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[AWOL] Jojo

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Everything posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. PUBG maker made the ARMA mod that led to H1Z1, he was the maker of H1Z1 king of the kill.
  2. +support make food heal? Cheaper healing maybe..
  3. “One of the few PoliceRP players who have no clue who I am” That’s me!
  4. I’m fairly certain his last message was him sayi that he dosen’t care if he gets unbanned.
  5. You can actually spawn 4 if you’re a custom.
  6. I'm whitelisted as EMS but everyone said I was blacklisted, I was never told by an actual EMS tho.
  7. Everyone says I'm banned from it but I was never told by an actual EMS, I ain't going on EMS again cuz of ppl saying I'm banned from it.
  8. Nah, got already. Would buy for 500k tho.
  9. Breach is worth like 500k, not worth 2 mill.
  10. Is identity even coming out?
  11. Do you have the items? I want to buy from u.
  12. I actually had an RPG, I buy for 62 mill!
  13. Zeeptin said that he doesn't care if you have the items, the items are too valuable to be used so dosen't really matter anyways.
  14. Hi, I’m running out of stuff to do and decided to collect rare/special items! If you had any, please message me and I will most likely buy!
  15. +support Annoying when mustard kills you and then you go to jail, no chance of escaping.
  16. [AWOL] Jojo


    +support I think there should be a GOOD car at like 50 million since that would add more of an endgame. These cars would be cool tho.
  17. +/- support U should record to show proof other than a witness, it appears as witnesses aren’t reliable witnesses.
  18. Honestly? It’s the only endgame for me. There aren’t that many that exist so.., Honestly? It’s the only endgame for me. There aren’t that many that exist so..,
  19. No clue who you are but hi!
  20. A while ago u dropped your gun when you died. Wish that was still in.
  21. Was this message incorrect? Snarlax said: My bid: You dropping it for me next time you are in game You obviously know selling this is wrong, as you have emphasized that it can only be spawned by super admins and above. You shouldnt even have it still. You should be informing a SMT member to remove it from your inventory Failure to contact me in game within the next 48 hours will result in your inventory being wiped Go to this post
  22. Nova isn’t rare AT ALL. I’ll just bid 2.600.001
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