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~ vσxιs ~

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Posts posted by ~ vσxιs ~


    Being mingey isn't the best way to start anything off, and judging by how the comments are going. Well, it wasn't pretty. Anyone else would've banned you, I know I would have if I were still staff because judging by everything, this is a very common thing for you. Trust me when I tell you, that owning up to things you done will KEEP you from getting into more trouble. Instead, playing the innocent game and constantly playing defense will 9 times out of 10, cause someone to just do a bigger punishment because their patience has already ran super thin with you. The warns seem valid, just take it at that and go on about your day. That is my two cents about it. 


    You disrespected SMT and raided TS. IF my memory serves me well, you got hostile because you were being told about the rules (DO NOT quote me on that) and you didn't want to follow them. I think after what you done, you should stay banned. Disrespecting SMT is one bad apple already but raiding the TS? Should've been blacklisted on the spot. 

  3. 22 hours ago, Jayden said:


    I truly don't think an entire rule for that is necessary. If a discord/teamspeak call takes place to discuss evidence or whatever it may be, the staff member should know by default that they need to hear both sides when they return in-game anyway. Instead of adding an entire rule, maybe this should be emphasized by a higher ranking staff member of the staff team so that whoever has already made the mistake of going straight to punishment, can change their ways.


  4. I thought it was in the MOTD that you must advert before jailbreaking in the first place or am I just dumb? 

    As far as the cars went, I specifically wouldn't really call it a "jail break" if you weren't in the jail like... the car isn't the jail? As a staff member I would never interfere with a car being blown up to release a prisoner because in that sense it wasn't "jail breaking" but rather being a nuisance to PD because some other member of the same family was making it harder for them to do their job. Of course this is something I personally done but that was just me and me alone. 

    Either way, for what it's worth, you're not REALLY in jail until you're behind bars so that's how I have always looked at it and never looked at it any other way. I think the rule is fine the way that it is. 

  5. Not trying to argue, or cause a bigger fight but: 

    This should be a player report and not a staff report as the person you are reporting is not on duty at the given time of this video. Further more, Myan shouldn't have been brought into this....? Like, anything he does is irrelevant to THIS situation as a whole. Regardless of what it's worth: 


  6. Neither of you are cute. I had the best wedding here at GL, and you can fight me. 

    Case closed, bottom line, I win, boo hoo, game over. Good day. 

    Edit: Almost forgot, @Hannah King would be willing to vouch for all of the above statements I made as well 😉

  7. 11 minutes ago, th3 said:

    That's what it was. I do not think Fame made the wrong decision with your permanent staff restriction. Why is it that people always try to come back several months later after they leave for a higher rank in a different community. Really shows what people really are interested in.

    Because they legitimately think that people will forget about their wrong doings and on top of that, they go after the same thing as if it never happened in the first place? 

    Sounds about right to me. 

  8. On 8/27/2019 at 7:15 PM, Train Overlord said:


    Only if the changes below are applied in some way

    1): Can only use once every 5 Minutes (this timer starts the moment the current influencer exits the trance or dies) = This is to stop spamming the trance on everyone they encounter.

    2): Can Influence one individual for a max of 5 minutes. = Prevents 035-1 from gaining a literal army and taking over the foundation and managing to stop containment teams.

    3): Cannot influence same person twice in one life = Prevents same person from being nabbed.

    4): Needs to roll 60+ for lower Security, 70+ for Security command (LT+), 75 for MTF/CI and 95+ for commanders and cannot command Site Administration  = The ability to command someone to do anything you desire is a pretty powerful ability stepping over near the power gaming area and considered that in lore every person in the foundation has a natural high resistance to memetic hazards and those working with SCP-035 would have trained in deflecting this influence it makes sense such a high roll needed is justified (the higher rank/importance the harder to control). Remember, your commanding them to do anything you want besides from the other things I mentioned from shooting people and disobeying their usual rules. Not commanding Administration is to prevent 035-1 from commanding them to activate the nuke, gain access to forbidden areas and commanding the A1 and the entire site (so gameplay reasons). And similar reasons for why the roll is high for Commanders because then 035-1 can command the entire MTF basically. 

    5): Influenced personal must remain near SCP-035-1

    6): Influenced personal must defend 035-1 under all circumstances = Otherwise it would be impossible for foundation to tell who is influenced and gives them a chance to tell.

    7): Cannot influence people through glass (you mentioned this in direct contact but just to classify

    8): Cannot influence in groups of people (SCP's don't count) = Prevents 035-1 to running up to a group of containment guys or MTF and pressing their influencing bind.

    9): Cannot influence SCPS = Common sense


    The above changes should balance it out and stick it away from power gaming. And while I'm still iffy on the subject the above changes would sit well.


    Otherwise -Support


  9. 13 minutes ago, The.Batman (Faustin) said:

    Not if I say please. 😉

    It would definitely be denied because of lag. Plus it's un-needed because we already have a weapon checker system. Would be 100% pointless to have this. 

    Cool idea on paper, but in execution it's pointless. 

    • Like 1
  10. -SUPPORT

    We all make mistakes, and in this case, an agenda is trying to be pushed that he intentionally did something wrong. Facts are facts about mistakes being made. 

    Call it as you wish, but it was a mistake. 

  11. This needs to be moved to PRP as SCP-RP didn't exist in Valks days. 

    On 11/2/2019 at 7:37 PM, [GL] Zeus said:

    Oh it’s Valkyrie. Yeah he abused power 


    Oh and to be clear on a few things as well. While yes, power was abused in some ways, a few of his bans were rather legitimate. 

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