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Everything posted by Vice

  1. + support Tyler John is a very active and helpful part of PD. He has alot of knowledge and is very mature, i feel like he is more than ready for the rank of Major sounds like Zeeptin sometimes though and scares the crap out of me with it
  2. + support i love the Idea of this and it giving different things that sounds awsome! hopefully doesn't create alot of lag cause this looks cool
  3. Hey everyone. Starting tommrow I go back to a full week(except wendsday)of physical school instead of online now. Meaning I wont be able to be as active anymore Due to this im going to have to leave DOC. I really really did enjoy the department and the people in it but unfortunately I just won't have anytime at all anymore especially with my other duties in SCO19, PD and Staff. ChipDail- thank you for being a good warden and I hope to see you take DOC far Rhammer- go get DOC high command my guy you can do it
  4. -support i dont think this works with our current weapon of TFA and we have more than enough weapons right now.
  5. Scruffy definitely deserves this promo he is totally ready for admin
  6. No Disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate or offensive content (In anyway shape or form) that is in the MOTD in the first section
  7. Thats not what happend at all I was called over by Requis i believe to ban you because of what you said I asked what you said and you started berating me and the other staff member. As well as saying that george floyd deserved it. So I gagged you and asked what was said from the staff member and he informed me of what was said. Jokes like that are not tolerated whithin gaming light and I wont either. I informed you that you are receiving a week ban for it. As per staff guidelines stuff like that is a warn and a 1 week ban or in more serious cases a permanent one
  8. Your In-game: Vice Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:111395341 The player's name in-game: OFC szn 1ab1 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:121292986 What did the player do: Hit 40 Warns on PoliceRP Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198202851701 What do you believe should happen to the player: Perm ban from the server per Staff guidelines Any extra information: Has no Intent to Roleplay on the server and staff disses every time he is brought into a sit
  9. +support It was an honest mistake. The lag can be disorienting sometimes and especially with a new staff member. This is also easily fixable so no biggie Don't worry DrDuck we all make mistakes and once you get some more experience I know you will be a great part of the staff team.
  10. -support I have no idea who you are at all so I have nothing about if your a mimge or not Brands new fourms account that was probably only made to make this app
  11. -support Besides this being a mess to read Advertising is a permanent ban through and through. Im pretty sure it has always stated that in the motd and as soon as you click out of it when your first join you accept it. Advertise in a different way then going on other servers
  12. Damm bro I still have your number ill call your ass at 2am
  13. + Support Active A Great leader and person Would make a great Captain overall my time with Travis has been super helpful in trying to lead PD and has been super nice to work with
  14. i have to agree with Travis your active on the server but not exactly active on PD
  15. Vice

    Frog's Resignation

    thank you for your service in FBI Frog
  16. the thing was that is thats gonna take up SO much SMT time with having to add and remove steamID's even then i dont know if its possible. - Support for the reasons above and i dont think its gonna be possible
  17. i call bias then. there was way to little in the vid for a warning. its a 8 second side view clip that barely shows what's going on
  18. I'm more leaning towards a plus support for now. While it doesn't look great or professional their is no player diss in "shut the fuck up" it is rude but nothing that needs to be warned for. and if you think it is, Pimp was constantly talking over Melvin so he couldn't get his side out and that's just as disrespectful if he was trying to talk and Pimp kept talking over him. the staff member should have gagged pimp.( i have had a problem with pimp talking over people before) now on the subject of the FearRP. It is super hard to see in this clip when Pimp pulls his gun out. but lets assume that he did pull it out before. while this is more valid than the Player diss. SCO19 members are trained to react for for Melvin i believe his instinct just kicked in and he pulled out a weapon when pimp became aggressive but it was pimp had his gun out a second sooner. Even then Melvin admitted that he was gonna comply with pimp but then the bank employees pulled out weapons and pimp died by them. Melvin just misunderstood how FearRP worked their and it is a weird situation then
  19. You were one of the best. Thank you for saving so many lives
  20. - support An officer has a suspect under FearRP and right when the officer pulls out cuffs to arrest the suspect, the suspect cannot pull out a gun or run away. you should have know that as a Senior admin. thats just a clear rule violation. I'm chaining to as Frog a Senior admin and can be trusted to make a decision
  21. I gotta agree. If your gonna accuse frog of something you gotta have evidence of this. Also it seems that frog wasn't even raiding your base it was some other group You said he was covering his freinds back. Who was it then?
  22. -Support Decent App Inactive and what teddy said
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