What you want to see? - The handling line on the Ford Explorer be fixed as it is way to sensitive at high speeds
Why should we add it? - It would benifit all departments that use it and reduce response time because everyone will not be crashing into everything. At low speeds, the Explorer is a dream to drive, handles nice, tight turn radius, but as soon as you exceed 40-50MPH, it goes all crazy, and one slight tap of the ‘A’ or ‘D’ key and you are all over the road, I am unsure how to fix the handling, maybe needs to be toned down on speed, but it becomes uncontrollable around corners and making slight adjustments at high speeds. (EDIT) You could possibly replace the handling line with the Taurus, and if the Engine sound changes, that’s fine, as the Explorer has the same engine as the Ford Taurus (Just a Suggestion)
What are the advantages of having this? - Quicker response times, easier to drive
Who is it mainly for? - Government officials that have access to the Explorer
Links to any content - N/A