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[GL] Elapin

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[GL] Elapin last won the day on April 3

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About [GL] Elapin

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  1. +Support As a really old player getting coming back to visit gmod, this guy hella chill and easy to get along with and could answer my questions -Active -Honest -Respectful -Chill guy -Knows the rules
  2. Your In-game:Elapin The admin's name in-game: Ion The admin's steam name (If you know it):N/A (Dont know) What warning did you receive: Fear RP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://prnt.sc/Xcp6vrZkZXKA Why do you think this warn was false: 1: The criminal initiated the situation by adverting mugdrop 30k or die, in this situation I was already in the car with another government official making it 2v1 player vs player fear rp. Even if the government official is afk, the ratio is still higher for government meaning I'm not under any fearrp. The player was clearly attempting to copbait me into getting mugged which is why I got in the car with another government official to get a higher ratio. If he tells me to get out the car, he isnt saying any specific name on who meaning I dont have to get out also cause its an armored government vehicle. After he killed the other officer, fear rp no longer applies and I have the right to shoot him since PVP Combat has been engaged. Any extra information: If anyone needs video evidence to look, i have a video but its too long to post im ps so just dm me or tell me and I can screen share the video to you guys no edits or anything. -SA BruceyBoyo said it wasn't fear rp -After consulting with the warning staff member and showing him my POV and clip, he also agreed the warn should be removed
  3. Id like to apply for LEVI MY MANS IS HOT A SHIIIIIIT
  4. !warn SWAT Prop Climb Yall better have gotten that Cadet A TRAINER!
  5. Welcome to the Resignation Family. WHERES MY @ -Ex. SWAT MSGT Elapin
  6. Soo uhh, I kinda totally Active right and I kinda bored. Me go play somewhere else. Bye Bye. I will visit thought @Ecott -Your Smelly Ronin -I boop your nose Zerg- DOG
  7. This shows, you are not a pro minge yet.
  8. nope, I was planning it a while ago, thats why I pinged Freeze last night but look what happened now lol
  9. Farewell SWAT As many of you guys know, I've been in SWAT for quite some time now, and in my time in SWAT, I've had so many fun adventures. When Myan and Josh were Commander, they welcomed me with both arms open about 2 year agos(maby less but close). And after they both left, I stayed and went under Freeze's hands, but as I play there server for so much, most of it was on SWAT. of 15+ weeks on gov, and that was a fun ride (Eman spawning in motorcycles) But, from all those fun times I had here at SWAT, I want to thank the following people for helping me in SWAT @[GL]MyanDaBeast-You are an OG bro, you helped me even where you weren't in SWAT anymore. (You still a minge) @Freeze-Thanks for always being here for me when I needed help with anything. Voxis-You are one heck of a guy, you always knew what was best for those and always got the job done. Congratz on Commander, I know you will be great. Ghosted-Anime Weeb Ender-Though your no longer in SWAT, STOP DOING EVERYTHING, GET SOME SLEEP. Id rather have you simp than that. Nao-Weeb 2.0 The rest of SWAT Command and Enlisted-You all have so much potential, work hard and you will get higher than me. SWAT MSGT Elapin 25-David going 10-7 48 Hour Notice: Yes P.S. Im Still in the community, I just won't be on PRP much now.
  10. I like the "Keys" and "Wrench"(Repair Tool) But mostly the tool gun.
  11. If that doesn't work, Shadow told me to open up your actual gmod addon files, find the map, delete it then redownload it. It usually works (1 exp it didnt which was IRP but i got that fixed)
  12. [GL] Elapin

    im bad

    !warn drippy Fail RP/Jumping off the Cliff
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