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IC SFC 6654 Alpha's Officer Application


IC SFC 6654 Alpha's Officer Application  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I ready to become an IC Officer?

    • Yes.
    • No. If so please explain why! I would love to know what I could fix!

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Your full in-game IC name and rank:


Have you ever been striked in IC? (How have you improved?):

I have never been striked in IC. None the less I hope I can improve either way


How many warnings do you have?:

I have none, I would hope to keep it that way as well.


How is your in-game activity? (Officer activity is tracked by IC and HC.):

IC is currently my only life. my in-game activity I would say is pretty active. I'm on whenever I can be on.


What is your current sub-specialty?: 

I am Currently a SSE, but I'm working to become a SSS. I am also a DME. I'm hoping I can join Crimson Squad soon as well!


Why do you want to become an IC Officer?:

I have multiple Reasons for wanting to become an Officer in IC. Some of these reason are.

1. Improving IC - I want to help improve IC as much as possible, recently. there has been many members of IC that have resigned. I have noticed this, and I have also taken this to heart as well. We have a shortage of Officers, and when there is a shortage of Officers, the battalion as a whole I believe can take a deep incline, I'm hoping by obtaining Officer in IC. I can change that for the better. In IC we currently have 3 Officers, whom I believe are decently active. They try there best to hold up IC, but I don't think we have enough officers to hold it up for the majority of the time.  In my opinion, 3 officers is not close enough to what a battalion needs. There should be quite a few of officers, I believe this because you can get the battalion more active, as well as have a good sign of leadership. Finally to go along with that, those officers can keep on eye on enlisted, and NCO's. By doing this they can suggest promotions to the high ranking officer's, this is if the NCO's and enlisted are deserving, and have also worked quite hard in the battalion. Promotions should not be just handed out, they need to be earned.

2. Leadership - I believe I would be a good fit for IC Officer, because of my leading skills, as well as my potential to expand those skills. I have been in a few leading positions before, from this I have learned many things. Such as moral boosters, activates, and guiding others. Now I know my skills are not perfect, and they will never be perfect, but the most I can do is strive towards that. I also believe that becoming a Officer allows you to demonstrate you're leadership potential even more than being at NCO. This is because you are given more responsibilities within IC. I'm hoping that by obtaining this rank, I can improve my leadership skills beyond what I can ever imagine being possible.

3. Discipline - I believe IC is decently Disciplined in all aspects, and I will say. I am still working on Disciplining some parts of myself, but I believe that Discipline is key to have a good working battalion, if everyone does what they are supposed too, and knows how to do it the right way. Along with being able to self regulated themselves in several different situations, they can improve themselves even more. Now this even goes for me, I can also improve, and so can others. No matter what rank you are, or who you may be, you can also improve yourself in such areas.

4. Professionalism - I have been on this server I believe sense late 2019, and I will say. I use to be quite a minge back then, but I believe that, that has changed for the better. I noticed this because of all off the skills I have picked up from others. I have changed so much from when I have started. I have obtained several High ranks across these years, from such I would like to believe that I have gotten more Professional along these years I have been here. I will say, that I can be more Professional at times as well.


Why should you be trusted to become an IC Officer?:

There is several reasons to why I can be trusted as an Officer in IC. Some of those reasons are.

1. Experience - I have quite a bit of experience in many battalions. I would say I have been in near to almost every battalion. I know the ropes around quite a few battalions, but most importantly I know the ropes around IC. my experience Ranges, from being in IF, too being in Purge and Havoc when Havoc was still a thing. I have gained much experience from these different battalions, all of this leading my to gain more and more.

2. Professionalism - I believe that I am Professional in server and out of the server. I know this from how I act in-game as well as out of game, from these such actions I do so believe I can be trusted with the Position of Officer in IC.

3. Trust Worthy - I believe I am very trust worthy, From what I do and have done. Many people on the server trust me, as well as I do so believe most of IC trusts me as well, and I think that they would trust me with this positions as well.

What advantage would you bring to IC by becoming an Officer?

1. Sims/Trainings - I strive to do as many Trainings and Sims as I can. I do public sims and I try to do IC sims when we have enough IC on. I have done a few trainings in IC, weather this be a breaching training, formation or Target practice training. All of these trainings I did to the best of my ability. The Sims I do I try to include every Specialty in IC and try to lead them to different positions, as well as teach them new positions. During my first week of IC, I was taught a few positions for Breaching and Defending rooms and door ways by Wes, who is now the current Sev. I have taken the trainings he has given me to heart, I also plan to try to give trainings similar to these to others. This is to help them improve. Even to today, I still run trainings with Wes/Sev, this is to push my self as much as possible. even though most times I get destroyed by him, he is always giving my new hints and tricks to become better. I hope I can give these to other members within IC as well.

2. Sympathy/Compassion - I have been in some rough patches on the server, and I know and understand how others feel when they are in those types of situations. I also show Sympathy to those there, but some times Sympathy is not what is needed to keep them going. You need to help them with what ever they need. As well as train them on what they could improve, for example if someone got in trouble in IC, I would try to tell them what they did and how they could fix it. unlike some battalions and People, they would just instantly remove them and not explain nor help them get past it. I'm I can change that for the better.

Thankyou for reading my Officer Application. Any feed back and or constructive criticism would be much appreciated. Please be respectful about it!

Retired - IC Vice Commander 1207 Sev 

Retired - ImperialRP Staff Member | Senior Moderator/Admin | Gamemaster V

 Pyke Enforcer ESR Alpha ISB:IA Senior Operative Alpha SF OVL Senior Aviation Officer Rexler Brath | Death Trooper SGT AA0 | IC SSL DMS LTCOL 6654 Alpha | IC CSVL 4060 Gren | Purge LTCOL | Inferno Squad Head Agent | IC OSVL 8015 Fi | 501st ARCLT 2LT ST SCTS 2LT | Medical Research Supervisor 2LT Havoc MSGT | Shock HVYO 1LT | 31st SFC | Nova CSM 

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+ Support
Really Active
Great application 
 Great person to talk to
 IC is in need of more active officers and I think Alpha is a perfect fit

  • Thanks 1

Current: Imperial Commando's Vice Commander Fixer

Retired: Ω OSLD HS COL 1309 Niner Skirata Ω 1136 Darman SkirataΩ 3222 Atin Skirata First ever Deputy Hazard SupervisorLast Ever Demo Vice Lead - 501st ARCTRN 1SG Rusty 8509 - SF OFS Warrant Officer Rusty - IC Vice Commander 1140 Fixer Admin Rusty - IC OSLD MAJ 1309 Niner First Ever ISB:IA Junior Operative - Last Naval Agent Gideon Hask IF2 DT V07- DT CPT EL9 - DT SN04 - Shadow Guard VI Scythe -  Shock CPT Rusty                                                             



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18 minutes ago, YaBoyScyther said:

+ Support
Really Active
Great application 
 Great person to talk to
 IC is in need of more active officers and I think Alpha is a perfect fit


  • Thanks 1

Currently: PoliceRP Super Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT 1LT 1CR01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF PVT 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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8 hours ago, YaBoyScyther said:

+ Support
Really Active
Great application 
 Great person to talk to
 IC is in need of more active officers and I think Alpha is a perfect fit

Extremely Good app, And has great objectives to help IC out

  • Thanks 1

Dragon - Former Fennec
Current: The Eighth Brother | Dragon

Insidious Clan Owner/Leader
Former: The High Inquisitor, Senior Admin X 2 , Second Sister, Sovereign Protector Ved Kennede, Ninth Sister, First Vice Sovereign Sun Tzu, GM V

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On 12/14/2022 at 8:06 PM, YaBoyScyther said:

+ Support
Really Active
Great application 
 Great person to talk to
 IC is in need of more active officers and I think Alpha is a perfect fit


| Imperial Governor of Lothal and Tatooine |

"If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future." - Monkey D. Luffy

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After your Time in 501st i cannot with a good heart +support this 

-Lied constantly 

-Actively were toxic to other NCO/Officers

-Argued with Higher Ranks

-Argued with High Command 

-Actively Bad Mouthed other Sub branches of 501st after failing there tryouts

To add on i wish you the best and hope u do prove me wrong this time but its seems you havent changed much as i have overheard conversations that should not be had on server and if someone clipped could get you in trouble. I get you want to put your opinion out there but sometimes if it isnt good you should keep it to yourself or bring it some where more private like Discord as it reflects poorly on you. My biggest worry is IC is in a rough spot and the last thing it needs is someone who pushes people away due to their own demeaner. As i stated previously i hope you do change but until i see it i will leave this as a -support  

Edited by Harold Jaquivus
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On 12/21/2022 at 12:39 AM, Harold Jaquivus said:


After your Time in 501st i cannot with a good heart +support this 

-Lied constantly 

-Actively were toxic to other NCO/Officers

-Argued with Higher Ranks

-Argued with High Command 

-Actively Bad Mouthed other Sub branches of 501st after failing there tryouts

- Major Support

-  Going have agreed with this. The first time I Joined 501st you lied to me for no reason trying to gain my good side and then lied about being past Purge command? You were never Purge Vice commander as you were denied the position!?! After an Awhile I Remember who you were and you haven't changed a bit we had this problem with you when you were an Major in Purge and everything that Rico has listed you did and still do. I'm Very disappointed that you haven't changed a a bit. 

+ Although I Do have some Pro's

+ Active 
+ Has a chance to redeem himself by being in a new regiment 

I personally think you should rank up within IC without applying for Officer and Going through the rest of the NCO's ranks.

Edited by Jaeger.

Former: Grand Inquisitor   Lead Admin
sasuke GIF

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