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Improved Enemy AI [Denied]


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What do you want to see?: Improved AI for the NPC's until we get the Rebel Commando, or just for the future.

Why should we add it?: I feel like this will add more of a challenge when fighting Enemy AI. This addon adds them to have more abilities and more ways to operate. One way I like is if you hide, they will attempt to flank you, and sometimes will walk up to you silently if you are hiding. They will try and use cover. I believe this is mainly dependent if the server has an active node that will allow them to operate smoothly. I feel like it would be fun and add a lot more experiences with this AI improvement.

What are the advantages of having this?: The Combine AI is better and makes them more challenging.

Who is it mainly for?: Gamemaster's use, the entire server feels the wrath of the NPC's

Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2807525115

ISB:IA- Agent Greg

Death Trooper - SN03

Senior Gamemaster

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+ Massive Support
There are times when there are little to no event actors that volunteer and how easy it is to kill ai's it makes the events seem lackluster at times and pulls away retention of new members on the server as they find it lackluster with little to no challenge. 

Dragon - Former Fennec
Current: The Eighth Brother | Dragon

Insidious Clan Owner/Leader
Former: The High Inquisitor, Senior Admin X 2 , Second Sister, Sovereign Protector Ved Kennede, Ninth Sister, First Vice Sovereign Sun Tzu, GM V

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4 minutes ago, Imagine Dragon These said:

+ Massive Support
There are times when there are little to no event actors that volunteer and how easy it is to kill ai's it makes the events seem lackluster at times and pulls away retention of new members on the server as they find it lackluster with little to no challenge. 


Former: Grand Inquisitor   Lead Admin
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3 hours ago, Imagine Dragon These said:

+ Massive Support
There are times when there are little to no event actors that volunteer and how easy it is to kill ai's it makes the events seem lackluster at times and pulls away retention of new members on the server as they find it lackluster with little to no challenge. 


Current: Imperial Commando's Vice Commander Fixer

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5 hours ago, Imagine Dragon These said:

+ Massive Support
There are times when there are little to no event actors that volunteer and how easy it is to kill ai's it makes the events seem lackluster at times and pulls away retention of new members on the server as they find it lackluster with little to no challenge. 

This could also definitely help out players with fps drops from drop pods meaning we can have less npcs spawn in one space and instead have them move around rather than continuously topple on top of eachother 



Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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I am +supporting this, seems like a good idea

Have you confirmed this mod works though?

Retired GL Member (R DT CPT DM8)

7 Year Forum Account + Long-Standing GL Supporter

Former: Death Trooper Vice Commander (Unit TI-23 Overseer), 501st ARC Chip, Unit TI-23 Medic M36, Seeker Company SGT SN04, 69th SSGT Chip, Admin/GMVII

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