the warn appeals says everything. Everyone has a warn appeal eventually, and sometimes they come in waves of 2 or 3 or 4 or hell. Even 9 or 10. It just depends on how much they care about keeping a clean record. That's how I see it. 

  10. What is your in-game name?: SWAT SFC Voxis XL13

    What is your steam name?: Voxis
    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:53787030

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have been staff for Gaminglight before in the past. 

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) March 2018

    What date did you make your forums account? March 9th, 2018

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 3 (https://imgur.com/SAQ87Yy) (Its an SCPRP screenshot dont kill me please) 

    Have you donated? Yes. $324

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator 

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. 

    Have you read the staff guidelines at 

    ? You will be tested on it: Yes

    Timezone: CST

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): Well, long story short it's not that I deserve to be staff, but rather I want to be staff again. I want to come back and do what I had originally intended to do, 2 some odd years ago. Point being, I want to come into the staff team to help the community. Be a staff member that people can rely on, go to for help and even to help out other staff members that may need it. I want to do the best that I can to help with minges, players that cause issues and worse. My job as a staff member would be to keep everyone in a good mood (the best that I can anyway) and try to level with everyone else in the process. I want to be the staff member that people look up to in the long run, and come to if they ever need anything. 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: For starters, I would bring them to a roof and let them rant/vent. After they have calmed down, I would ask them why they MassRDM'd. Once they explain to me why (if there is a reason other than 'I wanted to' ) I would explain to them that I would be administering a warning for such and after that, I would request a higher staff member to administer the ban. 

    As far as the cursing and whatnot, they probably had a bad day. If they were doing it for laughing purposes, I would warn them. If they actually had a bad day and just needed to vent, I would let it slide because we all have our bad days. But as far as the MassRDM portion, I would still punish them for that. 

  11. 23 hours ago, Calamity said:

    +/- Suppoort


    Here goes a full depth analysis of what I believe hearing opinions, hearing both sides of the stories, etc. Lets break this report since with how this report is written, there is some supporting statements to this report on our Senior Admin Will. 


    1). "This staff member has consistently warned other members without getting both sides of the story." As a staff member on Gaminglight, it states in the staff handbook that you must understand both sides of the story before giving a proper decision. Let's take a deeper look into these Accepted Warn Appeals. Evaluating these accepted warn appeals there seems to be a pattern.

               - The first stripe of the pattern is that Will tends to warn people for what he feels is right. That is an A-Ok thing to do, it is staff discretion after all. In some of these appeals, he was correct but our lovely Head Admin accepted these type of false warns reverting it to a verbal warning. For example a community member Ghosted appealed his false warn for respawning when EMS was on. Even though the report was self evident it could have been handled in a small sit, Will made the choice to warn him without talking to him before hand.

               - The other stripe of the pattern is what I observed in these accepted warn appeals, is that Will warned players in which was challenged on the forums and accepted. However Will was proven not concise with these warnings (Could be confusion, what he thought was right, and quick decisions). With this I feel like Will does not slow down to think on these type of warnings. It could have been prevents if he pulled up the members into a sit. Which he is not required to really do a sit for an obvious warn infraction but I feel like it is common sense to bring someone up to the roof to get a better understanding. If you don't do this, people can also say "He did not listen to my side of the story".


    2). "While it is within admin+ to warn for obvious rule infractions, Will has had multiple warn appeals that have been accepted and i will link those below."

              - Looking at these appeals in my opinion they are quiet spread out in dates. Within five months Will has around five false warns? If the Accepted False Warn appeals is Jimmy's concern. Staff members tend to give out many warnings a day, I am surprised staff don't receive more false warn reports. It atleast shows Will is contributing to the staff team pulling weight. Although these are accepted warn appeals, does that mean Will is a bad staff member? No, it does not mean anything of the sort. Like I said before Will warns for what he feels is right. These accepted false warns don't necessarily mean anything. However looking thought these appeals, it could have been prevented by Will one way or another. 


    3). "This has gotten to the point that the staff member is handing out warns carelessly and he has caused unnecessarily stress on these members and he hasn't upheld his duty as a senior staff member". I disagree with Jimmy's first statement, he is not handing out warnings just because for the heck of it, he does have reasonings. With this, he is holding up his duty of being a senior staff member. Although I do agree, it can cause stress and pain to go on the forums to appeal your warning. It's difficult but that is something you cannot blame Will for it. It's our warn appeal system that might be causing you stress and pain. 


    In conclusion I will leave a +/- Support, Will is not a bad guy or necessarily a bad staff member. However there is room for big improvements for Will to conquer and learn as a person. I feel like his quality of being a staff member needs to be worked on (How he acts, proper ways to take sits, and dealing with situations). I feel like he needs slow down and understand what is going on before making his decisions. He is also not obligated to give verbal warnings, he can give out warnings if he feels like it's necessary. 


  12. -SUPPORT

    For someone who's new to the game, you are a member of IceFuse's main page on Steam. Also, found your steamID, it is: STEAM_0:0:539292281

    Oh and you created your account on March 25th 2020, have 3 warns and 2 were in the same day. You know who you really are. 

  13. -SUPPORT

    For starters. You account was created 2 days prior to being banned. Not to mention your buddy was banned the same day his account was created. 

    Your steamID is: STEAM_0:1:539310782

  14. -SUPPORT

    That video he posted was DEFINITELY Smokes voice XD.

    You're basically Vibez at this point. Enough said. 


    The game is purchased and the story makes sense.
    Everyone lets not mindlessly -Support because Eternity gave the ban, its not fair actually consider the persons point of view before making a decision on it. I know its real easy to quote someones response to get your post count up but this person may be a innocent player trying to play on this server.

    To add to this as well @JackOG when this guy has been banned literally over and over and over more times than I could even count, it becomes pretty obvious. I get that you may want to have it looked at differently, but in some cases, it won't be looked at any differently. Smoke and his friend Maral definitely read and fully understood the staff handbook, if you go back to earlier comments, that point was being made. We're not just "mindlessly -supporting because of blah blah reason" it's because after you've banned the same person X amount of times or been around the person when they are banned X amount of times, the voice and the pattern of behavior becomes exactly the same. It gets picked up and seen thus action is taken rather quickly. 

    As far as a believable story? Of course! If you want the honest truth a lot of people make up believable stories saying they were sorry and they felt bad. That gaminglight is the best community ever only  to come back and do the same thing they did in the first place. Don't believe everything you read, especially if it's in a ban appeal such as this one. Just some food for thought. 

    Note: You created your account the day that you were banned, just in case others missed Sions comment earlier. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Wezzy said:

    Didn't you appeal your blacklist 3 times? And wasn't it for joining a different community that harmed the community which i haven't done, so instead of telling me to keep my friends in check keep yourself in check first. You dont even know the full story i did try to help in a vc with snar and said sorry for his actions and all that, so why not end it their pal, before you dig up some of your misfortunate past.


    Either way, I appealed twice and I was able to have mine appealed before this rule was set into place. 

  16. -SUPPORT

    Blacklists are unappealable and regardless of the fact, throwing out that you were a specific rank, and had certain things won't save you. Furthermore, you were friends with a person who had caused some serious issues so that's why were told to keep your friends in check. If you were his "friend" regardless of it was "talk" or not, why didn't you try to stop it? Why didn't you try to intervene in any way? You knew the possible consequences of the actions he had done but yet, you did nothing to stop it. If you TRULY cared about the community, you would've done everything in your power to stop everything that happened from ever happening. 

    Oh and Snar did leave, but he's back. So if anything, i'm curious to see what he has to say. Because im sure he has his specific reasons behind his blacklisting of you. 

  17. -SUPPORT

    I just came over to SCP-RP when this happened and boy oh boy. Not only did I hear about it, but also seeing your post that Rang put in definitely doesn't help your case. I think you're better off not having staff as apposed to having another chance just for you to blow it again. Just my two cents. 

  18. -SUPPORT

    No. Not at all. I remember the day you were banned. You didn't care that you were going to be banned and then after your ban, you did exactly what th3 said. 

    Also, furthermore. You were blacklisted. Blacklists AND bans over 1 year cannot be appealed. 

  19. 7 hours ago, Freeze said:

    Warn for RDM is valid.

    The arguing, I'd have to see it cause the discord link(?) shows nothing and redirects me to my own account. So cant see the evidence myself.

    for the moment - support


    In the end the warning is not gonna go, only a new warning for rdm and this one removed but why the hassle. A warning is a warning only thing you can do is apologize and own up to it.



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