Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Accepted! Management have reviewed and start looking at getting this added into the server! Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post!
Double XP Returns! 09/10/2021
Double XP - All Week
DS Update
DEA Update
DS Special Weapons balanced
Gas Balancing
Increased damage
Decreased duration
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Crate Trading is Back! 09/03/2021
Trading (Crate system)
911 System (Working)
Forums Changes
Added new sub section under suggestions for new map suggestions
Platinum Jobs - Overhaul
We have gone through some of the jobs and changed weapons/Armor
Decreased the amount of time to fuel cars by pumps
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
This suggestion is completed! The suggestion is either in-game or will be in next restart! Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestion!
Status: Completed
Accepted! Management have reviewed and start looking at getting this added into the server! Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post!
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.
Accepted! Management have reviewed and start looking at getting this added into the server! Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post!
Accepted! Please allow up to a week for any suggestions you have requested to be added in game or on the forums. Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post!
Accepted! Please allow up to a week for any suggestions you have requested to be added in game or on the forums. Updates on the progress of the suggestion will be announced on this post!
Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.