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EX5's TI-23 Application (L21)

Hi Joel

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[In-Game Name] DT 1SG EX5
[Call-sign] EX5
[Rank] 1SG
[Which lore squad member are you applying for] L21

[Why do you believe you deserve this position] I believe I deserve this position because in all truthfulness, when I first joined DT I knew I wanted to be a trooper who specialized in some sort of task when I learned about TI-23. Unfortunately, most of the positions were filled. As time went on i finally was able to tryout recently, and I learned that I must check my surroundings, make sure to give cover for my team and give consecutive pushes when needed to do so, in order to finish the task efficiently as well making sure of the lives of my VIPS are well secured before moving out a hot designated rebel area. L21 is meant to be a quick thinker when it comes to populated enemy zones, calculated with every move made, meaning life or death. I sometimes work well under pressure or not, i try to give an accurate way to finish a task just by analyzing the area very swiftly but need to be more careful at times. TI-23 must be equipped to handle every scenario through trial and error. This position deserves to go to someone who can put time and more than willing to put all effort into not only DT, but also the unit. With the assets provided to me with this job I believe I would be able to show this more than I ever could as a DT. While improving myself and learning along the way.

[Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23]

TI-23 has called to me since I first got in DeathTroopers.  They set the example of elite Death Troopers to how deadly they are, and to how rapidly they can take out enemies with different weaponry. With their differing specialties they're able to support each other in one way or another allowing either the VIP to come to no harm or to execute whatever order is given to them. This is also a chance for me to learn, for improving my relationships with those in it, and work as team member proficiently. Lastly, I want to have the chance to really understand and appreciate each member for who they are. This five man team is appealing to me in every aspect, from the people who currently hold the positions being some of my new friends, I love every bit of TI-23. I want to be the demolitionist of the Deathtrooper battalion and to work upon my skills inside as well, such as leadership, when it comes to working with not just TI-23 but also the battalion as well.

[What does Unit TI-23 do] 

Unit TI-23 is a group of five Deathtrooper lore characters each specializing in their own unique set of skills and loadout, and to serve as protective detail for significant priorities. The Five Lore Characters within TI-23 are F16, L21, C37, V07 and M36. F16 is the leader of the squad, on which focuses on commanding the unit in battle and is equipped with something from all members. L21 is the demolitions specialist, which is basically the regiments engineer/slicer, protector and heavy weapons of the unit in the sub battalion using the weapons/tech and cover that are at his disposable. C37 is the Close Quarter Combat Specialist, who thrives in close range combat by dominating foes who come too close to them. Next, V07 is the marksman of the group. V07's role is reconnaissance as well as marksmanship in order to eliminate any threat with any related events before it ever becomes a problem. Which gives the group to prepare a plan of attack before the enemies ever have a chance to reach. Finally, M36 is the medic, responsible for the health a VIP under the protection of DT TI-23.


[How active can you be] Around 5 hours weekdays and 7 hours on the weekends.

[Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] I understand and will take full responsibility.

Edited by Hi Joel

Former DT EX5
Former L21 of DT TI-23
Retired DT VCMDR EX5

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EX5, I just want to say you have crafted a great application. The honesty in weaknesses, and lasting strive to join the unit sets you apart from many people. I feel like you have a lot to offer to TI-23 and a lot to learn from it as well. 

Good luck,

OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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On 8/4/2022 at 11:32 AM, Jok3R said:

Great guy
The application looks well done but could have a bit more 
but Overall good



                   Shock ERUO Major Banana Jr| DT 2LT SN03/DT 2LT CO2/DT NCO CO2x3|Shadow Guard/Saber Guard/ Senior Honor Guard Cold| IC DME SSGT Cold|Pyke Enforcer SR Cold

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On 8/5/2022 at 9:08 AM, SilonMist said:

EX5, I just want to say you have crafted a great application. The honesty in weaknesses, and lasting strive to join the unit sets you apart from many people. I feel like you have a lot to offer to TI-23 and a lot to learn from it as well. 

Good luck,


                                                                                  Current:  DT SC01

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