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Drey's 2nd Guardian application


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In Game Name: drey

Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) STEAM_0:1:533626824

Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): drey#3709

Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

Current RP Ranks Held:

CI : 2LT and SVA

E11: PVT




Maint: MP

Medical: ExM

Research: ADVR

In the past i have been up to SFC in security, and LCPL in E11. My ranks have been lowered since then from resigning or requested demotions to follow the 2 life rule.

Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): No, excluding the people in meetings who say "Join RRH"

If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here:

How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 0 image.thumb.png.1e8f2c67f4626c29cb9a988a507a5d08.png

Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I am interested in a different type of combatant job, Especially one that holds more roleplay aspects then the others. For lack of  a better word, RRH is really damn cool and its something i'd love to be apart of. At times i find other combatant jobs to be rather boring due to them being just "shoot bad guy", But from what ive heard at least, RRH can be a lot more roleplay focused and that's exactly the kind of thing ive been looking for.

Why should we accept you:

Firstly: I have a lot of combat experience as most my time has been spent on combatant jobs. I'm very good at hearing when someone is coming, Which helps in being more prepared and also finding cloaker units very quickly. I have decent aim and I'm good with a sniper, And i'm pretty good at tracking down people that are on the run. I've played on cloaker units myself a lot which has helped me in being much more difficult for enemies to detect, And i'm great at drawing attacker's attention away.

Secondly: I'm devoted to branches that i enjoy and will try my heart out all night long in them to do the best job i can. There's been more then enough times where ive single-handedly kept the site together as the only MTF on, Or at least tried my very damn best to!

Thirdly: I'm very very active! I try to be on at least an hour every single day, And more often then not spend 4+ hours on if i can, So I'm almost always available for any task!

Fourthly: I'm dedicated to the roleplay, Unlike a lot of people who join combatant branches, I really am here for the roleplay, As rare as it is on something like a low ranking MTF job. I dedicate a lot of time trying to have something in-depth while on RND or research. I don't take this server super seriously by any means, But i take every opportunity to participate in the roleplay that i can.

Fifthly(?): I enjoy my time on this server, Most importantly the time spent getting to have fun with the community, And i feel that being in a higher position like RRH will allow me to get to know the other parts of the community even better. I'm here for a good time, And ive yet to find something more fun then playing with some of my favorite people in this server's community.

Those are my reasons as to why I would like to be, And think i should be accepted into RRH. I appreciate any and all feedback on this application, And will try to improve myself according to any negative feedback i receive.

Edited by Dutch-
Higher ranks now


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+Support just for the application on its own


Drey might have lower ranks than most people on Red Right Hand do but I have seen him in game and his whole personality screams dedication and the commitment to Roleplay. I have seen him on many different jobs on different days within the week and I can tell you that he commits to whatever task may come in front of him. He doesn't back down from a challenge or a fight and overcomes barriers that he himself might face. Overall I believe his dedication and his commitment to roleplay as a whole can make him benefical be apart of the Red Right Hand program

On 12/19/2022 at 2:38 PM, The Schoodster said:


Epic drey man

+Good app

+Very Active

+Cool guy

petr from famimly guy: this guy is so epic!


MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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Don't know you a whole lot but your fairly chill and I know have good experience 

                                                                                                                                      spacer.pngI keep a stiff upper lip and I shoot, shoot, shoot from the hip I got a stiff upper lip, come on baby.                                   

Retired Nu7 Captain/Maintenance OM

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On 12/21/2022 at 5:05 AM, ShadowRiders- said:

+Support just for the application on its own


Drey might have lower ranks than most people on Red Right Hand do but I have seen him in game and his whole personality screams dedication and the commitment to Roleplay. I have seen him on many different jobs on different days within the week and I can tell you that he commits to whatever task may come in front of him. He doesn't back down from a challenge or a fight and overcomes barriers that he himself might face. Overall I believe his dedication and his commitment to roleplay as a whole can make him benefical be apart of the Red Right Hand program


Real + Support

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On 12/21/2022 at 8:16 AM, Stryker_ said:

+ Support
+ Active
+ Good rp
+ Great to talk with

He may have low ranks but he doesn't act that way, acts respectfull and does his work good.





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Congratulations, this application into the Red Right Hand program has been accepted. 
Please speak to O5-3/O5-13 or any RRH Salvus Unit to receive initial training into the Red Right Hand program.




Former: DT CPT , CGO - Tenn Graneet 31st VCMDR -> Havoc CMDR

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