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Report against SL Foo- Denied

Ashley Snow

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Your in game name: OFC Ashley Snow 1A25

The player's in game name: SL Foo

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:642170066

What did the player do: Pretty much, I was running to PD because someone inside /G chat asked me to come get a ride along, and upon arriving he made some completely unnecessary and concerning remarks towards me in front of many other police officers who seemed to not care either, before driving away.... I showed this clip to a few staff members and they all suggested I make a forum post with it posted here. As you can see inside the clip, I was minding my own business, doing something a higher up told me to do. Not even 5 seconds I was there and they felt like this was something that needed to be said.

Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/utbANwzyWBxJD/yulzWbxrlIL1?invite=cr-MSxoRW8sODYzMDgyMTIs

What do you believe should happen to the player: Punished both inside their respected department, and as well as have there account banned for some time.

Any extra information: I spoke with a few staff members, and they have all said this definitely should not be something that is necessary or something that should be said. Idk why people continue to say inappropriate things to me inside this community it is very sad. I'm just trying to be a police officer and role play and have fun like everyone else, not be told I should "Suck" things... Really breaks my heart to hear other females talk about issues about this saying things like "I wish things would happen when people say stuff like that to me". I'm sure it's their fault for not reporting it, but still. I'm sure other ppl heard what happened to them, and I know for a fact there were many other police officers who heard him say this... Please everyone stop this nonsense, treat ppl with respect.

Edited by Ashley Snow
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In the video the sound cuts out so you can't hear what he said to "suck" but I'm sure we can all figure it out. (Also could just be my Connection at work)

Regardless it was unnecessary, unprofessional and rude. We need to do better and appreciate our female players in the community. I apologize for your negative experience. We aren't all this way. 

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EMS Deputy/Assistant Head FTO | Trooper Lieutenant| 


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Hello, I am SL Foo. I understand the fact that this was wrong and not very kind of me to say so I will apologize and take the blame for what I said. I need to get this straight for the record and to clarify my standpoint on this situation. This is not something about sexism I know people, might think it is that way and I promise you, I couldn't care less about someone's gender. When I said this I had learned that 2 of SL's members had been banned due to this individual and I had already not liked this player due to the fact of them coming off as snobby and always having to be in the rightdue to prior interactions, at least to mwas just venting to some other people on pd/ppd. I promise you I talk to people like this irl and constantly by ending off things that I find annoying as using phrases such as "suck my dick"  "they can shut the hell up" etc. Don't try to take me out of context and make it seem like I'm being sexist though.

Edit: I did not realize that Snow had walked up when I said that

thanks for reading, sorry again

Edited by drpeppersodaz


USMS BH |SRT CPL| PD CPL | FBI SSA | UMC | Event Team | State Trooper | DOC | PRP Mod

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36 minutes ago, drpeppersodaz said:

Hello, I am SL Foo. I understand the fact that this was wrong and not very kind of me to say so I will apologize and take the blame for what I said. I need to get this straight for the record and to clarify my standpoint on this situation. This is not something about sexism I know people, might think it is that way and I promise you, I couldn't care less about someone's gender. When I said this I had learned that 2 of SL's members had been banned due to this individual and I had already not liked this player due to the fact of them coming off as snobby and always having to be in the rightdue to prior interactions, at least to mwas just venting to some other people on pd/ppd. I promise you I talk to people like this irl and constantly by ending off things that I find annoying as using phrases such as "suck my dick"  "they can shut the hell up" etc. Don't try to take me out of context and make it seem like I'm being sexist though.

Edit: I did not realize that Snow had walked up when I said that

thanks for reading, sorry again

Sorry you use that language irl, doesn't give the right to say things related to erp inside of the server. Treat others with respect while your inside the server and follow the rules.
You shouldn't be using language like that to anyone inside the server, let alone a female.

Additionally, this isn't really a place to vent your emotions about other members of the community such as "Suck my dick", your on a police job, this speaks volumes for your character not only in real life but also as a member of PD, do that outside of the server. When on PD your job is to do what PD is suppose to do, not vent and speak terribly about other members of the community. Members of your family being rightfully banned does not give you the right to speak in such a manner, and being upset about people being rightfully banned for being sexist shows your character even more. It's not my fault they made comments towards me, nor is it my fault you choose to make those comments towards me.

And to be totally honest, inside the video you weren't venting to anyone, you were just yelling it out loud infront of a bunch of cops, this was malicious and just uncalled for. You weren't speaking to anyone after you responded on the radio "10-4 responding", you jumped into your car and blurted it out, it was simply unneeded, and uncalled for. Completely unprofessional and in all honestly distasteful. To say you did not know I walked up upon saying the comment despite you verbally addressing me directly after it clearly evident inside the video.

I have no prior interactions with you up until this point that I can remember and if so "coming off as snobby" is not a valid reason to say such a thing or act in the matter you did.


On top of that, you continue to try to contact me in game, please just leave me alone. I don't want to speak with you, stop PM'ing me.

Edited by Ashley Snow
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-Not ERP
-Player dis maybe
-Wasn't said directly to you people are allowed to voice their opinions on other people (Doesn't mean he should do it on gov or in a public setting)

Edited by Lime King
Changing support

Retired FBI Director|$2,000Donator gang|UMC LVL 4

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 As much as I did it to myself I was indeed venting I had an interaction with you a few times the day before and was annnoyed at that as well as the fact of two SL members being banned due to you. I'm not mad at it anymore and I'm just going to try and not be as toxic. Sure I was on PD job but I was never told that venting wasn't allowed. Again I apologise for my actions and I understand if I get warned.


USMS BH |SRT CPL| PD CPL | FBI SSA | UMC | Event Team | State Trooper | DOC | PRP Mod

SWAT SGT  | SL High Command | 

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+/- Support

- A warnable offense but not ban worty

- This is so unnecessary to add in the report:

4 hours ago, Ashley Snow said:

Really breaks my heart to hear other females talk about issues about this saying things like "I wish things would happen when people say stuff like that to me". I'm sure it's their fault for not reporting it, but still.


- PoliceRP Lead Admin & Mayonnaise lover -

FBI  Director 1K-21 | HRT Overseer  | UMC LVL 5 

Reserves: Trooper MAJ  | CERT 2LT  | State Head FTO  | EMS LT

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- support In the clip we can see Foo standing on top of a police car with another officer most likely talking about the banned people and we then see a panic go off so they hop in their cars and start responding while they were pulling away Foo started a remark to say "snow can suck my fucking aeugh" where he cut it off realizing that you were there. I don't believe this has anything to do with gender and that it was an ending remark to the conversation they were having. Should Foo have been talking behind your back no but Foo was being told some stuff by the other PD members who know what they said to him that would cause a reaction like that. Nothing in this clip leads me to believe that  Foo wanted you to do what he said and instead, he said it as an insult so I think a ban, in this case, would be too much.

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1 hour ago, マティルダ said:

+/- Support

- A warnable offense but not ban worty

- This is so unnecessary to add in the report:



PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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+/- support

This feels like it's essentially boiled down to player diss, warning of some type should be enough. Anything else seems excessive if what was shown in the clip was all that happened.



Aviation fanatic and all things loud

Also some random discord mod  in a far away world

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+/- Support

Under Gaminglight forums rule number 14 I feel like this report is a valid however I think the intentions and the reason why you wanted him punished is wrong. Everything I will say here will be constructive criticism, nothing I will say here will be personal and be based solely on this report sadly because I do not know the two of you. This is my reasoning for my +/- support and feel why my support is appropriate.


13 hours ago, Ashley Snow said:

I spoke with a few staff members

Before getting started, I wondered why was this not handled in game if staff were around? From what I have seen in past reports, if you are in contact with staff members, then I am going to assume there was staff actively in game. However I could be totally wrong on that, but this seems like something that could have been handled in game.


13 hours ago, Ashley Snow said:

Not even 5 seconds I was there and they felt like this was something that needed to be said.

Agreed, should not have been said!


10 hours ago, Ashley Snow said:

doesn't give the right to say things related to erp inside of the server

This is where I raise eyebrows, that really was not what I deem "ERP". ERP stands for Erotic roleplay. What he said was not erotic at all, the erotic stands for "arouse sexual desire or excitement.", what was coming out of his mouth was not excitement or desire. What came out of his mouth was nothing but hate and player diss, I am going to assume he paused because he was talking rudely behind your back and well you walked in on him. Which is very common of someone to talk crap behind someones back. From this player diss is a very valid of a warn, and this report is valid.


10 hours ago, Ashley Snow said:

And to be totally honest, inside the video you weren't venting to anyone, you were just yelling it out loud infront of a bunch of cops, this was malicious and just uncalled for. You weren't speaking to anyone after you responded on the radio "10-4 responding"

I do not even know this SL dude, however he seemed to be ranting to another officer. I deemed this watching the video before even reading these post. So what he said was bad and disrespectful as you said, but I feel like you are trying to reach out there making this more than what it really was. On a side note, he was not yelling in my personal opinion, he was talking to his passenger in his car. There was two other officers around but that's not really screaming "to a bunch of cops".


13 hours ago, Ashley Snow said:

Really breaks my heart to hear other females talk about issues about this saying things like "I wish things would happen when people say stuff like that to me". I'm sure it's their fault for not reporting it

I can assure you the women here are upset at your post because sexual harassment is a real issue, and well you are really giving it bad light. All of the females here report a lot of sexual harassment, I would say around 2-3 people get banned a day for sexual harassment/player diss. If I would want to stretch this, I would consider that staff disrespect for you thinking that nothing is being done to stop this. Especially SMT who dedicate so much of their lives to make sure that everyone feels comfortable here. I understand your intentions are good but that just came out really wrong and offensive, just felt like this comment was really unnecessary and felt targeted towards staff and the other women who already commented on this post.


10 hours ago, Ashley Snow said:

I have no prior interactions with you up until this point that I can remember and if so "coming off as snobby" is not a valid reason to say such a thing or act in the matter you did.

You are very much correct : )! However if someone would talk behind your back, being "deemed" a snobby person would be a huge reason for someone to steep low and diss you like that. So hopefully you understand and see the other side of this. I feel like just because someone said naughty words, it does not always directly mean what they are trying to express.


Hopefully nothing said here seems personal to you, thanks for reporting this!

Edited by Calamity

Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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- support 

I never thought I would see the day were I defended Foo but here we are. he said dumb shit. Now to be fair he cut out from finishing the comment. Now we all know what he was about to say but to be fair he technically didn’t break a rule as far as I’m aware. Proper punishment would probably be with its rp department but if need be verbal. Idk if I missed what was said but as far as I know I didn’t really see anything to cause staff intervention.

Edited by Dry
Fixed spelling

Current Positions:

Trooper Colonel of Illinois State Police / Sergeant Major of Rockford Police

Emergency Medical Technician of Rockford EMS / Recruit in Delta Force

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context is key, by his tone and the context you can tell that’s a not a sexual remark. Honestly if every time someone said suck my dick there was a ban there probably wouldn’t be many player left. 

I don’t think any sexism or discrimination should be allowed but I don’t believe this was foo intent at all. 

Edited by ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~

 PD SM | SWAT LT | SL Consigliere 

MLG Pro Negev player 



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14 hours ago, Calamity said:

+/- Support

Under Gaminglight forums rule number 14 I feel like this report is a valid however I think the intentions and the reason why you wanted him punished is wrong. Everything I will say here will be constructive criticism, nothing I will say here will be personal and be based solely on this report sadly because I do not know the two of you. This is my reasoning for my +/- support and feel why my support is appropriate.


Before getting started, I wondered why was this not handled in game if staff were around? From what I have seen in past reports, if you are in contact with staff members, then I am going to assume there was staff actively in game. However I could be totally wrong on that, but this seems like something that could have been handled in game.


Agreed, should not have been said!


This is where I raise eyebrows, that really was not what I deem "ERP". ERP stands for Erotic roleplay. What he said was not erotic at all, the erotic stands for "arouse sexual desire or excitement.", what was coming out of his mouth was not excitement or desire. What came out of his mouth was nothing but hate and player diss, I am going to assume he paused because he was talking rudely behind your back and well you walked in on him. Which is very common of someone to talk crap behind someones back. From this player diss is a very valid of a warn, and this report is valid.


I do not even know this SL dude, however he seemed to be ranting to another officer. I deemed this watching the video before even reading these post. So what he said was bad and disrespectful as you said, but I feel like you are trying to reach out there making this more than what it really was. On a side note, he was not yelling in my personal opinion, he was talking to his passenger in his car. There was two other officers around but that's not really screaming "to a bunch of cops".


I can assure you the women here are upset at your post because sexual harassment is a real issue, and well you are really giving it bad light. All of the females here report a lot of sexual harassment, I would say around 2-3 people get banned a day for sexual harassment/player diss. If I would want to stretch this, I would consider that staff disrespect for you thinking that nothing is being done to stop this. Especially SMT who dedicate so much of their lives to make sure that everyone feels comfortable here. I understand your intentions are good but that just came out really wrong and offensive, just felt like this comment was really unnecessary and felt targeted towards staff and the other women who already commented on this post.


You are very much correct : )! However if someone would talk behind your back, being "deemed" a snobby person would be a huge reason for someone to steep low and diss you like that. So hopefully you understand and see the other side of this. I feel like just because someone said naughty words, it does not always directly mean what they are trying to express.


Hopefully nothing said here seems personal to you, thanks for reporting this!


22 hours ago, Lime King said:


-Not ERP
-Player dis maybe
-Wasn't said directly to you people are allowed to voice their opinions on other people (Doesn't mean he should do it on gov or in a public setting)


3 hours ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:


context is key, by his tone and the context you can tell that’s a not a sexual remark. Honestly if every time someone said suck my dick there was a ban there probably wouldn’t be many player left. 

I don’t think any sexism or discrimination should be allowed but I don’t believe this was foo intent at all. 


Former Lead Admin

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