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Benjamin's Event job suggestion! - Denied


Event Job?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should their be an event job ?

    • Yes
    • No

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What you want to see? -  An event job.

Why should we add it? -  I think events on the server are good, however they sometimes look a bit difficult to organise. I believe the addition of an event job, which players are given the option to join when an event is starting would A - increase participation in events and B - make event organisation a lot simpler, as the event team can easily see everyone who is participating in the event. The event job could also have a different spawn, perhaps in a building that isn't frequently used, which would allow the event team to have an area to explain what the event is and how it will work before starting it. In addition to this, similarly to the screen that appears when elections are being held, i believe a banner should also be implemented at the top of the screen advertising the event for maybe 60 seconds giving people the opportunity to opt themselves into the event. After the timer, those who have opted in would all be switched to event job at which point they will all have the exact same loadouts as each other and be in one location, ready for the event to take place.  I believe the banner part is important, as I quite often only realise events are happening due to other people changing their name to event, because adverts are easy to miss among the sea of roleplay adverts.

What are the advantages of having this? - Organisation of events, Popularity of events, participation in events, not to difficult to add, i wouldn't imagine, no more need to constantly strip and bring people which makes the event much more clean in my opinion.

Who is it mainly for? - Event staff and players participation in events.

Links to any content - N/A - just adding a new job named event job, and making it so it can only be joined during the announcement of it.

Edited by willster
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while the current system is functional, im suggesting a way in which events can be more effective seeing as they are bound to become more common in the near future. It would provide the players a far better experience, after dying in an event you are left in spawn without a clue of whats happening next, whereas, with an event job, players can talk to each other about the event and event staff can leave text screens while the event is ongoing to players that have died (if its an event that involves dying) to inform players of whats happening next, as they will have a different spawn point. In addition, i was just in a hide and seek event (which was fun) however it was difficult for event staff to figure out how many are actually alive. With an event job, it would be as simple as checking the event job spawn to see how many players are there, and then you can conclude how many players are left. This is just one use of course, based on recent experience.

Edited by Benjamin
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4 minutes ago, Slasher said:


-This would be nice so it does not take up all of chat

 -you would have to do less commands

but how would like this work? !bring job!?!?

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Regarding your question Soup - With the event players all spawning in one location, you can easily tell them to put event in their name once they have spawned in, my thoughts here where that, in quite a few events, it seems players misunderstand how to join (by putting event in name). By them all being made into the event job, they are not left out, and there you can inform them to put event in their name. It's nothing amazing, but its a small quality of life improvement for preventing people getting left out of events and providing a way to easily see how many people are in your event. In addition to the no one being left out part, with the president election type advertisement that there is an event happening, 'Press yes to join' maybe' , there is a slim chance of anyone who is not afk missing the event, which could hopefully improve player counts in events making them more exciting. 

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as the event team co-leader this is completely un-needed, just put event in your name. you cant bring an entire job, would be the same amount of commands !bring event.

Edited by Bartholomew

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1 minute ago, Bartholomew said:


as the event team co-leader this is completely un-needed, just put event in your name. you cant bring an entire job, would be the same amount of commands !bring event.



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As explained in previous replies, this isn't particularly about putting event in your name. It's more to do with making events more organised and professional. As said prior, events currently are fine, but for such a small change as adding an extra job, that would have more pros than cons, including more event participation, it seems like a missed opportunity. Having seen other servers that have some form of a 'click to join the event', their events some times pull up to a third of the server, whereas currently on GL its more like 5-6 players or even 3-4. This is of course just one idea, however, it would be great to find some ways to stimulate activity in events as more participants would make them more exciting and would expand the type of events that can be hosted.  I think it would be worth a shot implementing this and seeing if it has an affect, which I believe it would.

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