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Everything posted by Milip

  1. +Support I see literally no reason why not its simply a name its not like it will be the same exact people besides I feel they should be given a chance to redeem themselves and if it goes the same way it will just be re blacklisted and knowing Hannah I know that won't be happening.
  2. +Support +Very Mature +Good leadership qualities +Helpful +Active +Nice Guy Good luck with your future endeavors. - Milip
  3. Milip

    tcoops birthday

    Ahhh the bra what good times; Hey Kitty what size was it? xD
  4. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Milip

    tcoops birthday

    Maybe adadada afasf afa I ddadadada did
  6. Milip

    tcoops birthday

    Maybe he just woke up xD.
  7. Milip

    tcoops birthday

    Coopsy have a wonderful day and have lots of fun, Happy birthday and best wishes! Plus all the other stuff we have talked about in Discord/messenger. and enjoy kitty's present ? ou-Yay and-way eave-nay ave-hay un-fay at-way e-thay eepover-slay @tcoops
  8. Look toaster As I said I don't want an argument but I Informed him what I was doing you right I could have switched off the job but at the time I was still there its not like I left for 30 mins without letting anybody know. This is super minor and nit picky.
  9. As I said I was looking at tab the guy logged off no point continuing it
  10. Ok as Voxis Said and Bryce I don't wish to argue Chad but look I asked you to do that due to the fact I was talking with someone about Irl stuff making me at the time unable to handle Staff sit efficiently and dedicate time to it if you had said no I would have had to however as you said It was slow so I felt like you could handle it as well as I had been almost the day prior to me asking I felt bad for having to ask you and didn't want to force it on you I was indeed flying around not going to lie around the industrial complex while I handled what I need to once I finished I returned to staffing. The situation you see here https://streamable.com/qb4wt the guy that had reported was prior breaking rules and then ran off I went to find someplace to bring them that was quieter the person who had called it at that time mrssoldiercat had logged off, So I saw little reason to continue it. When it comes to the quantity of the calls that was the first one after voxis had told me that or within two and I did more after the fact I admit I was worn out at that time it was 3 am and It is now 9 am as of writing this that is no excuse but I do believe I am entitled to some slack for having a 5 -8 min break for Irl stuff. Take this as you wish but im not looking for a argument but just to present my side
  11. As stated before Kiki there were a lot of situations on the server and there were calls you say there weren't I say there were and I had to deal with them. I'm not the type of person to leave you stuck there, however, I got the impression from Korean that I had completed his sit afterward I didn't see his ticket if I had I would have dealt with it if I was pm'ed I would have helped seriously I apologized already for my foresight but I can't take responsibility for myself dealing with tickets over Korean. Kiki imagine this for a second please imagine that maybe I took the tickets and maybe I didn't see the admin message then put your self where I am there is the possibility of this is there not.
  12. so look I see where you are coming from Bryce however when there are lots of tickets 3+ and you are the only staff on and the guy says thank you after you finish what he told you to do I assume the ticket is over you cannot see the full context on the video. @? BrycE ? Kiki look this is sperate I was just giving context we can talk about that situation after if you would like
  13. Kiki I spectated you cause I had a report from someone you were code 2/3 ing everywhere when I spectated you. There was no reason for you to have them on driving through the city crashing into people with lights on when not in pursuit it's obvious I wasn't born yesterday. However, if you claim that you had a reason I will believe you all I said was to stop if you were which it appears you were. On the subject of the calls you weren't paying attention to them as you were to busy code 2/3ing everywhere which must have reason so you were clearly busy meaning you can't paying time looking at the calls when driving that fast and the fact you claim that there were no calls other than Koreans you know I'm busy dealing with something else if I'm not taking why don't you go on duty and see where I am or if I'm afk or even go on and Administrate then record it and you have solid evidence cause to me it seems like you are just picking at little things that you could handle
  14. Ok so to add context I had many calls and Sits at that time I brought him back to his car which he asked me to then thanked me I said and I quote I have to go there are many Tickets and I was the only staff on duty Kiki was on at that time however he was constantly messing around and I had to warn him several times for driving around code 2 and 3 everywhere crashing into people on purpose when I first dropped of Korean,kiki was Afk in the ravine I believe that they were messing around and crashed one another into it. At that time I had 2 - 3 calls that were more important. He did not ask me to get his car out and if Kiki was there like he claims then surely Kiki could assist him or he could delete his car or he could sort it. I am certain I had more calls and the fact Kiki is claiming I didn't is a pure lye and as said I may have seen something as that was 50% of the sits I did as there were many minges stealing Gov vehicles that I constantly had to keep dealing with. In fact, this was at 4-6 am for me and I stayed on not cause I wanted to but the fact no other staff members would get on as Kiki was AFK and or busy. You fail to show the part where I drop you off and you say "Thank you" and I state that I have more calls. You may have called me back but I never saw it if I had i would have help you out I never purposefully left you down there If you had asked me to move your car and get you and kiki out I would have but that was not the case when i dropped you off I apologize for my foresight however you must understand when I was busy there were other Calls and a lot of people for one staff to deal with I did call for more staff to come on but as I recall you never asked me to get your car out you may have thought that was obvious however I was being called to other situations and I assumed that you were dealt with as I did bring you there and that was what you called me. (Im stuck In NSA Spawn).
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