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Government Speed Reduction Suggestion - Denied


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What do you want to see? - I would like to see government run speed reduced.

Why should we add it? - It is overpowered.

What are the advantages of having this? - It is overpowered. It's pretty ridiculous how fast government players can strafe left to right, making it very hard to time shots on them.

I thought my default alt walk suggestion would be accepted and fix this, but it wasn’t.

Government players have more armor, better weapons, and better cars in terms of durability for free (not including Delta Force). Criminal players must pay real money ($100) to get the highest amount of armor possible and the best weapons ($120 for four guns). These are also just some fees; it gets more expensive when other things are considered. In contrast, departments pay nothing  (not including Delta Force) and earn significantly higher armor & run speed.

The government has many advantages over the average criminal player, making it complicated. Many families and players haven’t survived because they get destroyed by players who pay to have better stats and government who are given it for free.

I don’t think buffing criminal speed would improve this; the government should only have enough speed to catch a criminal on foot. 1.1x speed is enough.

Who is it mainly for? - Everybody

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Edit: Reducing the speed would encourage players to get on crim to start a family and grind the speed perks or join a family to get the bonuses.

Edited by David


Ex 2iC of Shadow Legacy

Ex S.W.A.T. Co-Commander

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If they did this, footchases would last forever. They're not looking to run over 10 minutes to catch one random criminal.

On the better side, they work for their stuff and maybe they should have the speed going from 1.1 (min rank) to the current speed at medium rank and beyond.

The Bad UPS Driver


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17 hours ago, Nyxus_PR2 said:


If they did this, footchases would last forever. They're not looking to run over 10 minutes to catch one random criminal.

On the better side, they work for their stuff and maybe they should have the speed going from 1.1 (min rank) to the current speed at medium rank and beyond.

also crims got a pretty good drop on them  crim armor use to be like 100 only now its like 150-160 also crims got a run boost also  in run speed in factions



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Ya but you guys forgetting that crim is outnumbered on daily basis if it not big family that gets 3 or 5 people daily and robbing places together its really 1 or 2 vs 10 police or more sometimes.

and the way recoil works in server it is really hard to get a shots when they moving like a flash +they have shields that basically making them unkilleble if you are not really good shot.

Edited by Antonio
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+/- Support


I do not support the idea of enlisted speed going down anymore then it already is. The main thing I see is high command speed where none of them use cars anymore cause they can run across the map faster. I stopped playing crim a lot because of the MP5SD rush where you could not see the man before you all were dead from 4 shots.


Former: Shadow Legacy Senior Command | S.W.A.T | PD Command | State Command | C.E.R.T Command | FBI | SRT | E.M.S Command

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This is just not needed at all. Honestly Gov Speed yes I understand you can run across the map but that's only for certain classes.

Also it makes sense for Gov to have better weapons since they are funded by the federal government. Also with that,  goes for cars and more. 


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On 2/12/2023 at 5:01 PM, Nyxus_PR2 said:


If they did this, footchases would last forever. They're not looking to run over 10 minutes to catch one random criminal.

On the better side, they work for their stuff and maybe they should have the speed going from 1.1 (min rank) to the current speed at medium rank and beyond.



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On 2/12/2023 at 4:01 PM, Nyxus_PR2 said:


If they did this, footchases would last forever. They're not looking to run over 10 minutes to catch one random criminal.

On the better side, they work for their stuff and maybe they should have the speed going from 1.1 (min rank) to the current speed at medium rank and beyond.


Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

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On 2/12/2023 at 5:01 PM, Nyxus_PR2 said:


If they did this, footchases would last forever. They're not looking to run over 10 minutes to catch one random criminal.

On the better side, they work for their stuff and maybe they should have the speed going from 1.1 (min rank) to the current speed at medium rank and beyond.



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On 2/12/2023 at 11:01 PM, Nyxus_PR2 said:


If they did this, footchases would last forever. They're not looking to run over 10 minutes to catch one random criminal.

On the better side, they work for their stuff and maybe they should have the speed going from 1.1 (min rank) to the current speed at medium rank and beyond.


- PoliceRP Lead Admin & Mayonnaise lover -

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On 2/14/2023 at 3:59 PM, Scor said:

same as any other gov job

Used to not be the case your telling me PD HC SRT commander are same run speed as police Sgt’s?

Delta Force~PPD
 Ex SS Deputy Assistant Director~Ex SRT SGT~Ex Swat MSGT

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10 minutes ago, Piemp said:

Used to not be the case your telling me PD HC SRT commander are same run speed as police Sgt’s?

I believe all command speed is the same. Why should it be changed if people worked for it?

Edited by Scor


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32 minutes ago, Scor said:

I believe all command speed is the same. Why should it be changed if people worked for it

It should be changed cause it’s so unrealistic and unfair for crims, I’m not against command jobs being faster then regular gov jobs but I feel gov needs foot speed to be lowered a tiny bit to a point where they are only a little faster then crim

Delta Force~PPD
 Ex SS Deputy Assistant Director~Ex SRT SGT~Ex Swat MSGT

Ex SNR Mod/Senior Event Team


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On 2/12/2023 at 5:01 PM, Nyxus_PR2 said:


If they did this, footchases would last forever. They're not looking to run over 10 minutes to catch one random criminal.

On the better side, they work for their stuff and maybe they should have the speed going from 1.1 (min rank) to the current speed at medium rank and beyond.


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On 2/12/2023 at 5:01 PM, Nyxus_PR2 said:


If they did this, footchases would last forever. They're not looking to run over 10 minutes to catch one random criminal.

On the better side, they work for their stuff and maybe they should have the speed going from 1.1 (min rank) to the current speed at medium rank and beyond.


On 2/13/2023 at 8:44 PM, MiniEpic said:


This is just not needed at all. Honestly Gov Speed yes I understand you can run across the map but that's only for certain classes.

Also it makes sense for Gov to have better weapons since they are funded by the federal government. Also with that,  goes for cars and more. 


On 2/14/2023 at 3:59 PM, Scor said:

the speed is the same as any other gov job


Former Lead Admin

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Reducing the speed would encourage players to get on crim to start a family and grind the speed perks or join a family to get the bonuses.

Edited by David


Ex 2iC of Shadow Legacy

Ex S.W.A.T. Co-Commander

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