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SRT Accepted Applications 8/07/2022


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S.R.T. Accepted / Denied Applications

If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command!

Dry: Good Application, looking forward to working with you!

Clover: Good Application, looking forward to seeing what you can do!

If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (08/21/22) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. 

If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people!

Please wait until 08/14/2022 to apply for S.R.T again! 

If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to the Commander's regarding the issue.


- SRT Commander Kitty 1K66
-SRT Co-Commander Masterson 1K73

-SRT Major Seb 1X48


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What is the difference between supper and dinner?

Current: Police Department Captain, Federal Bureau Of Investigation Senior Special Agent Hostage responder Rescue Team Operator First Class , 

Special Response Team Private First Class, Secret Service Protection Officer

Past: A lot/PoliceRP SNR Mod,PoliceRP Event Team, PPD/SS Deputy Director , FBI Deputy Assistant Director , USMS CMA, STREET CRIMES UNIT!! (Chief Soup95 1K-8 😢)

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