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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Ruthless

  1. The one time I'm not on the server i miss out on bein able to kill a bunch of criminals
  2. NOOO CRAIG all the times you hit me with your stun stick ?
  3. +Support will add better role play
  4. ive had experience with this system in the past its very customizable in the code but hard to get to through and is kinda glitchy i think current robbery system is fine although this one would add more rp however the bags you get you can not drive in a car with them you would have to use a van to transport
  5. What you want to see? - i would like to see this in car radio and for VIP only to be able to access it Why should we add it? - it would add another future to the server and another great reason to have VIP i also think this radio function could add good roleplay and great experiences for people it is also a cheap mod to purchase and well worth What are the advantages of having this? - more role play to have Who is it mainly for? - VIP only Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/1463/wyozi-car-radio - website used to play music in game https://www.shoutcast.com if not wanting to use pre stations If you want more on how this works or how to get the codes lemme know and will talk on Teamspeak
  6. needs to be more activeon PD im on all the time and I rarely see activity although nice guy
  7. Definitely deserves a shot
  8. Your In-Game Name: Ruthless Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76945859 Staff member's In-Game Name:Philip Bellington , Viper SX What did they do? They were interfering with RP and would not move there base before I started recording they were beating each other with stun sticks and killing each other I asked them to move there base and they said no they won't. Very disrespectful also. Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/963090736875066337/B43EF730CD2D51C6F9E38D7296D9D0A7D5C0F794/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDrVhQ1IB5A&feature=youtu.be What do you think is an acceptable punishment? I think they should both be demoted or tak en off staff as I don't see them as fit for the staff team as it is degrading the overall Staff for the server they signed up for staff they should do their job properly as staff I would like to speak to someone about this report in further regards As stated I don't have anything against these people however I do not see them fit for the staffing role in the community. Sincerely, Ruthless
  9. I agree the previous taser was definitely better
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