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OFC Mar last won the day on February 16 2022

OFC Mar had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About OFC Mar

  • Birthday April 21

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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. OFC Mar

    Mar's last day

    As many people know Senior Admin Mar / COL and a few other things have been inactive. Well Life Hit again and well its life as usual so Ima do like I did before and say good bye @Jimmy James @Drippy @[GL] Mikey @Zerg @Phil @Tactical @balloonhail4979 @Kevinn @Cammy @Carrots @Solomon and so many more people you all make this game enjoyable and make me wanted to play more and more but I know yall will see me more and always reach out to me if yall need someone to talk to but it my time to move on. Love all of you
  2. OFC Mar

    Mars 48’s

    Yea I mostly main state pd and staff and I just barely get around to fbi
  3. Diplomatic Warning: This section of the Forms is for +/- Supports Please Respond with one or the other and leave it at that. Moving forward all non associated +/- supports will be hidden.
  4. - support due to the fact that there should be audio for the clip that clearly has people talking in it as well as the fact that it is very early in the morning only going after mini for the situation when clearly there is more then just him having fun with it being in down time (not many people on the server for rp) dose not seem like this report is for the situation more for the player at hand in an normal sit that any staff would take could see this as RDM for all players involved. This sit is only about one person who is conveniently JMT with out context (audio) of the situation it seem that it is kinda one sided. As well for the sit being Mass RDM dose not seem fit as players who could not be part of it (afk people) were not harmed. It makes sense he is messing around with people but it seems no harm no foul this just seems to outrageous for a little fun.
  5. +Support Mature Well Known Applicatons looks good Ready for the next rank of Colonel.
  6. Hey man good luck with your music sorry to see you go. I have noted this down
  7. In game name: Mar Discord: Mar#0004 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17771210 Rate your activity 1-10 (1 being lowest 10 being highest): 4 Anything we should know?(If your activity is below a 5 this is a good place to explain why): have been working my two jobs and just finished school
  8. Seems like a good idea and I will start the construction of this event soon and will have a event later tonight on it keep up the good ideas
  9. + support From what I see he is active mature and out going
  10. -support love the map just way to big
  11. I have been here for a while with also getting mixed up but its time to leave if I have the urge to get on ill prob be on the lvl job but for now I'm focus on my core departments
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