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Niko Belic

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Everything posted by Niko Belic

  1. I believe this would fall under FailRP. Breaking RP in the middle of a RP heavy environment is an issue. However, to give my two cents, most if not all Tac Depts. should have guidelines on negotiation regarding stalling, which should be followed at all times. I do believe enforcement of your suggestion should be improved. I've personally seen too many hostage situations ruined by a unit that doesn't understand the basic rules behind negotiations. On the other side of the spectrum, Criminals do have a tendency to breach RP during situations to stall, which should also be enforced heavier. Jagers comment does bring up a decent point. However, if I am interpreting your suggestion right, it means Police should understand the rules and not breach RP during negotiations. Tactical Units should know the rules and be trained over proper negotiation during their recruitment, I don't see any slack needing to be given to those who choose to break RP in such a manner.
  2. Copied and Pasted Old App. If you are not able to write a new application, you are not able to handle the responsibilities of staff. -Support.
  3. In-game Name: Niko Belic SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98477155 Rank: CPL Length of LOA (Provide Dates): 9/23/20-9/25/20 (I've already been away from the server for a while). Reason (If private then put N/A): Away from home, Don't have a PC atm.
  4. Whoops, I wrote that kinda late at night.
  5. Honestly, my favorite Star Wars game is gonna have to be Star Wars Battlefront 1 (2004). Mostly for the nostalgia factor and the fact it was one of the first if not the first video game I've played. Battlefront 2 (2005) was also pretty dope.
  6. In-Game Name: Niko Belic Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:98477155 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Senior Moderator Diamond Donor Rank How many hours do you have on the server?: 3 Weeks (504+ Hours) What is your general knowledge on the rules?: I understand at least 90% of the rules, minus some cool downs. How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 12 Inactive 0 Active, All of my warns are pretty old, all ranging from like a year to 3 years. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2232789661 Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): Building Skill Over my 8k+ hours on Garry's Mod, I've definitely had some time to refine and master my building skills. I can build relatively complicated structures for RP quickly and actually enjoy every bit of it. Leading into my first reason to why I wish to join the Event Team. I honestly just love building stuff in this game. It's almost too enjoyable for me. A big part of building in G-Mod in my opinion is patience, which I believe I have an immense amount of. In addition, I am also experimenting with different types of builds / decorative builds for Tactical situations, and most if not all players involved in the situations I've used the builds in have said positive things about them and have even wanted to dupe them. Dedication to PoliceRP Out of all of the servers I've played on for the part 5 years, I've loved and have always come back to this one. I've spent a lot of time on staff, ensuring players have a good experience on the server, both on the more active times and "Minge Hour" or the later times of the night. And I hope to reflect that activity and input into the Event Team, bringing Events to those who may not be able to get on during the more active times. I'd also like to tie in a small sub section here... - Activity I've been spending a lot of time on PoliceRP and Gaminglight as a whole recently, I've managed to put in a weeks' worth of hours over the course of a Month or so. Roleplay Recently, I've been testing different ways of enriching roleplay for all players. Some instances being non-gameplay effecting builds inside Bank / Gen store to reflect what the IRL scene might look like (Drilled Safes, ATM Machines cut open, Bombs ((Non Functional)) for a more interesting Hostage RP). Overall, I really enjoy setting up roleplay scenarios and letting them play out without constant intervention. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): North Rockford Shootout (Pretty much just a renamed North Hollywood Shootout), Some background on the Event and what it is meant to simulate. At 9:17am on February 28th, 1997, Two heavily armored and armed men walked into Bank of America's North Hollywood installment. After the two had robbed the Bank, one attempted to drive away with a large amount of Illegally modified firearms and ammunition the two had crafted at their residence prior. The other remained outside of the 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity, returning fire at the LAPD Officers. This continued until multiple LAPD Patrol Officers had retreated to a local gunshop to acquire AR15 style rifles that stood a chance at penetrating the two suspects' armor (At the time, patrol officers were equipped with small caliber pistols and shotguns that couldn't penetrate the homemade steel plate armor both suspects had on them.). Not long after, a much better equipped SWAT team arrived, eventually killing one and injuring the other, eventually succumbing to their injuries on scene. That might be a little too much for the forums but I'd like to mention the only two deaths in the incident were both of the suspects. However, with that information in mind. Instead of having a fixed path on this event, give both players playermodels like the Police Juggernaut (Custom Class) and equip them with guns similar to those used in the actual event and a decently high amount of armor (300-400). As well as spawn a vehicle for them to use, unfortunately we don't have a Chevy Celebrity, which probably wouldn't have been a good vehicle anyway, instead, they would be given a moderately fast vehicle such as the 1970 Dodge Challenger or the Ferrari 250. The plot is simple, both enter the Bank with their vehicle in the alley next to bank (Between Catalyst and Bank). They will take a Banker (I or another Event Team member can play the role of) hostage, both of the players will begin a Bank Robbery as usual with adverts. They will negotiate like normal and will eventually walk out with the hostage, setting them free once outside the doors. Both players will run to their vehicle, one will attempt to provide cover to the other while gaining a little bit of distance, while the other returns fire at PD / Tac. Once the vehicle has been blown up, both will get out and find cover in nearby buildings / structures. At this point, the event is freeform, whatever the outcome is, will be the outcome of the event. Both players can be taken to jail alive (If EMS is online or if one is somehow captured) or killed on scene. (I believe this would fall under Situation #6, Crim VS Gov) If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone) Monday - Friday: 4pm - 1am Saturday and Sunday: 2pm - 1am Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? Yes
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, I believe the date says 9/6/20. I can give a decent summary of what had happened. I had a sit with another player regarding Ronin using a Golf Club to kill a suspect in a robbery, that was actively shooting Ronin. The player presented video evidence in the sit, I warned Ronin's SteamID, and that's about it.
  8. Niko Belic

    Niko's LOA

    In-game Name: Niko Belic SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98477155 Rank: PFC Length of LOA (Provide Dates): 9/2/20-9/8/20 Reason (If private then put N/A): Taking a trip away from home for a little while, wont have access to a PC.
  9. What is your in-game name?: Niko Belic What is your steam name?: Niko Belic What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:98477155 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I have staffed on three other communities... SuperiorServers DarkRP Icefuse JvS (On 3 different occasions spanning ~2 years.) Imperium WW1 RP (Server unfortunately closed soon after my admittance into staff) What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Same date as my forums account creation, if not before. What date did you make your forums account? November 20th, 2017. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Diamond How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2205229964 They all are 1 year or older! Have you donated? For multiple Tools VIP+ (When it was around) Diamond Upgrade from VIP+ (Gold) What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. Have you read the staff guidelines at... Here Yes Timezone: CST (UTC -6) Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) History I have been active on this community for a long time now, I feel as if I should give back and help those enjoy the server as much as I do, without the annoyance of minges. Referring to my staff history, I have a lot of time spent on staff positions in all kinds of roleplay areas. If you want a begin and end to my staff positions, refer to my profile description on steam. But most important of them all, my experience in DarkRP. It's the most relevant staff experience I have compared to this server, minus it's usual 110+ players... Skills in Staffing and Theoretical Dedication To cut straight to the point, I'm efficient at taking and handling sits, as well as maintaining a professional and respectful attitude. And theoretically, if I do recieve a position within the staff team, I will ensure that I am on consistently and actually 'Administrating', instead of ignoring my duties as a staff member. I also do not need to be babysit and won't cause drama or issues within the community. I work to enhance RP and to help the rule abiding player. Knowledge of PoliceRP As I have stated above with my join date, I have been on many different departments, some having been removed. I will be able to act as a guide to many players with any questions regarding departments and basic roleplay questions. Having been in, BSI (Removed), NSA (Removed), SWAT, SRT, EMS, PD, State Police and Dispatch (when it first came out). Most having different purposes and roles. Conclusion I'd like to thank you, the reader, for taking the time to review and hopefully comment on this application. And a thanks to the Gaminglight staff team to being one of the most active and interesting staff teams I've seen. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Begin by muting and or gagging the person, which usually is followed by their desperate attempts to run from the sit, so freeze them if it does occur. Begin to explain what they did and why it is negative to the RP environment. Before continuing with the warning process, I will ask if they have any questions or conerns, unmuting them for a short period if they have anything legitimate to say. Then as I said before, continue to punishment.
  10. Your In-game: Niko Belic Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98477155 The admin's name in-game: NoOne (May of changed, it's a really old warn) What warning(s) did you receive: Player Diss Evidence of the warn(s) (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1938498801 Why do you think this warn was false: I don't necessarily believe it was false but I have matured and stray away from calling anyone anything aside from their names. Any extra information: Theres a ton of those really old warnings on there (on the screenshot)
  11. What you want to see? - Wanted Signs above people's heads visible through scopes. Why should we add it? - Would seriously help both Criminals and PD. I can't see shit through a scope when there's a big wanted sign covering my vision. What are the advantages of having this? - Better gunfights, overall quality of life. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone that will ever be in a firefight with a wanted guy. Links to any content - N/A
  12. Please read the entire suggestion post and any comments posted by @Kade .
  13. If I see another person blindly post without reading the comments and suggestion itself I'm going to kms. +Support
  14. Just wanna make a good example out of this. ^ This is what doesn't help suggestions. Blind comments to raise your posts isn't shit you need to be doing here, neither should you be just posting things to bring suggestions / other posts down. And please, next time before ANYONE COMMENTS ANYTHING LIKE THIS AGAIN, READ THE ACTUAL SUGGESTION POST. Finally, to clarify this suggestion for anyone else that seems to not be able to read, here you go. What Kade is suggesting is that all Law Enforcement classes shouldn't have defibs therefor making EMS a need for Gen Raids, Bank Raids, House Raids and any other type of raid or combat situation. (Not combat reviving, but a EMS unit that can be on scene and ready to revive / heal citizens and LEOs.) If I dun goofed on this post, just quote me and clarify whatever I got wrong.
  15. (Waiting for SMT's response)
  16. Just saying, without a steamID this really won't go far. And somewhat detailed proof.
  17. I would like to see more of the chat if you could snip it.
  18. Nearly made a 48-hour notice for this ^^
  19. Aight nvm, finally got someone to move me into Requesting TS Tags,
  20. I believe someone removed my Member tag in TS and I cannot join any channels. Pretty much, I just need my tag back.
  21. +Support Perm banning for disrespect is a joke. A year is plenty of time.
  22. I would probably run out of money. But it would be fun being able to gamble. Might break economy tho
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