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Everything posted by Ecott

  1. Well yeah we URGENTLY need the ARMY God Damnit TACTICAL!?!?!?!?!
  2. yeah but there's only 1 or 2 of them not them all I went through all the cars etc
  3. +/- Support + Sounds like a good idea if there any Court Cases on and have someone there who can cuff and uncuff people before/after a trial if they are guilty or not guilty etc - Would help to have some sort of Content Linked to the post of a E.G Link to a Playermodel with the playermodel path etc
  4. What you want to see? - More cars added to the Platinum Car Dealer Why should we add it? - More Varity of choice of cars to choose from as it only has 6 cars in the Platinum Car Dealer What are the advantages of having this? - Allowing players who do have Platinum of more choices of cars to pick from in the Platinum Car Dealer then just of 6 cars in comparison to the other Car Dealers that have 8+ more Cars! Who is it mainly for? - People who have Platinum Rank VIP Links to any content - N/A but here's List of cars we could add to the Platinum Car Dealer that are already on the server and the costs they should be: 1. "TDM Cars" Pack - Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S - mas_quattrotdm - Price: $2,000,000 2. "SGM Cars" Pack - 2017 Nissan GT-R Nismo - nismor35_sgm - Price: $5,000,000 3. "SGM Cars" Pack - 2017 Ford F - 150 Raptor - 17raptor_sgm - Price: $4,000,000 4. "SGM Cars" Pack - Declasse Granger - granger_sgm - Price: $2,500,000 5. "TDM Cars" Pack - Volvo XC90 - volxc90tdm - Price: $250,000 6. "LW Cars" Pack - Subaru Impreza WRX STI 2004 - subaru_impreza_2004_lw - Price: $1,500,000 7. "LW Cars" Pack - NFS Ford Mustang GT - nfsmustang - Price: $2,500,000 8. "SGM Cars" Pack - 2015 Cheverlot Camero SS - 15camaro_sgm - Price: $3,000,000 9. "TDM Cars" Pack - Dodge RAM 1500 - dod_ram_1500tdm - Price: $100,000 10. "LW Cars" Pack - Mercedes G65 6x6 AMG - mer_g65_6x6 - Price: $5,000,000
  5. Delta Force Accepted Applications Spoon If your name is on this list please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! Denied Applications Bosco If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  6. Damn wasn't expecting this, I'm shocked and sad to see you go man, you will be missed lots! I Do hope to see you on the server from time to time again!
  7. Wasn’t expecting this sucks to see you go u will be missed lots!
  8. - support Despite the pricing u suggested for this SWEP, this can be easily abused from people getting onto roofs of buildings your not meant to be on if there are “Staff Sits” happening on a roof aswell as getting onto a roof and no other Crims or GOV (Expect SRT Parkour SWEP) not getting access to roof of seeing potential Bitcoins or Money printers or even Money Silos for that matter out of reach from the ground and easily making money without their entities being destroyed if they get raided etc
  9. What you want to see? - To be able to have Phones on the server! Why should we add it? - So people can communicate to each other as well as just using and typing in the in game chat of OOC/PM's/Adverts etc What are the advantages of having this? - This would bring vast majority Roleplay Experience to the server of being able to have a GPS on the phone of locations of how far away they are if your walking or even driving, being able to advert your business's and people can look at them on their phones E.G Gun stores and other legal/illegal Business's and being able to text message other people aswell as ringing them on their phone if your ofc not next to each other ingame and find out where they are or just chatting to them on VIA phone when ever u want! Who is it mainly for? - Everyone! Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/mcphone-advanced-phone-system-1 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2011745721&searchtext=McPhone
  10. +/- Support + Support This would be a good idea to have for the Gym - This Suggestion kind of pointless now as there is now a "Gym Coach" job and has been made in the server in the F4 Menu of the category of Donator Jobs etc The Gym Coach allows u to set the subscription fee at the Front Desk when u come into the Gym etc
  11. + Support This would be great and handy addition to DOC for Prison inmates and DOC for more roleplay of having gym equipment in there of a punching bag, running thread mill and dumbbells for lifting weights etc which this gives more things to do as a Prison Inmate of working out if there's Free Time happening when DOC announces Free time or a another period of being workout time and get all DOC to get inmates to workout in the gym and watch over them etc
  12. What you want to see? - Have the playermodel on the Mafia Boss Job to be changed on the server Why should we add it? - Because Gives the Mafia Boss more Realism roleplay to what it should and can look like when playing on the Mafia Boss Job on the server! What are the advantages of having this? - Giving more Aesthetic feeling to the server and abit more realism of Roleplay of being "Don Vito Corleone" as a Mafia Boss on the server when Roleplaying! Who is it mainly for? - The Platinum Job of the "Mafia Boss" Job Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=283211438
  13. - Support This isn't really needed there are plenty of guns on the server that Criminals can use either buying them off the different gun dealers aswell as if your on a Crim CC u can add weapons to them of certain guns that gun dealers cant or don't sell etc not to mention get the extra armour u can have of 150 armour aswell the high level criminal jobs u can unlock which have decent weapons aswell depsite it is a grind to get but it can work fine
  14. - Support Its down to the owner of who made the vehicle in the first place by making/tweaking the cars performance of speed it can go and the Acceleration and braking and handling etc
  15. - Support I don't see the point in this, its fine as it is right now, it can vary on different days of the amount of GOV/TAC are on as well as amount of criminals on doing crime etc, it would be pointless restricting certain amount of GOV/TAC that are online in different situations of crime happening, not to mention GOV/TAC doesn't always win every situation they attend, sometimes they lose and criminals win the situation, with the EMS situation it happens, it is what it is u cant really change what EMS does its their job to Revive the Crims after they died if they lose and when the situation is code 4 or if all GOV dies and crims win and EMS arrives on scene then EMS would have to revive Crim first and wait until they all left and gone to then be allowed to Revive GOV after etc, GOV can get EMS to revive the Crims and arrest the suspects after and take them to jail its always been like that regardless don't see or cant see the any issue of this to then try to change it?
  16. What's "DF Commander" got to do with anything? I'm saying this as a overall thing in General.
  17. What you want to see? - Change the Job amount on "Serial Killer" Level Job from 2 to 1 or Raise the Level for the job higher with 1 job slot only on the job Why should we add it? - Because with the weapon it currently has it should be 1 slot for the job at a time as the Barret M82 is OP What are the advantages of having this? - Not having multiple people (2) on the job at once using the Level Job with the OP Sniper Who is it mainly for? - Everyone using the Level Jobs and level up their levels etc Links to any content - N/A Despite having to work way up to Level 130 for the job Overall I'm not fussed of the Level Job having the Barret M82 on the job with 125 armour but I think it should have 1 slot max on the job with the Sniper it uses as its OP
  18. +Support HRT should be same category as FBI and HRT is apart of FBI which makes logical sense for it to be together with FBI etc. I understand why it was potentially done to tidy up the Jobs in FBI and HRT has their own category (Altogether in FBI was 21 Jobs) but personally would of kept HRT with FBI and if need be have USMS their own Category as they are different from FBI despite they are a Sub Department/Sub Branch for FBI.
  19. Decent Maps, should update this add more on the list like Rockford V6 map and Great Lakeside as well as the classic Highway map and more!
  20. What you want to see? - Would like to possibly see Properties u can buy/rent in different locations Why should we add it? - It would bring more Roleplay of purchasing properties at a price aswell as renting them and making people use their money of choices if they would want to Buy a Property or Rent it and use the Property etc What are the advantages of having this? - Allowing you to Buy or Rent different properties around the map for certain prices and bringing more Roleplay to the server Who is it mainly for? - Citizens, Criminals & other jobs who want to base or having a Shop or a Roleplay Building they can purchase to buy or Rent! Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/realistic-properties-the-most-advanced-properties-system This could be worked and tested on the Mesa Apartments we have on the server and then maybe if it goes and works well then start putting other properties up for sale to Buy/Rent around the map after etc
  21. MAJOR +SUPPORT! - I would so love for this to happen and agree of what Jacky says of having more sky scrapers adding in or use any current Sky Scrapers to then be worked on with lots of interiors and details in them of having a Maze Bank building or heck even having same/similar building of the Union Depositary of from GTA Online, as well as Huge office blocks with lots of room to base in them for either Crim & GOV (Secret Service) to use and base in for the President etc!
  22. +/-Support +Support - Makes sense and more purpose for HRT to rescue Hostages in different situations to get the hostages out, of the purpose in their name But..... -Support - This can cause issues if TAC is already on scene negotiating for the hostage and having to pull out mid negotiations for HRT to take over negotiations despite HRT is a Assistant TAC Unit as well as if HRT are on scene to negotiate for the hostage, the Hostage taker will usually demand another Negotiator if they didn't want someone who's negotiating as HRT etc
  23. What you want to see? - Another new System of money Printers on the server Why should we add it? - Having another type of Money Printers in the server as well as the current ones or replace some of the old printers with the new Printers What are the advantages of having this? - It gives u more options on these printers in comparison to the old ones and u can legit put them in printer racks and stored really easy as well as and looks easy and straight forward to use and can potentially be tweaked on the upgrades u buy for each of the printers and for good better performance on the server and looks cool and more realistic to have and use on the server! Who is it mainly for? - VIP Rank of Gold+ Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/sprinter-1
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